Welcome Back Hairline...I've been waiting

Great progress!!
I feel really inspired and hopeful now...I recently realized that my edges were starting to look a mess too, so now I know what to do to grow it back. Thanks for sharing! :yep:

I was just about to ask this...let me find out neosporin is a secret growth aid. Then I won't have to buy coochie cream for my head.

Never thought I would use coochie cream on my head either... till I found myself at the Dollar Store grabbing every vajayjay cream in site! I knew I hit rock bottom 2 days when my DH asked me why I got a catalog for horse products :look: . I stayed quiet :grin:

Hmm actually I think I've used Neosporin too, maybe like 2 years ago
Great job on your hairline. These are amazing results. Thank you for sharing with us. Your hair looks great by the way!!
Thanks for sharing. I am fighting with my hairline trying to fill in my temples from a too tight sew in that I had. I always had thin edges but my temples have quarter size patches.
Hi Janice,
Thanks so much!
Sure, let me give you more information. My nape was really short and breaking in the back. So I started rubbing conditioner on it at night. Now my nape is nice and long, so I just used the same concept for my hairline (I rub it on my hair not scalp, massaging it in). I do this every morning focusing on my hair. I use the castor oil mixed with Neosporin faithfully every night (my hair is covered with a wig everyday until I get home). I only cowash 1-2 times a week (once with a moisture conditioner then protein). It’s really as simple as it sounds:yep:

I was told that once the hair is lost around the hairline, it cant grow back in the same spot, which obviously isn’t true. This has worked wonders for my hairline and hopefully it’ll work for you.

Hi Starronda. I'm so proud of your progress hon. It gives me hope!

If you don't mind shelling a little more info I just wanted to know on average how many times per week in the morning were you using the conditioner and were you focusing more on the scalp or hair itself? And the same question for the castor oil mixed w/neosporin as well?

How often did you wash to prevent clogging?

Does the neosporin itself help with soothing the tenderness caused by bald regions?

Did you massage as well?
lol @ patience and prayer..I guess it takes that also, but sometimes it takes a little more work to go along with it. I was amazed at my results..Wasn't even sure regular neosporin would do anything, but it did along with the castor oil. Glad I could help!

Thank you so much for sharing your story. Thanks for being open with your solution. Over the years ppl have post that they have grown back there hair line, when asked how they accomplish this, the standard answer seems to be patience and pray:sad:. Although this may have worked for them it hasn't worked for me, so thank you for giving us hope:yep:.
Thanks so much for sharing hon! I will surely have to be consistent! Thanks for inspiring us. There is hope !

Hi Janice,
Thanks so much!
Sure, let me give you more information. My nape was really short and breaking in the back. So I started rubbing conditioner on it at night. Now my nape is nice and long, so I just used the same concept for my hairline (I rub it on my hair not scalp, massaging it in). I do this every morning focusing on my hair. I use the castor oil mixed with Neosporin faithfully every night (my hair is covered with a wig everyday until I get home). I only cowash 1-2 times a week (once with a moisture conditioner then protein). It’s really as simple as it sounds:yep:

I was told that once the hair is lost around the hairline, it cant grow back in the same spot, which obviously isn’t true. This has worked wonders for my hairline and hopefully it’ll work for you.
Starronda, I am glad that your hair has grown back. You said that you used conditioner to help grow your nape. can the conditioner be used on the hairline alone? must the neosporin be used with the castor oil or did you do that because the area was sensitive?

Thanks and once again I love the growth.
Thanks Star - I love this thread, truely inspirational.. My nape is my problem area, I finally have about 2.5 inches there which is like WHOA for me cause its been bald for about 6 years prior to LHCF.. I also rub condish in this area and it has helped it fill in quite nicely over the last 4-6 months.. it grows slower than the rest but im happy its growing.
Of course! That’s exactly what I did:yep: ..In the morning I used the conditioner alone on my nape and my hairline in the morning and rub it into my hair. I assume those areas need the extra moisture because I got a little growth just from doing that. I later added the castor oil and Neosporin. I always experiment, so there’s no reason particular why I used the Neosporin:look:

Starronda, I am glad that your hair has grown back. You said that you used conditioner to help grow your nape. can the conditioner be used on the hairline alone? must the neosporin be used with the castor oil or did you do that because the area was sensitive?

Thanks and once again I love the growth.
Of course! That’s exactly what I did:yep: ..In the morning I used the conditioner alone on my nape and my hairline in the morning and rub it into my hair. I assume those areas need the extra moisture because I got a little growth just from doing that. I later added the castor oil and Neosporin. I always experiment, so there’s no reason particular why I used the Neosporin:look:

Hi Starronda!

So what do you think really contributed to your growth? The castor oil, conditioner, Neosporin, or a combination of all three. Also, are you using regular or JBCO?
Lots of Questions-
Coochie Cream???
Conditioner what type of Conditioner. Is this the kind that put in your head right after washing or is this in a format similar to hair grease??
This is so inspiring. I am trying to correct exactly this problem. I lost my hair sides right after my pregnancy - it just went almot like overnight right after I had my baby!

I will certainly be trying this.

Thank you so much for sharing!
I'm not 100% sure. I do know that I used all three faithfully everyday. I use whichever castor oil I have:look:. When I run out of JBCO, I use plain ol' walmart castor oil with no problem. Since posting my hairline is even thicker, so this has been working miracles for me. hth!!

Hi Starronda!

So what do you think really contributed to your growth? The castor oil, conditioner, Neosporin, or a combination of all three. Also, are you using regular or JBCO?
Coochie cream, no.
Conditioner, whatever I can get my hand on first (KeraCare, Mizani Moisturefuse, Aussie Moist and V05).

Lots of Questions-
Coochie Cream???
Conditioner what type of Conditioner. Is this the kind that put in your head right after washing or is this in a format similar to hair grease??