New developments concerning Enso & MTM...

I wonder how you can monetize a food blog? I said I was done right didn't I.....

*Wonders to self if anybody got that reference*
I think you may have misinterpreted what I was saying. I am fully aware that the poster that I quoted was the original OP from with the gorgeous fro. I was ellaborating on how Enso used her personal information to harass her. People are still giving this company the benefit of the doubt despite knowing the alleged pattern that MTM has had with starting and stopping businesses. I have no beef with the original Op of the Enso email scandal on NC.

Got it! Yes, there were a few people that still ordered from her after the drama started (and they knew about it). There are too many other legitimate, ethical and trustworthy companies to order from. When it doubt, go the Whole Foods,,, Oyin, Darcy's, Qhemet, DIY, etc. :yep:
The threads are still on BHM but are no doubt locked...or they may have taken them down after word came that the woman was killed. But it was a loooooong con like over several months and it was like a Ponzi Scheme. I would put it in the tens of thousands of dollars over the course of the scam. Her friends and/or the people who joined the "co-op" first or spent more money in the "Co-op" they got the nice hair, the late comers or the folks only buying a few ounces or the newbies to the boards those are the people who would get "dry monkey pubic hair" which is what folks literally called it lol This happened with every co-op order but the folks who got bad hair, they were drowned out by Groupthink and there were always more willing to take their place. It wasnt until the folks towards the tip of the pyramid started getting scammed that folks began researching the chick to find out where she lived, worked, or how to get their money back.

She took the profits from the scammed hair and the upcharge on the price to the co-op people to first start her own internet weave business. Then she opened up a weave shop...then a weave salon with tv commercials...then the luxury home and thing you know her husband kills her. It was a HAM. Bottom line she was able to do this all on the strength of her typing skills. Maybe a handful of folks on the boards had actually met her in person or knew her IRL. The majority (US and Foreign posters alike) didnt know here and sent her money. All because someone became popular on a messageboard and gave out "tips and tricks". And she seemed nice. A few bible phrases in her signature and some cute profile pics with her weave fried dyed and laid to the side...that's all it took.

DivaDee62 what was the scale of her scam operations? It's sad that she had to die like that :nono: :sad: , but karma(bad karma in particular) is truely a B&%*^

I remember that. He killed her and then he killed himself. Her company's website is still up, the company is still open and there's a memorial page for her.
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At This Point I Would Be Surprised If MTM Made Any Comment To Deny Or Confirm That She Owns This Company. She'll Resurface With A New Company And Gig. She'll Continue On Like Nothing Is Going On And Probably Already Has Another Company Lined Up And Registered.

Why is every word capitalized? :lol:

But yeah, I agree.
Nope. Just the fact that someone posted on Enso's wall that they haven't received their product since June and Enso has yet to comment or delete it.

Matter of fact they have been really quiet these days. But the website still accepts orders....kinda like when she was sick and the Jewelry site was still up and running accepting orders.

But that one retail location in NY is still stocked with Enso products.

All very bizarre.
She's just reaping in the folks who are completely unaware and probably trying to prep for her next scam with whatever money she can squeeze out of this one. SMH.
You can't post on her Facebook page anymore. Suspicious..

And her Twitter is now protected too..
Yeah something is going on.

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Let's see...

2009-2010? Starts Ebay Soap Supply Business. Allegedly Scams some folks, fakes death to get out of refunding money and/or sending product.

2009-2010? Starts Etsy Vintage Clothing Store which abruptly closes.

2009-2010? Starts Frank & Myrrh Blog/Jewelry store. Takes orders, Allegedly scams some folks and disappears.

2010? Reappears as The Mop Top Maven blog. Amasses a large following, "opens" Frank & Myrrh Jewelry Store. Nov/Dec 2010 has blow out sale, scams some folks...counts reach possibly 200-250 orders not fulfilled or refunded. She disappears.

Feb 2011 Reappears online only to tell folks she is oh so sick... "Mom and Grandma" post on various blogs co-signing the daughter's illness. No refunds. No products.

June 2011 People on various messageboards report seeing MTM out and about in L.A. living life and looking good.

June 2011 Enso Naturals Appears. Founder "Dee Cole" aka Nikole Denise Crowe is face camera shy but not too shy to post pics of her hands under another pseudonym to give store Rave Reviews.

July/August 2011 The Con is outed. MTM appears, Enso is not me, yall tripping; the dog ate my homework; I'm on the Sick and Shut in List. Blah Blah Blah. Someone gets a copy of legal documents proving that Nikole is the SOLE PROPRIETOR of Enso Naturals. Additionally Nikole's humble background video ho beginnings are uncovered *snicker*

September 2011 to INFINITY: Fools still gonna give this nutbag their money despite mounds and mounds of proof that Nikole D. Crowe is a low-rent half a#$ Grifter; a Thousandnaire living in Hollyweird trying desperately to keep up with Claudia Jordan and her crew of delusional gold diggers.

I wish this chicken head would send me a cease and desist letter. Nah run tell dat HOMEGURL!

Who dis? And where dey do dat at?
September 2011 to INFINITY: Fools still gonna give this nutbag their money despite mounds and mounds of proof that Nikole D. Crowe is a low-rent half a#$ Grifter; a Thousandnaire living in Hollyweird trying desperately to keep up with Claudia Jordan and her crew of delusional gold diggers.
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YouTube Comment.
We miss you a lot butwith all thatdrama that happened between your personal life andgetting trashed on thehair care forums, i understand ifyou nevercome back. I mean people are so ungrateful and quick to judge, you provided SOO much information free of charge including recipes, and thesame people trashhing youare still going to your blog checking your posts. They keep saying oh some people didn't get their money back. But who? its never the people who lost money who say this, that is because everyone was refunded. And concerning the who's the owner of Enso? Who the hell cares? If you say it's not you, then its not you but if it is you, it will not take away from the great information you've still provided on your blog, and will not change my opinion of you. I think you make great jewelry and I think people should stop using pseudo psychology to ''diagnose'' Nikole and look up the definiton of scammer, b/c it sure as heck ain't you.
Who do I have to rob to get loyalty like that? seriously, which one of you do I have to rip off to get a loyal fanbase?

You Have Nice Hair, Pretty Blog, And Live A Charm Life? (Or At Least Can You Pretend To?) If So You Can Gain Loyalty, A Fan Base, Hell Even Scam Folks (Over And Over Again).:lol:
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You Have Nice Hair, Pretty Blog, And Live A Charm Life? (Or At Least Can You Pretend To?) If So You Can Gain Loyalty, A Fan Base, Hell Even Scam Folks (Over And Over Again).:lol:

You have given me wise advice sensei, I see the path I must take. Kidding.

Ironically I was reading a thread about Candy C and saw Sparkling Flame reply on good business practices followed by someone recommending Den1's products.

Nice Twilight Zone moment, confederation of cheats, liars, and crooks.Makes me wonder who's offended now like, "That's terrible! I'd never do that!" but is secretly stroking their chin like "Hmmmmm"

I'm just glad we stopped some of the play nice bs with thieve's reputations, that was absolutely stupid.
This entire thread has been most informative (to say the least). Warnings aside, I couldn't use the so-called "natural" products anyway because the preservatives used contain formaldehyde, and my scalp doesn't respond well to such things.

And as Virtuenow said, anybody can post a favorable comment in their favor.
@lala What preservatives contain formaldehyde?

Yeah, judging from her pattern of writing letters about herself for herself and disguised as another person. (such as the threat of herself suing her own company), then I assumed she would reappear under the identity of someone else (a fan of course) vouching for "Nikole" and her products. The person has obviously followed the whole scam from the beginning all the way to the hair boards. Yet, they try to reinforce the existence of the "personal problems" and that Nikole is not the owner of Enso. Hmmm
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*catches breath* trips and falls, looks around.

Aw shucks! Shame on you! I was rubbing my hands together and erythang.

Slams door on way out.
