New Year's Resolution-To Not Be Single in 2013


Well-Known Member
I am 25 years old and I just completed my master's program. I have a decent job and now all that is missing is a man. I just don't really know where to start. I joined eharmony 3 months ago. In my opinion it was a waste of $120. I didn't go on any dates and did not even receive any messages. I know that I need to put myself out there, but I have no idea how to do that. I do not like going clubbing and recently gave up on drinking. My job is a no go, since 99% of the men there (and there aren't many) are old enough to be my father/grandfather. Where else do people meet men?
Come join us in the single ladies support thread. There's some detailed posts in there on where/how to meet single men.
I hate that resolution, please please don't settle for a terrible man or an ok man. But please go into the single ladies thread and find where barbiesocialite posted her tips to meeting men.

Good luck to us both, I would love to find love in 2013.
Sucks you gave up on drinking... I think going to the bar is one of the simplest ways to meet men (can also be used just as a starting point). Another simple way to meet men is going on a stroll at the park with your dog (if you have one) every chance you get. If you see a man you're interested in you MUST make eye contact long enough that he knows something is up. If he's interested in you he will stop and chat or find himself circling around to stop and chat. Also depending on where you live, you can try restaurant/lounges that have live music bands.

One thing you should keep in mind is never look too busy when you're out. For example, you could go to Starbucks one Saturday just to meet some guys but if you are completely engrossed into your laptop, for example, to make it look like you're busy something, it may come off as just that--you're too busy to chat so they may keep walking.

And IMHO, women should make the "first move" first more often. And what I mean by this is simply making your presence known. Your in line and you notice a handsome guy in front of you. Tap him on the shoulder and tell him his watch is nice (add a small fib and tell him you were thinking about getting a similar one for your father) and then ask him where you could find a similar one. Move your body into his line of focus.

The most important thing you should do when you're trying to meet men is to EXUDE confidence. You can look completely tore up from the floor up. But if you show confidence WITH A SMILE (not a mean mug) then men should flock to you.
