Newbies let get together and get results.. All r welcome






I am on my Journey to Brastrap Length. I do not know how to grade my hair. I am shoulder length now.
I post little sayings underneath my photos but they didn't show. I want to explain the photos.
Photo #1- looking good sides good everythink ok Touch-up every5 weeks trim every 8 (may 2006)
photo#2- Breaking in progress becoming more evident underneath and sides. ( May 2007)
Photo#3- my sides finally growing back. this is 9days after 1 inch trim and 6 week touch-up Febuary 20, 2008
Photo #4- This is my present length( Febuary 29,2008)
Photo#5- The underneath finally growing back!
And this is my second time going through this grow break cut cycle. This happened in 2006.:wallbash:
ITA, after on use I saw a difference, I will be keeping this in my reggie, especially when stretching, as I am now. It helps with the breakage.

OMG!! That stuff is the bomb! :grin: Whenever my hair feels a little too mushy or has too much moisture, I spray that in before rollersetting/braiding/whatever and it balances it right on out. It's pretty much the only thing in the Apoghee line that's a DEFINITE keeper for me. Otherwise, I am searching for some good protein products for my regi once I use up this Aphogee.
Hello all,
I am very new here. Today I posted an intro of myself then I joined this group. Today I start my journey to healthy growing hair.

I use motions relaxer, I am pretty satisfied right now, the more i learn about hair and my hair this might change..... since Motions is my relaxer I want to try to use other products in this line, which I have been using but I am sure I was using improperly.

So my first question.... the Motions CPR is this a DC (I saw somewhere someone mentioned while talking about protein treatments now I am confused)

Also, the Motions silk protein con is this on the same level (as far as light protein treatment) as aphogee 2min reconstructor?

Please help a newbie find her way :perplexed

PS I also incorporated nexxus Aloe rid for my clarifying poo, and nexxus humectess which i will use as a leave in.
OK ladies, so I am having a real problem. My hair is driving me nuts:wallbash:, I am trying to stretcht til May b/c I think it will be great for my hair but I dont know what to do with it. I have been roller setting but it takes so much time and Im not too sure how I like it know that i have short hair. I guess i am just losing hope right now. What should I do? Should I just relax my hair and try stretching again when it gets longer? Please take a look at the pics in my fotki (would post them here but not sure how) and let me know what you think. TIA, Jassy
OK ladies, so I am having a real problem. My hair is driving me nuts:wallbash:, I am trying to stretcht til May b/c I think it will be great for my hair but I dont know what to do with it. I have been roller setting but it takes so much time and Im not too sure how I like it know that i have short hair. I guess i am just losing hope right now. What should I do? Should I just relax my hair and try stretching again when it gets longer? Please take a look at the pics in my fotki (would post them here but not sure how) and let me know what you think. TIA, Jassy

How many weeks post are you? And also, I'm 5 weeks, and I use CAntu Shea Butter leave in conditioning repair cream. I absolutely love it. It has made my new growth really soft and easy to manage.
OK ladies, so I am having a real problem. My hair is driving me nuts:wallbash:, I am trying to stretcht til May b/c I think it will be great for my hair but I dont know what to do with it. I have been roller setting but it takes so much time and Im not too sure how I like it know that i have short hair. I guess i am just losing hope right now. What should I do? Should I just relax my hair and try stretching again when it gets longer? Please take a look at the pics in my fotki (would post them here but not sure how) and let me know what you think. TIA, Jassy

Your cut is cute, and good job on the roller set. Please don't get discouraged; continue to stretch, try to meet your goal. You can always try wigs, a fall, etc... to give you other styling options. I need you to stay positive so as we're posting our new pics you'll have some encouraging words of advice:flowers:
Ok I am really trying to get this technical stuff down. I just realized how to join but I used some numbers not my signature as my username:nono: I am not about to erase the account and start over took me 2 hours to get the hang of that! I am trying to have my show up eveytime I post. Any suggestions? I tried in signature at it says invalid file:wallbash:
12 weeks. were do you find Cantu? I wish the new growth wasnt so puffy!
How many weeks post are you? And also, I'm 5 weeks, and I use CAntu Shea Butter leave in conditioning repair cream. I absolutely love it. It has made my new growth really soft and easy to manage.
12 weeks. were do you find Cantu? I wish the new growth wasnt so puffy!

U can get it from any Walmart or beauty supply store. It has a orange top and a pearly white jar. I just got mine Friday and used it yesterday and I'm already in love. Another thing I do is pre poo. I use EVoo, honey, and sometimes mayo for protein. It does wonders for my roots. and the good thing about the shea butter is that u can use it daily. I tried it today as a moisturizer and then used carrot oil to seal it in. My hair feels really shiny.
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Thanks alot MissTical, your encouragment just kept me away from the clippers!:nono: Im going to try my best to stay positive and focus on my goal. I dont know what I would, or what my head would look like with out LHCF. This may be a silly question but what is a fall? I have no clue! TIA

Your cut is cute, and good job on the roller set. Please don't get discouraged; continue to stretch, try to meet your goal. You can always try wigs, a fall, etc... to give you other styling options. I need you to stay positive so as we're posting our new pics you'll have some encouraging words of advice:flowers:
Hello Ladies,
I am new since yesterday!!!!. I want to share my story I have some pics to post. I was APL last May 2007 and my hair just started breaking not sure if stress or overprocesssing. So I tried to get layers not realizing my hair was breaking and the layers looked thin at the bottom so 1.5 inches cut( June2007) No longer APL. Must still be breaking change hairdressors ends are looking really thin. I continue getting trims but now touch-ups every six weeks. So last visit to haidresssor sides trimmed 1in back trim 1inch ok nice and even and SHORT!!!So I am now shoulder length and frustrated. This has happen to me twice, oncein 2005 and now again! My hair would be looking good getting trims every 8 weeks touch-ups every 5 then poof the nape would began to break, except this time the back broke from top of ear to ear and around my sides which were 2inched past collar bone broke to chin length. So please feel my frustration. My hair is back the length it was in 2005!!!!!! it grows then it breaks then I have to get 1-2inches whacked off. Iam ready to try this " stretching " I HAVE NEVER DONE THIS!!! My last perm Febuary 20th 2008 was done on the 6th week with a good trim! and my next perm I will do In 9weeks! Wish me luck! I will attempt to post my pics.

GOOD LUCK! I can't get past 9 weeks myself. I think that this summer I will be able to do better, though. But pay attention to your hair, if it was already breaking and the stretching makes it worse, you need to be aware and quickly!! :yep:
How many weeks post are you? And also, I'm 5 weeks, and I use CAntu Shea Butter leave in conditioning repair cream. I absolutely love it. It has made my new growth really soft and easy to manage.

I agree. I have used ORS creme in the jar and love it for NG. What about braid outs or twist outs?
Hi Jassy28 - I was told a fall is another name for a 1/2 wig. Also, many people on here have said that braid outs and twists help to hide new growth. Those styles would be cute on you. I stretched for the 1st time for 8 weeks & I was used to going 6. This time I am trying for 10 weeks. I used SCurl & Mango butter to calm my new growth but I have been airdrying my hair and doing updos. What about updos? You could pin the back & sides up & leave some hair out maybe. Hope this helps.

Thanks alot MissTical, your encouragment just kept me away from the clippers!:nono: Im going to try my best to stay positive and focus on my goal. I dont know what I would, or what my head would look like with out LHCF. This may be a silly question but what is a fall? I have no clue! TIA
Hello Ladies,
I am new since yesterday!!!!. I want to share my story I have some pics to post. I was APL last May 2007 and my hair just started breaking not sure if stress or overprocesssing. So I tried to get layers not realizing my hair was breaking and the layers looked thin at the bottom so 1.5 inches cut( June2007) No longer APL. Must still be breaking change hairdressors ends are looking really thin. I continue getting trims but now touch-ups every six weeks. So last visit to haidresssor sides trimmed 1in back trim 1inch ok nice and even and SHORT!!!So I am now shoulder length and frustrated. This has happen to me twice, oncein 2005 and now again! My hair would be looking good getting trims every 8 weeks touch-ups every 5 then poof the nape would began to break, except this time the back broke from top of ear to ear and around my sides which were 2inched past collar bone broke to chin length. So please feel my frustration. My hair is back the length it was in 2005!!!!!! it grows then it breaks then I have to get 1-2inches whacked off. Iam ready to try this " stretching " I HAVE NEVER DONE THIS!!! My last perm Febuary 20th 2008 was done on the 6th week with a good trim! and my next perm I will do In 9weeks! Wish me luck! I will attempt to post my pics.

Hi Summer74 - So, I have had a very similar problem to yours. I will tell you what I think my prob. was. I too think that my hair breaking had to do with stress and/or overprocessing. I was getting touch-ups every 5 weeks for a while & my nape would mysteriously break off. I started making my stylist be much more careful with my nape when she relaxed it. Because it kept breaking it stayed short and basically my whole nape would get permed. My nape is thicker -still not right - but thicker & not breaking b/c I have been making sure that overlap is not occuring & now I also put conditioner on my nape to make sure it is not being overprocessed. Also, you will see that if you take care of your ends you don't need to get them trimmed nearly as much. Many people think hairdressers are evil :blush: b/c they tend to get scissor happy and basically cut too much. If you are getting trims too frequently you won't see any growth b/c its being cut off. It sounds like it may have been stress the time that the back broke from ear to ear & around the sides or possibly a relaxer not rinsed out well enough. My hair once fell out from stress - my edges all the way around my entire head & a part in the middle. Oh & SCurl and mango butter were life savers for me on my 1st stretch. Good luck!
Thanks tlstacy, We are thinking alike today b/c I did my updo pretty much as you discribed. My hair was still curly from the rollerset, so i just pinned the back, front and sides in loose twist and left some curls coming out from the top. I was really easy, and pretty cute too. Thank so much for all your help. I will post some pics soon.

Hi Jassy28 - I was told a fall is another name for a 1/2 wig. Also, many people on here have said that braid outs and twists help to hide new growth. Those styles would be cute on you. I stretched for the 1st time for 8 weeks & I was used to going 6. This time I am trying for 10 weeks. I used SCurl & Mango butter to calm my new growth but I have been airdrying my hair and doing updos. What about updos? You could pin the back & sides up & leave some hair out maybe. Hope this helps.
Thanks tlstacy, We are thinking alike today b/c I did my updo pretty much as you discribed. My hair was still curly from the rollerset, so i just pinned the back, front and sides in loose twist and left some curls coming out from the top. I was really easy, and pretty cute too. Thank so much for all your help. I will post some pics soon.

Great minds (& newbies) think alike. :grin:
Hello Summer and welcome! I got the same message when I added my avatar, but it posted. I just tried adding my fotki to my signature and got the same message. I guess I will see if it is there when I post this comment. I will let you know if I had to do anything.

Ok I am really trying to get this technical stuff down. I just realized how to join but I used some numbers not my signature as my username:nono: I am not about to erase the account and start over took me 2 hours to get the hang of that! I am trying to have my show up eveytime I post. Any suggestions? I tried in signature at it says invalid file:wallbash:
3/04/2008 ( I love the shine my hair has here)

These are my pics from February. I don't think i've gained length, but I did get some thickness on my ends. The first pic is right after a relaxer and the others I'm 5 weeks post. I'm pushing for 8, so we'll see.

REgimen Changes:
Cantu Shea Butter
Africa's Best Organics Carrot Oil.
Tea Tree Oil Shine( Contains Cones, but my hair likes them)
Queen Helene's Cholestorol
Isoplus Oil Sheen
Jilbere Shower Comb

Try and failed
Queen Helene's Hot Oil Treatment: It left my hair hard and brittle. I had to use a lot of conditioner to detangle it.

Stayed the same:
Dove Moisturizing Shampoo and Conditioner. I absolutely love Dove's products
Dr. Miracles Hot Gro Conditioner
fiya'slovechild, your is looking great! I will am taking notes on your reggie.:grin: Keep It Up!

Does any know how I can moisturize my new grow with out making all my hair oily. I applied extra to the new growth but then it got all over the rest. Does Scurl help with this? TIA Jassy
3/04/2008 ( I love the shine my hair has here)

These are my pics from February. I don't think i've gained length, but I did get some thickness on my ends. The first pic is right after a relaxer and the others I'm 5 weeks post. I'm pushing for 8, so we'll see.

REgimen Changes:
Cantu Shea Butter
Africa's Best Organics Carrot Oil.
Tea Tree Oil Shine( Contains Cones, but my hair likes them)
Queen Helene's Cholestorol
Isoplus Oil Sheen
Jilbere Shower Comb

Try and failed
Queen Helene's Hot Oil Treatment: It left my hair hard and brittle. I had to use a lot of conditioner to detangle it.

Stayed the same:
Dove Moisturizing Shampoo and Conditioner. I absolutely love Dove's products
Dr. Miracles Hot Gro Conditioner

LOVING IT!!! :thumbsup: Girl, you hair is SO SHINY, I NEED SHADES!!!!!:cool2: Just beautiful!! We are working this thing out!!!:grin:
fiya'slovechild, your is looking great! I will am taking notes on your reggie.:grin: Keep It Up!

Does any know how I can moisturize my new grow with out making all my hair oily. I applied extra to the new growth but then it got all over the rest. Does Scurl help with this? TIA Jassy

I usually just apply mine to the scalp after parting my hair and gently massaging it in really good before it can run into the other parts of my hair. I continue that all over. It stimulates your scalp and reduces the oil from running into your hair. IF u have one, you can use an applicator to apply it directly to the scalp, then massage in, but your fingers will work fine.

And thanks for the compliment Jassy.:grin: