Personal Goals For 2017 That Will Make You A Better/stronger Woman


Right there with you, OP!

Two Major Priorities:
  1. Regarding the past and problems that are about other people and/or are not in my control: Pray about it once, let go of it, bury it, do not return to it, and speak about it no more UNLESS I'm talking about its positive resolution or removal/disappearance.
  2. Simplifying, streamlining, and excluding lots of stuff so that what actually gets my energy gets a good amount of it, undiffused. :smile:
Bottom line: I have spent waaaaaaaaay too much time thinking about other people and what they don't do that they should . . . or what they do that they shouldn't. My goal this year is to thrive and let other people's issues go. I'm ready to shake it all off and be all about my happiness, health, progress, joy, and appreciation and love of life.

Even just LISTING and constantly re-reading my focal areas for 2017 is a wonderful activity. They aren't about worrying about others, and I feel a huge weight lifted off of my spirit. Yes. :yep: I've detailed related goals in other threads (That Girl 2017 and 52 Mondays 2017).

Focal Areas for 2017
  • Happiness, Contentment, Positive Outlook, and Enjoyment
  • Commitment, Dedication, Momentum, Determination, and Discipline
  • Peace, Patience, Faith, Grace, Belief, Calm, and Trust
  • Activity/Time Management, Routines, Schedules, and Consistency
  • Health, Eating/Diet, Fitness, Beauty, Strength, Flexibility, and Tone
  • Budgeting, Finances, and Career
  • Experiences, Enjoyment, Fun, Recreation, Hobbies, Trips, and Activities
Goodness I could have written this whole thing myself. I love it.
My major goals 2017

Emotionally Detaching myself from certain situations and people.

Focus on making and saving money.

Focusing on me
Yup Yup a nutshell.

I was reading some stuff here and there on people who have this gift of emotional detachment. The ones who have it naturally...not the buttholes. One thing I remember reading was the person being able to do any activity and even talking and listening without attaching a feeling to the outcomes. They focussed on that thing and nothing else. They and others like them said much more but it's hard to explain it here. I'm going to go back and search for this page and post it.

One thing I have come to believe is that our experience is really our responsibility. A person can say something to you...but You are choosing to be hurt...for example. How people feel about us or see us has NOTHING to do with us and EVERYTHING to do with them. I have come up with quite few ways to successfully detach from situations (some quite hilarious in my head)...Ive been good at this for as long as I can remember... but the closer it gets to home the harder it is...but I am tackling this area good so far this year. And I expect to get better and better.

I think of all my other successes and remember what my grandmother told me about life being a university. We never stop being challenged or learning. I say all that to say, forget all that mess about being too old or I've been like this for so long .... It's never too late to change something about ourselves no matter how entrenched it feels.
I have a Chakra book for beginners...I don't even know where to start. Glad it is working for you.

Meditate like a mf!
I am trying to master balancing my chakras. This is just somethingim continuing from last year. It is really important to me.
My main goals :

Be an efficient ho and have several different hustles. I have been playing it safe for too long. I am being left in the dust while everyone else advances.

Be less financially generous . I was very financially giving and poured a lot into others in 2016. I am good and I will not be doing that any more. Those very same people did not and will not do the same for me.

Emotionally Detaching myself from certain situations and people . I have been really good at this, but I will do it more and kick it up a notch.
I want to get back to some of my child-like qualitie in a senses I used to be so carefree and a lot more positive. Things that have happened these last 4 years have made me very hard and bitter. I want to get back to seeing the good in the people close to me and smiling more at home :)
I want to get back to some of my child-like qualitie in a senses I used to be so carefree and a lot more positive. Things that have happened these last 4 years have made me very hard and bitter. I want to get back to seeing the good in the people close to me and smiling more at home :)
Oh how remember this period in my life. I can relate to your feelings so much. I even remember when my best friend told me that I was no longer me. That really got to me. She would be telling me all this stuff we'd talk about and how I used to respond with such confidence and conviction and jokes and just everything that embodied what she and others loved about I was so funny and would have her on the floor laughing...then it turned to "what's happened to you, why are you so cynical and sensitive", etc.... but being married to a narcissist was hugely responsible for this....a cerebral one at that. They will school you about life in such a way...OMG. If you come out ok on the other side, you are never the same again. You never look at people the same way again. When you get back to being carry all you've learned. I feel polished yet scratched if that makes any sense...and I am still working out some of my kinks.
My theme for this year is simple. DISCIPLINE.

I've made a list of goals to achieve by the end of this year, like I do every year. And at the end of each year I cross off a couple of things. This year its discipline that will see me cross everything off that list.
YASSS. I love this one too. Self discipline will reward you greatly. Imo, Today's culture subconsciously teaches us to do what we want, feel what we want and just be reckless. It's all about US and F everybody else. But I remember as early as 1st grade our teacher teaching us about the principles of self discipline. She knew we'd need this as early as possible.
YASSS. I love this one too. Self discipline will reward you greatly. Imo, Today's culture subconsciously teaches us to do what we want, feel what we want and just be reckless. It's all about US and F everybody else. But I remember as early as 1st grade our teacher teaching us about the principles of self discipline. She knew we'd need this as early as possible.

It's a constant struggle for me. I'll be focused and committed on achieving a goal for a period, then I'll get distracted and be all like YOLO after a while. Been thinking about it a lot and im going to turn YOLO into something else for me. Instead of it meaning F it I can't be bothered anymore, I'm going to take it literally and push myself to achieve the life I deserve with my one shot at living..which for me right now means hard work, focus and discipline.
Great thread....putting myself first. I have alot of responsibilities and people relying on me but if I'm not good...I can't help you. Plus at the end of the day, I don't want to feel depleted.

My focus is to create more time for myself for meditation, prayers, gym/spa etc and say NO more to have a better life balance.