New developments concerning Enso & MTM...

Uh oh.... NOW the tracking number she gave me wants to update after I turned it in to my bank. #returntosender:rolleyes:
Yea she was sounding a little crazy and deranged. Personally idc if she relaxes cause it ain't that deep LOL. Can't no natural haired person make me want to relax because they are evil.

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Curlycopia/cb3 already said that she is still natural. Obviously due to the recent events she is feeling better.
Curlycopia/cb3 already said that she is still natural. Obviously due to the recent events she is feeling better.

I am, thanks! I promised I would stay away from forums after the latest fiasco, but I must respond.

Crazy and delusional? I don't think so. I am completely sane. I stepped away from my blog because it was starting to effect my personal life. And, after paying my lawyer $175/hr (and I was there an entire morning) to look over all of the documents and correspondence, it was time for me to politely bow out. It was not worth the threatening phone calls, the ugly tweets, the comments left on my blog, and the relentless mobs of hate emails I started to receive.

Yes, I am still natural and yes I did consider getting a relaxer. After stepping away from the drama, I realized that it was not worth it because I do love my natural hair.

I hope this clears everything up. Think what you may, I know I made the right decision for me.
lol i appreciate the hell out of yall ladies. i had been MIA on the board for several months up until about last week. saw a few posts about enso naturals, went to the website and saw some things i liked. had planned on placing an order friday on payday. thank y'all, had yall not kept the drama going i might have missed this ridiculousness and placed an order.

on a side note, yall have kept me thoroughly entertained and laughing for the past hour.
I am, thanks! I promised I would stay away from forums after the latest fiasco, but I must respond.

Crazy and delusional? I don't think so. I am completely sane. I stepped away from my blog because it was starting to effect my personal life. And, after paying my lawyer $175/hr (and I was there an entire morning) to look over all of the documents and correspondence, it was time for me to politely bow out. It was not worth the threatening phone calls, the ugly tweets, the comments left on my blog, and the relentless mobs of hate emails I started to receive.

Yes, I am still natural and yes I did consider getting a relaxer. After stepping away from the drama, I realized that it was not worth it because I do love my natural hair.

I hope this clears everything up. Think what you may, I know I made the right decision for me.

I'm glad that whole ****uation worked out for you. :yep: I'm also gald you didn't do anything that you would regret behind that madness.

Crazy - figuratively speaking in light of the phony cease letter, which in turn had you considering shutting down your lovely blog and perming your hair. But you were living it (and the actual victims of the scam) and we were merely observing it. Like you said you did what was best for you at the time given the circumstances.
The threads are still on BHM but are no doubt locked...or they may have taken them down after word came that the woman was killed. But it was a loooooong con like over several months and it was like a Ponzi Scheme. I would put it in the tens of thousands of dollars over the course of the scam. Her friends and/or the people who joined the "co-op" first or spent more money in the "Co-op" they got the nice hair, the late comers or the folks only buying a few ounces or the newbies to the boards those are the people who would get "dry monkey pubic hair" which is what folks literally called it lol This happened with every co-op order but the folks who got bad hair, they were drowned out by Groupthink and there were always more willing to take their place. It wasnt until the folks towards the tip of the pyramid started getting scammed that folks began researching the chick to find out where she lived, worked, or how to get their money back.

She took the profits from the scammed hair and the upcharge on the price to the co-op people to first start her own internet weave business. Then she opened up a weave shop...then a weave salon with tv commercials...then the luxury home and thing you know her husband kills her. It was a HAM. Bottom line she was able to do this all on the strength of her typing skills. Maybe a handful of folks on the boards had actually met her in person or knew her IRL. The majority (US and Foreign posters alike) didnt know here and sent her money. All because someone became popular on a messageboard and gave out "tips and tricks". And she seemed nice. A few bible phrases in her signature and some cute profile pics with her weave fried dyed and laid to the side...that's all it took.

DivaDee62 what was the scale of her scam operations? It's sad that she had to die like that :nono: :sad: , but karma(bad karma in particular) is truely a B&%*^
I knew there had to be someone else who remembered the BHM weavegate. Lawd that was REAL in the STREETS. When I found out old girl was dead I just knew someone from the Weave boards when HAM on her.

I am also an old school hair board girl. I was thinking about the BHM weave scandal after reading about the constant mounting ENSO gate.
Bottom line she was able to do this all on the strength of her typing skills. Maybe a handful of folks on the boards had actually met her in person or knew her IRL. The majority (US and Foreign posters alike) didnt know here and sent her money. All because someone became popular on a messageboard and gave out "tips and tricks". And she seemed nice. A few bible phrases in her signature and some cute profile pics with her weave fried dyed and laid to the side...that's all it took.

That's how con artists work.

They profile their victims. Study them. Find weaknesses to manipulate. Forge an identity and then exploit those that trusted them.

It's unsavory to think of but you really don't know the person on the other side of the computer. Joking and having fun is fine but when money becomes involved shady people realize they can stand to lose a few Internet friends.

Look at Sparkling Flame, found an old bottle of Boundless Tresses in my bathroom cabinet.
I am, thanks! I promised I would stay away from forums after the latest fiasco, but I must respond.

Crazy and delusional? I don't think so. I am completely sane. I stepped away from my blog because it was starting to effect my personal life. And, after paying my lawyer $175/hr (and I was there an entire morning) to look over all of the documents and correspondence, it was time for me to politely bow out. It was not worth the threatening phone calls, the ugly tweets, the comments left on my blog, and the relentless mobs of hate emails I started to receive.

Yes, I am still natural and yes I did consider getting a relaxer. After stepping away from the drama, I realized that it was not worth it because I do love my natural hair.

I hope this clears everything up. Think what you may, I know I made the right decision for me.

I said deranged. I mean come on. What was relaxing your hair gonna do, distance you from the community? Then what? Why would you let something effect you so much you'd relax because of it. I just don't get it. I didn't know you were getting phone calls and don't see how but this is the internet so some things should be expected. People are crazy in the virtual world which is why we should be a lot mire careful when we play in it. Some things are to be expected though, I know some aren't as strong as me when it comes to letting the things people say on here roll right off.

Some people on YT crack, they start making videos addressing haters, when the best thing you can do is ignore. This tatic has worked for me so many times in real life. People start sending you pics of your house or kids, then its time to worry and take the next step. You can call me dumb, ugly, tell me you hate me to the max and want nothing but the worst for me all day. I'ma still sleep like a baby with a crooked smile, drool coming out the side, with a little fart bubble of relief. That's just me though.

Anyways a lot of people told you the letter was bull. I can understand wanting to look into it further,but if a lawyer was going to break you, I would have got a free consultation somewhere first. Especially since it all worked in your favor at the end (fake law firm, generic C&D letter, etc)

Anyways I was just stating my opinion sorry if it offended anyone.

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I said deranged. I mean come on. What was relaxing your hair gonna do, distance you from the community? Then what? Why would you let something effect you so much you'd relax because of it. I just don't get it. I didn't know you were getting phone calls and don't see how but this is the internet so some things should be expected. People are crazy in the virtual world which is why we should be a lot mire careful when we play in it. Some things are to be expected though, I know some aren't as strong as me when it comes to letting the things people say on here roll right off.

Some people on YT crack, they start making videos addressing haters, when the best thing you can do is ignore. This tatic has worked for me so many times in real life. People start sending you pics of your house or kids, then its time to worry and take the next step. You can call me dumb, ugly, tell me you hate me to the max and want nothing but the worst for me all day. I'ma still sleep like a baby with a crooked smile, drool coming out the side, with a little fart bubble of relief. That's just me though.

Anyways a lot of people told you the letter was bull. I can understand wanting to look into it further,but if a lawyer was going to break you, I would have got a free consultation somewhere first. Especially since it all worked in your favor at the end (fake law firm, generic C&D letter, etc)

Anyways I was just stating my opinion sorry if it offended anyone.

Sent from my LG-LW690 using LG-LW690

Deranged? Even worse, precisely the reason why I stepped away. I'm glad you are strong enough to let things slide off your back and move on, that is a great attribute.

As for questioning why I would let something like this effect me so much that I would relax my hair, all I can say is I lived it and that's how I felt. Sorry if you don't understand, if you knew me you would understand. I am a rebel at heart.

Phone calls? This all started because I ordered from the company, they have all of my personal information. Likewise, I posted (from my personal Facebook page) on their Facebook page where I addressed one of their comments. By doing that I put all of my personal info out there, I regret it.

Free consultation? I wish, not where I live.

I am officially out. Sorry I responded in the first place, I will go back to real life where people who know me don't question my decisions.
It is against the law to impersonate an attorney. You can get in real trouble. Why Nikole did that I do not know. I would have gone to the D.A.
ok, I just read the "Attorney Letter" and all the other "evidence" and y'all might be right about this one...

Mop Top Maven is Enso Naturals
Sawry, I was trying to give her the benefit of doubt I don't know if this applies.
I am not sure if the attorney was a real person or not.
I need to find out what the penalty is for impersonating a lawyer is in CA. I think it depends on the intent, whether it is for money or intimidation . The link above is not about impersonating a lawyer but impersonation in general. If I had received a fake C&D letter I would be all over that person. Running late. Maybe the LCHF ladies can find out about impersonating an attorney. :)
At This Point I Would Be Surprised If MTM Made Any Comment To Deny Or Confirm That She Owns This Company. She'll Resurface With A New Company And Gig. She'll Continue On Like Nothing Is Going On And Probably Already Has Another Company Lined Up And Registered.
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Phone calls? This all started because I ordered from the company, they have all of my personal information. Likewise, I posted (from my personal Facebook page) on their Facebook page where I addressed one of their comments. By doing that I put all of my personal info out there, I regret it.


I ain't saying another word on this subject at hand, but I will say this-and this is why I believe it is FOOLISH to still be ordering from this company after all of this crap went down.

"Oh but the products make my hair feel so good. I'm going to order anyway and pray to Jesus as I hit the send button" :rolleyes:

Ninja please. Get you some shea butter and have a seat. Putting your financial health at risk over some doggone hair products! It ain't that serious....

I'm out.
At This Point I Would Be Surprised If MTM Made Any Comment To Deny Or Confirm That She Owns This Company. She'll Resurface With A New Comany And Gig. She'll Continue On Like Nothing Is Going On And Probably Already Has Another Company Lined Up And Registered.

Her biggest mistake was giving out her real name. Well bad move for her but a good one for us. It'll be easy for her to move on and open a new store so I guess people should just be careful with whatever new internet store pops up with a ton of products. I'm sticking to the vendors I know and that's it.

I ain't saying another word on this subject at hand, but I will say this-and this is why I believe it is FOOLISH to still be ordering from this company after all of this crap went down.

"Oh but the products make my hair feel so good. I'm going to order anyway and pray to Jesus as I hit the send button" :rolleyes:

Ninja please. Get you some shea butter and have a seat. Putting your financial health at risk over some doggone hair products! It ain't that serious....

I'm out.

AND giving out their credit card numbers too! She doesn't take Paypal anymore. I wouldn't be surprised if the next "con" is to steal credit card info and go on a shopping spree.

CurlyC I can't believe you were receiving calls and nasty letters. I'm so sorry. I can imagine how traumatizing that would be.
Yup, this is it in a nutshell! :nono:

Let's see...

2009-2010? Starts Ebay Soap Supply Business. Allegedly Scams some folks, fakes death to get out of refunding money and/or sending product.

2009-2010? Starts Etsy Vintage Clothing Store which abruptly closes.

2009-2010? Starts Frank & Myrrh Blog/Jewelry store. Takes orders, Allegedly scams some folks and disappears.

2010? Reappears as The Mop Top Maven blog. Amasses a large following, "opens" Frank & Myrrh Jewelry Store. Nov/Dec 2010 has blow out sale, scams some folks...counts reach possibly 200-250 orders not fulfilled or refunded. She disappears.

Feb 2011 Reappears online only to tell folks she is oh so sick... "Mom and Grandma" post on various blogs co-signing the daughter's illness. No refunds. No products.

June 2011 People on various messageboards report seeing MTM out and about in L.A. living life and looking good.

June 2011 Enso Naturals Appears. Founder "Dee Cole" aka Nikole Denise Crowe is face camera shy but not too shy to post pics of her hands under another pseudonym to give store Rave Reviews.

July/August 2011 The Con is outed. MTM appears, Enso is not me, yall tripping; the dog ate my homework; I'm on the Sick and Shut in List. Blah Blah Blah. Someone gets a copy of legal documents proving that Nikole is the SOLE PROPRIETOR of Enso Naturals. Additionally Nikole's humble background video ho beginnings are uncovered *snicker*

September 2011 to INFINITY: Fools still gonna give this nutbag their money despite mounds and mounds of proof that Nikole D. Crowe is a low-rent half a#$ Grifter; a Thousandnaire living in Hollyweird trying desperately to keep up with Claudia Jordan and her crew of delusional gold diggers.

I wish this chicken head would send me a cease and desist letter. Nah run tell dat HOMEGURL!
It's sad that something like this may indirectly hurt the endeavors of other Black business women. One thing I was so impressed and inspired by when I started lurking here was how so many women are taking their livelihood and future into their own hands and also providing a good service/product to others. I don't know if it's just a sign of the times or what, but a lot of my peers IRL and people on FB--that I no longer communicate with but have known--are doing the same thing and it's amazing and wonderful.

I grew up with an entreprenurial mom so I would always take these sort of things for granted, but now that I have a 9-5 that isn't giving me what I need or giving anything back, I see business ownership for what it is: a huge opportunity and very hard work. You always hear from those people that have negative attidudes and are reluctant to support Black business and it is sad to see their cynicism validated :sad:

And it's even more sad because I just looked at her youtube videos and I know you can never judge a book by its cover, but she really is a beautiful, seemingly sweet, young woman that you wouldn't expect that from. It makes you want to give everybody a sideeye. This debacle has been entertaining to watch unfold (and investigate :look:) but it's just so, so unfortunate.
At This Point I Would Be Surprised If MTM Made Any Comment To Deny Or Confirm That She Owns This Company. She'll Resurface With A New Company And Gig. She'll Continue On Like Nothing Is Going On And Probably Already Has Another Company Lined Up And Registered.

with her record, i wouldn't be surprised.

but what concerns me the most is, i worry that all of these threads, outtings, info and all of the spot-lights on her mistakes might make her a better crook in the long run. Kind of how when the news outs scandals step by step with the intention on helping the public consumer, but they are basically giving instructions on how to commit said crime... i worry that by exposing her flaws, that she will use this as a lesson on how not to act in the future. (Dont use assumed name with connections to birth name (check), dont use real email when dealing with business (check), dont use hands when taking pics (check), dont use same camera (check)........) being how she kept taking monies from Enso without sending products, even recently, i dont see this leopard changing her spots.... but instead, being able to hide them more cleverly.
I ain't saying another word on this subject at hand, but I will say this-and this is why I believe it is FOOLISH to still be ordering from this company after all of this crap went down.

"Oh but the products make my hair feel so good. I'm going to order anyway and pray to Jesus as I hit the send button" :rolleyes:

Ninja please. Get you some shea butter and have a seat. Putting your financial health at risk over some doggone hair products! It ain't that serious....

I'm out.

I was under the impression she ordered before all of this went down. Like, wasn't she the one who outed MTM/NC in the first place??
I ain't saying another word on this subject at hand, but I will say this-and this is why I believe it is FOOLISH to still be ordering from this company after all of this crap went down.

"Oh but the products make my hair feel so good. I'm going to order anyway and pray to Jesus as I hit the send button" :rolleyes:

Ninja please. Get you some shea butter and have a seat. Putting your financial health at risk over some doggone hair products! It ain't that serious....

I'm out.
:lachen::lachen::lachen:Stop it, ms-gg, stop it, I say!
I was under the impression she ordered before all of this went down. Like, wasn't she the one who outed MTM/NC in the first place??

I think you may have misinterpreted what I was saying. I am fully aware that the poster that I quoted was the original OP from with the gorgeous fro. I was ellaborating on how Enso used her personal information to harass her. People are still giving this company the benefit of the doubt despite knowing the alleged pattern that MTM has had with starting and stopping businesses. I have no beef with the original Op of the Enso email scandal on NC.
Good point AwesomelyNappy. I didn't think about it that way.

I just hope all of these 'outing' threads allow more entrepreneurs from our community make better business choices and really succeed from their hard work. I personally haven't ordered from all of the natural hair care lines, but I'm very happy with the experiences that I've had so far. I also like hearing (continuous) good reviews for new lines.
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I was under the impression she ordered before all of this went down. Like, wasn't she the one who outed MTM/NC in the first place??

Two different people.

Curlycopia outed Nikole, but someone up thread ordered on 8/11 and still hasn't received anything.