New developments concerning Enso & MTM...

I think it's hard for so many to believe all of this because it just doesn't make any sense. Why would someone with so much talent (jewelery line, hair, fashion, etc...) and such a huge blog following resort to these measures? She had so much going for her, smh...
This is what's so sad :nono:
I think it's hard for so many to believe all of this because it just doesn't make any sense. Why would someone with so much talent (jewelery line, hair, fashion, etc...) and such a huge blog following resort to these measures? She had so much going for her, smh...

Just from the outside looking in...

She started the jewelry line and she may have gotten in over her head. Instead of being honest about her shortcomings as a business owner- she allegedly lies, faking an illness...but ENSO Naturals was probably a business model that she's always had- but really- who would trust her after the jewelry line fiasco? In her mind, she probably felt the need to be deceptive about the beginnings of ENSO so that she could establish a consumer base.

The funny thing about this whole situation is, if she told people the truth from jump- she would have still had followers, and therefore could have established ENSO without all the alleged Dee Cole trickery...
Just from the outside looking in...

She started the jewelry line and she may have gotten in over her head. Instead of being honest about her shortcomings as a business owner- she allegedly lies, faking an illness...but ENSO Naturals was probably a business model that she's always had- but really- who would trust her after the jewelry line fiasco? In her mind, she probably felt the need to be deceptive about the beginnings of ENSO so that she could establish a consumer base.

The funny thing about this whole situation is, if she told people the truth from jump- she would have still had followers, and therefore could have established ENSO without all the alleged Dee Cole trickery...

prior to her jewlry line i thought she had some other business as well. so this is her 3rd business, and people already aren't getting their orders..... and rather you get in over your head or not, tell your customers that you are out of stock, apologize and refund them their money. instead she keeps the money, lies and stalls until its too late to get a refund, then disappears. :ohwell: some people are very very bold. she's posted pics of herself and friends, and continuouslly apprently defrauds people of their money.

another question/comment i have after reading some of these threads, for those that read through some of these threads and still wanted to order her products even if using paypal... why? how can you even be sure of the legetimacy of the ingredients? are these products just that great and magical? i don't understand....

anyways back to lurking in this thread.... lol :spinning:
She needs her butt beat for threatening legal action on that lady with the blog when she was telling the truth.

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This moptop/Enso Naturals/Nikole Crowe scamming is putting the Naija 419 scammers to shame!! lol!:lol: ...... At least when you hear 419, you know they are out to scam ur arse!:lachen::lachen::lachen::lol:.

Moptop/sloppymoppy/thirsty video girl :look:'I guess you got 99 problems and LYING is one of them!!!:nono: :nono:

Oh gawd... I just KNEW this ENSO stuff wasn't over yet.

It won't be over until this is on the news and she is in court or she breaks down and tells the truth (I may find the first option more likely as we all know we're not dealing with an honest person here).

The situation wasn't even that bad, but the lying thing is not cool and scamming in this economy is just asking for a load of poop. In my city we have this guy from a local news station who investigates scams and his catch phrase is: "that 'ain't right!". Anyone who knows what I'm talking about - maybe we should call him lol.
I think it goes like this. Clothes, soaps, frankencise and myrrh, jewelry and enso. Is that right? She had four or five Internet businesses I think.
I think it's hard for so many to believe all of this because it just doesn't make any sense. Why would someone with so much talent (jewelery line, hair, fashion, etc...) and such a huge blog following resort to these measures? She had so much going for her, smh...

Just from the outside looking in...

She started the jewelry line and she may have gotten in over her head. Instead of being honest about her shortcomings as a business owner- she allegedly lies, faking an illness...but ENSO Naturals was probably a business model that she's always had- but really- who would trust her after the jewelry line fiasco? In her mind, she probably felt the need to be deceptive about the beginnings of ENSO so that she could establish a consumer base.

The funny thing about this whole situation is, if she told people the truth from jump- she would have still had followers, and therefore could have established ENSO without all the alleged Dee Cole trickery...

I think you guys are giving her too much credit. Agree she's talented but even when you screw up and get overwhelmed in a business you don't go into stealing money, inventing diseases, and producing footprints of a dead infant.

Those are the actions of a very sick individual.

I think she was likely always a liar and thief and tried a straight business for a second but got sick of it. She likely enjoyed the attention given to her via her blog and played off it. She probably observed like you said that people were so willing to forgive disasters so long as the person is 'honest' and decided rather than spend her time and money making products she could just pocket the money. I see it on this website all the time: forgiving extremely delayed shipping, sending the wrong items, not responding to customer emails. So she created her sob story and kept the money. No offense to anyone but look how long she got away with it, look how many people forgives and sympathized with her...look how many people would have willingly done business again.

The thing is she knows she makes good money off this con game. She maybe spends $100 creating ANY product (just generalizing) and by the time she has support and a following she can earn upwards of a $1000 tax free without doing anything. She disappears, changes her screen name, starts all over and can prey on the same people. Whether it's 3, 4, or 5 online businesses she hasn't really gotten caught till now and has likely stolen thousands upon thousands. I doubt shed ever really stop unless she was on the news, in court, or in jail.

Some folks just come on this Earth to hurt others with no real intention of doing good, sad as it is to hear.
*Update*.... STILL haven't received my package. :lachen:Just Called the bank and got the charge reversed.:grin: Ill know better next time.:rolleyes:
I think you guys are giving her too much credit. Agree she's talented but even when you screw up and get overwhelmed in a business you don't go into stealing money, inventing diseases, and producing footprints of a dead infant.

Those are the actions of a very sick individual.

I think she was likely always a liar and thief and tried a straight business for a second but got sick of it. She likely enjoyed the attention given to her via her blog and played off it. She probably observed like you said that people were so willing to forgive disasters so long as the person is 'honest' and decided rather than spend her time and money making products she could just pocket the money. I see it on this website all the time: forgiving extremely delayed shipping, sending the wrong items, not responding to customer emails. So she created her sob story and kept the money. No offense to anyone but look how long she got away with it, look how many people forgives and sympathized with her...look how many people would have willingly done business again.

The thing is she knows she makes good money off this con game. She maybe spends $100 creating ANY product (just generalizing) and by the time she has support and a following she can earn upwards of a $1000 tax free without doing anything. She disappears, changes her screen name, starts all over and can prey on the same people. Whether it's 3, 4, or 5 online businesses she hasn't really gotten caught till now and has likely stolen thousands upon thousands. I doubt shed ever really stop unless she was on the news, in court, or in jail.

Some folks just come on this Earth to hurt others with no real intention of doing good, sad as it is to hear.

^^^ You could be onto something there, especially the highlighted part. She's definitely got her narcissistic freak on!!!:nono::nono:

*Update*.... STILL haven't received my package. :lachen:Just Called the bank and got the charge reversed.:grin: Ill know better next time.:rolleyes:

^^^ It's great you got the charge reversed!!:grin: :bouncy:
I hope she gets the help she needs no normal person would put so much effort in doing something this messy and crazy.
^^^ You could be onto something there, especially the highlighted part. She's definitely got her narcissistic freak on!!!:nono::nono: ]

Yeah, worst thing I could ever do if I got in over my head in a business is vanish point blank. I'd feel like shhh and guilty but that'd be it. I couldn't even picture me staying quiet for too long without responding to people/apologizing.

But that 'woman' typed up a fake birth certificate and created footprints from SOMEWHERE (earlier I wondered if she had access to someone's child and did it that way) to manipulate people's sympathy.

I just think this is a form of business to her. She seems like a hustler 'any means necessary' (especially if it really is her in that Nelly video) frankly I think she's still perfecting the scam and is trying to salvage Enso because she probably has no other means of income for now.

If Enso fails girlfriend may actually have to get a job.
Let's see...

2009-2010? Starts Ebay Soap Supply Business. Allegedly Scams some folks, fakes death to get out of refunding money and/or sending product.

2009-2010? Starts Etsy Vintage Clothing Store which abruptly closes.

2009-2010? Starts Frank & Myrrh Blog/Jewelry store. Takes orders, Allegedly scams some folks and disappears.

2010? Reappears as The Mop Top Maven blog. Amasses a large following, "opens" Frank & Myrrh Jewelry Store. Nov/Dec 2010 has blow out sale, scams some folks...counts reach possibly 200-250 orders not fulfilled or refunded. She disappears.

Feb 2011 Reappears online only to tell folks she is oh so sick... "Mom and Grandma" post on various blogs co-signing the daughter's illness. No refunds. No products.

June 2011 People on various messageboards report seeing MTM out and about in L.A. living life and looking good.

June 2011 Enso Naturals Appears. Founder "Dee Cole" aka Nikole Denise Crowe is face camera shy but not too shy to post pics of her hands under another pseudonym to give store Rave Reviews.

July/August 2011 The Con is outed. MTM appears, Enso is not me, yall tripping; the dog ate my homework; I'm on the Sick and Shut in List. Blah Blah Blah. Someone gets a copy of legal documents proving that Nikole is the SOLE PROPRIETOR of Enso Naturals. Additionally Nikole's humble background video ho beginnings are uncovered *snicker*

September 2011 to INFINITY: Fools still gonna give this nutbag their money despite mounds and mounds of proof that Nikole D. Crowe is a low-rent half a#$ Grifter; a Thousandnaire living in Hollyweird trying desperately to keep up with Claudia Jordan and her crew of delusional gold diggers.

I wish this chicken head would send me a cease and desist letter. Nah run tell dat HOMEGURL!
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Let's see...

2009-2010? Starts Ebay Soap Supply Business. Allegedly Scams some folks, fakes death to get out of refunding money and/or sending product.

2009-2010? Starts Etsy Vintage Clothing Store which abruptly closes.

2009-2010? Starts Frank & Myrrh Blog/Jewelry store. Takes orders, Allegedly scams some folks and disappears.

2010? Reappears as The Mop Top Maven blog. Amasses a large following, "opens" Frank & Myrrh Jewelry Store. Nov/Dec 2010 has blow out sale, scams some folks...counts reach possibly 200-250 orders not fulfilled or refunded. She disappears.

Feb 2011 Reappears online only to tell folks she is oh so sick... "Mom and Grandma" post on various blogs co-signing the daughter's illness. No refunds. No products.

June 2011 People on various messageboards report seeing MTM out and about in L.A. living life and looking good.

June 2011 Enso Naturals Appears. Founder "Dee Cole" aka Nikole Denise Crowe is face camera shy but not too shy to post pics of her hands under another pseudonym to give store Rave Reviews.

July/August 2011 The Con is outed. MTM appears, Enso is not me, yall tripping; the dog ate my homework; I'm on the Sick and Shut in List. Blah Blah Blah. Someone gets a copy of legal documents proving that Nikole is the SOLE PROPRIETOR of Enso Naturals. Additionally Nikole's humble background video ho beginnings are uncovered *snicker*

September 2011 to INFINITY: Fools still gonna give this nutbag their money despite mounds and mounds of proof that Nikole D. Crowe is a low-rent half a#$ Grifter; a Thousandnaire living in Hollyweird trying desperately to keep up with Claudia Jordan and her crew of delusional gold diggers.

I wish this chicken head would send me a cease and desist letter. Nah run tell dat HOMEGURL!
:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen: #iCried
y'all watch. you're going to go over to the ET forum one day and see her beau'd up with some musician or baller. WATCH!!! She loves glitz and glam and while scamming may pay the bills it's not enough for the red carpet. Y'all wait and see. This stuff is kindergarten. She'll be moving onto college soon enough. I don't know why I suspect this will happen but I think it will and I'm gonna be right here to watch it all play out.
Allegedly faked her death so that the Ebay buyers would leave her alone about not getting their product or their money. This was outed on twitter by someone who clearly knows Nikole and was willing for a brief moment to spill a few drops of Sweet Tea lol!/WatchDeThroned

Looks like Crownsnatcher is back in business after the newest developments! One can only wonder if Crownsnatcher is going to drop more gems.

DivaDee62 - She faked her death??? I need the T's on that one!
Y'all Play Too Damn Much. I.Just.Can't.:lol:

ETA: Wonder Who This WatchDeThrone Is And I Wish He/She Would Just Spill All The Tea.
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JazzyOleBabe I'm baffled that folks are on the Enso Page complaining that they didn't get their product, are getting no answer and then whining about how they ordered from the company DESPITE having read ALLLLLLLL the warnings and mounting evidence that MTM=Enso Naturals.

I wonder where Lexi with the Curls is right about now? Maybe having Philliptinis with Nikole getting Business tips and Background Video Ho Industry Contacts. Clearly for some a check is A CHECK!

Gurl you are crazy but you summed it up. Just choked on my relaxing drink (Rum and Coke) and tinkled on myself. smdh.
September 2011 to INFINITY: Fools still gonna give this nutbag their money despite mounds and mounds of proof that Nikole D. Crowe is a low-rent half a#$ Grifter; a Thousandnaire living in Hollyweird trying desperately to keep up with Claudia Jordan and her crew of delusional gold diggers.

I wish this chicken head would send me a cease and desist letter. Nah run tell dat HOMEGURL!

@JazzyOleBabe I'm baffled that folks are on the Enso Page complaining that they didn't get their product, are getting no answer and then whining about how they ordered from the company DESPITE having read ALLLLLLLL the warnings and mounting evidence that MTM=Enso Naturals.

I wonder where Lexi with the Curls is right about now? Maybe having Philliptinis with Nikole getting Business tips and Background Video Ho Industry Contacts. Clearly for some a check is A CHECK!

ITA!! WTH!? At this point, I blame the ones who still ordered from her after all this madness. If they just wanted to give some money away, they could have paid one of my bills this month.

DivaDee62 What does Lexi have to do with this? I missed this tea.
nappystorm Lexi was one of the biggest supporters when MTM "reactivated her twitter" She was all on twitter calling the Negative Nellies (like me) psychos and nutjobs for blasting MTM's con ways and blowing up the spot. Telling MTM to DM her so they can get together and talk. I support you MTM Lexi Supports you. CHILE BOO.

But now she's all on YT and FB talm bout "I wasn't gonna respond but yall talking bout me reeeeeal low on the message boards...what had happen wuz BLAH BLAH BLAH I wasn't supporting MTM I was supporting da chilren. Lexi Luvs Da Kidz...that's what I was talkin' bout on twitter.
