Newbies let get together and get results.. All r welcome

you really need a moisturizing leave in...check out sistaslick for recommendations...Have you tried elasta QP? It's on sale at Rite Aid this week for $4.99.:yep:

Dang, my earlier post seems dumb now. Is the Elasta QP leave in that you are suggesting the H-Two or is there another one. I'm into Elasta QP - I could put the Mango Butter on my waffles. :yep:
Ok, you need some moisture, IMHA (in my HUMBLE opinion). I would suggest pre-pooing with either palm oil or coconut oil and leave overnight. I currently use OJON Restorative to pre-poo at least once a week, which is like a modified palm oil + natural extracts, and over the course of a month, my hair was getting SO much moisture back. I am relaxed, but I still think this will help you. I also use Vatika coconut oil which works well for me and my family's hair. STOP THE CLARIFYING!!!:nono: Once you pre-poo, try co-washing with a good conditioner. Try one that's silicone free. You need that to smooth your cuticle. Or, if you just feel you need to clarify or shampoo, try 1 tablespoon baking soda in a cup of hot water or with one tablespoon lemon juice in the dose of conditioner or use a very mild/moisturizing shampoo no more than 1x per week. I don't think you need a shampoo with any strong cleansing or clarifying abilities. Also, when I was natural, I used to spritz my hair with plain distilled water in a spray bottle daily (1 or 2x) to add moisture back into my hair. HTH!

Cinda2503, I think the palm/coconut oil pre-poo could help you, too. It definitely did me...[/quot

THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!!! Okay where can i find the Vatika coconut oil. I am going to try to just co-wash from now on. I truly appreciate all of your help. I cut just about all of my hair, i guess I just have to start over and do a better job of taking care of.
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Ok, you need some moisture, IMHA (in my HUMBLE opinion). I would suggest pre-pooing with either palm oil or coconut oil and leave overnight. I currently use OJON Restorative to pre-poo at least once a week, which is like a modified palm oil + natural extracts, and over the course of a month, my hair was getting SO much moisture back. I am relaxed, but I still think this will help you. I also use Vatika coconut oil which works well for me and my family's hair. STOP THE CLARIFYING!!!:nono: Once you pre-poo, try co-washing with a good conditioner. Try one that's silicone free. You need that to smooth your cuticle. Or, if you just feel you need to clarify or shampoo, try 1 tablespoon baking soda in a cup of hot water or with one tablespoon lemon juice in the dose of conditioner or use a very mild/moisturizing shampoo no more than 1x per week. I don't think you need a shampoo with any strong cleansing or clarifying abilities. Also, when I was natural, I used to spritz my hair with plain distilled water in a spray bottle daily (1 or 2x) to add moisture back into my hair. HTH!

Cinda2503, I think the palm/coconut oil pre-poo could help you, too. It definitely did me...[/quot

THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!!! Okay where can i find the Vatika coconut oil. I am going to try to just co-wash from now on. I truly appreciate all of your help. I cut just about all of my hair, i guess I just have to start over and do a better job of taking care of.! I was hoping you could salvage your hair and rebuild. Anywhoo, you can buy Vatika at any Indian store or
Thank you for starting this thread. I joined last year and I still feel like a newbie. I am looking forward to creating a hair regimen. I will send the regimen and pictures soon. Thanks again.
Let me know how you like the video, I might have to pick it up. I have been roller setting weekly. I am getting better but I still need some work (not to mention how long it takes me and how bad my arms hurt :nono:).

I really like the video. She does some things I would have never thought of even though they are simple. I have not tried it yet using these techniques though - I'll let you know what happens when I do.
Ladies I know I have not been on for the 2 days but I am sooo sick:sad: so plz 4give me...

I hope every1 is doing right by their hair and dont 4get its March 1st that mean we need a new pics and a list of anything new that u have added to ur regimen or took away from it since joining this challenge
Here is my 1 month update pics!! 1st pic is Feb 1 and the 2nd is Feb 28


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Well let see, my regime is going to change since things did not work out in my favor, I had to cut my hair. I will be able to post pics on Monday because my camera isn't working. Alright, I will no longer wash my hair with shampoo every week just once every month or so.

Here is my regime:
co-wash 2-3 week (HE Breaks-Over)
pre-poo everytime I co-wash with cond. (Aubrey Organics GPB) and at the moment castor oil, I will be adding vatika coconut oil when I finds some (leave that on overnite)
apply leave-in (HE LTR)
seal ends with castor oil

Okay, I have gotten alot of good advice but at the moment there are some products that I can't find or afford so I have to use what I have and when I get the money and find the products my regime will be changing. I just sealing my ends hopefully that will help with the split ends issue, I can't wait until I can get a GREAT MOISTURIZING LEAVE-IN (Elasta QP). Thanks for all of your HELP FindingME!!!!:grin:
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Well here is my progress from Feb 1st to now





I have added HE Breaks over and Silicon Mix and airdrying and Mizani Nighttime H2O
Ladies I have finally got my fotki up and current. I have pictures of my latest roller set, try not to laugh, too hard at least :grin:.

I tried clarifing with baking soda and water this week i liked it alot. Also I have added Aphogee Keratin & Green Tea Restructurizer to my reg. so far so good.
Well let see, my regime is going to change since things did not work out in my favor, I had to cut my hair. I will be able to post pics on Monday because my camera isn't working. Alright, I will no longer wash my hair with shampoo every week just once every month or so.

Here is my regime:
co-wash 2-3 week (HE Breaks-Over)
pre-poo everytime I co-wash with cond. (Aubrey Organics GPB) and at the moment castor oil, I will be adding vatika coconut oil when I finds some (leave that on overnite)
apply leave-in (HE LTR)
seal ends with castor oil

Okay, I have gotten alot of good advice but at the moment there are some products that I can't find or afford so I have to use what I have and when I get the money and find the products my regime will be changing. I just sealing my ends hopefully that will help with the split ends issue, I can't wait until I can get a GREAT MOISTURIZING LEAVE-IN (Elasta QP). Thanks for all of your HELP FindingME!!!!:grin:

This looks GREAT! Do you know if HE Breaks Over and HE LTR have any protein in them? The protein will help strengthen your hair. I checked the HE site and the Break's Over looks like it should have some protein as it's touted as a "stregthening and anti-breakage" collection of products. It did not list the ingredients, though. I understand that it's still really moisturizing, so you should be good. Pr3tty swears by it. Maybe the LTR is more moisturizing? Not sure, but I could tell more from the ingredients. I may have to try some of the HE products this summer!:spinning:

The Aubrey Organics GPB is protein-based so you should be good there. I am not familiar with it, but it sounds balanced and should provide good moisture for you as well.

Girl, you are ready to lock and load! :grin: I hope this works better for you, so you can grow that hair out healthy and strong and not have to cut anymore! :nono: I can't wait to see results!!
Well here is my progress from Feb 1st to now





I have added HE Breaks over and Silicon Mix and airdrying and Mizani Nighttime H2O

It also looks longer to me as well! Way to grow!:grin:
Ladies I have finally got my fotki up and current. I have pictures of my latest roller set, try not to laugh, too hard at least :grin:.

I tried clarifing with baking soda and water this week i liked it alot. Also I have added Aphogee Keratin & Green Tea Restructurizer to my reg. so far so good.

OMG!! That stuff is the bomb! :grin: Whenever my hair feels a little too mushy or has too much moisture, I spray that in before rollersetting/braiding/whatever and it balances it right on out. It's pretty much the only thing in the Apoghee line that's a DEFINITE keeper for me. Otherwise, I am searching for some good protein products for my regi once I use up this Aphogee.
It also looks longer to me as well! Way to grow!:grin:

lol at the hug that smilie is too funny:lachen: thanx I guess when you take care of your hair it does pay.. Im happy so far
This looks GREAT! Do you know if HE Breaks Over and HE LTR have any protein in them? The protein will help strengthen your hair. I checked the HE site and the Break's Over looks like it should have some protein as it's touted as a "stregthening and anti-breakage" collection of products. It did not list the ingredients, though. I understand that it's still really moisturizing, so you should be good. Pr3tty swears by it. Maybe the LTR is more moisturizing? Not sure, but I could tell more from the ingredients. I may have to try some of the HE products this summer!:spinning:

The Aubrey Organics GPB is protein-based so you should be good there. I am not familiar with it, but it sounds balanced and should provide good moisture for you as well.

Girl, you are ready to lock and load! :grin: I hope this works better for you, so you can grow that hair out healthy and strong and not have to cut anymore! :nono: I can't wait to see results!!

Thank You so much for the support and advice!!!!:grin: I had to get the LTR because I couldn't find the HE Breaks-Over. I tried the LTR yesterday and sealed with castor oil, my hair feels a lot better.:grin: I just have to use a lot of LTR because my hair is thicker than I thought it was. And yes after the prepoo I co-washed only. My hair feels alot more moisturized. You are my hair SAVIOR, THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!:grin::grin::grin:
Ok, I have attached my March update photos (Click it to make it larger). I don't have much growth:ohwell:, but I can tell my layers are growing out. Especially around my face, I used to have bangs, now they are almost chin length! My hair also hangs differently. It feels more dense and thick, I guess bc the layers are moving towards the ends of my hair. However, due to my extreme scissor happy-ness, I have probably cut 2+ inches of new growth off the ends of my hair. :nono: I still have 1 inch more that I want to cut, but I am TRYING to get to full APL and beyond before I do it.

Overall, I am happy with the health and feel of my hair. I am SO diggin' LHCF!:grin:


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My picture is posted and so is my regimen..... can I join? Please let me know what to do next. I will update monthly progress to my Blog (which can be found in my signature).

Happy Growing everyone!
Hello Ladies,
I am new since yesterday!!!!. I want to share my story I have some pics to post. I was APL last May 2007 and my hair just started breaking not sure if stress or overprocesssing. So I tried to get layers not realizing my hair was breaking and the layers looked thin at the bottom so 1.5 inches cut( June2007) No longer APL. Must still be breaking change hairdressors ends are looking really thin. I continue getting trims but now touch-ups every six weeks. So last visit to haidresssor sides trimmed 1in back trim 1inch ok nice and even and SHORT!!!So I am now shoulder length and frustrated. This has happen to me twice, oncein 2005 and now again! My hair would be looking good getting trims every 8 weeks touch-ups every 5 then poof the nape would began to break, except this time the back broke from top of ear to ear and around my sides which were 2inched past collar bone broke to chin length. So please feel my frustration. My hair is back the length it was in 2005!!!!!! it grows then it breaks then I have to get 1-2inches whacked off. Iam ready to try this " stretching " I HAVE NEVER DONE THIS!!! My last perm Febuary 20th 2008 was done on the 6th week with a good trim! and my next perm I will do In 9weeks! Wish me luck! I will attempt to post my pics.