New developments concerning Enso & MTM...

Holy ****. I had no idea Lexi with the curls defended her!! I completely missed that. Good to know. This is all bananas. And I don't think it will end here.
@nappystorm Lexi was one of the biggest supporters when MTM "reactivated her twitter" She was all on twitter calling the Negative Nellies (like me) psychos and nutjobs for blasting MTM's con ways and blowing up the spot. Telling MTM to DM her so they can get together and talk. I support you MTM Lexi Supports you. CHILE BOO.

But now she's all on YT and FB talm bout "I wasn't gonna respond but yall talking bout me reeeeeal low on the message boards...what had happen wuz BLAH BLAH BLAH I wasn't supporting MTM I was supporting da chilren. Lexi Luvs Da Kidz...that's what I was talkin' bout on twitter.

Oh she's playing Super Save-A-Sloppy, huh? I saw the post on her FB page.
July/August 2011 The Con is outed. MTM appears, Enso is not me, yall tripping; the dog ate my homework; I'm on the Sick and Shut in List. Blah Blah Blah. Someone gets a copy of legal documents proving that Nikole is the SOLE PROPRIETOR of Enso Naturals. Additionally Nikole's humble background video ho beginnings are uncovered *snicker*


Lexi of course is saying now that she wasn't defending MTM but only defending the so called pressure on MTM to reveal "her personal business" aka alll the medical/emotional/traumatic excuses for scamming folks, not refunding money, not sending what was purchased. But before MTM made her twitter private, Lexi was allll over the timelime high fiving her and trying to get her own hookup into the world of Essence Top 40 Black Beauty/Hair bloggers.

Holy ****. I had no idea Lexi with the curls defended her!! I completely missed that. Good to know. This is all bananas. And I don't think it will end here.
I'm glad all of this continues to come out. Hopefully it will stop someone in their tracks who is just about to GET OVER on a specialized section of the Internet Social community i.e. Naturals, Black hair care enthusiasts, Makeup & General PJs. And it will serve as a caution to folks who willingly spend money on internet shops without first vetting the business as legit.

As long as I've been on hair/makeup/entertainment message boards, I've seen many a scam go down and they all end horribly for the SCAMMER more so than the scammed. From the first online scam I witnessed on BHM with the chick who was buying Indian hair wholesale for groups of posters and then sending them used cheap BSS braid hair in return...She was killed by her husband after they rewarded themselves with a big old luxury house, paid for by the posters on BHM. And now 10 years later MTM scamming folks after becoming a BLOG GOD I wouldn't be surprised if I saw her on the local news either going to jail or worse for her tricks and cons.

Eddie Long, Creflo Dollar ain't got nothing on scandalous chicks like Nikole.
You found her YT channel! Don't know why I couldn't get it to come up. As for the BC video, I'm not sure if that is how it's supposed to look after a BC cause I didn't BC during my transition, my stylist gradually cut off the relaxed ends and I kept everything under a weave. Yeah but I'm feeling sad face looking at the end result :-(

I'll see if someone posted the YT video on NC but she may have taken it down to keep from getting deeper in the weeds!
I didn't see this video either. OT: I'm still mad at her for this video. I felt so bad for her friend :nono:
@nappystorm Lexi was one of the biggest supporters when MTM "reactivated her twitter" She was all on twitter calling the Negative Nellies (like me) psychos and nutjobs for blasting MTM's con ways and blowing up the spot. Telling MTM to DM her so they can get together and talk. I support you MTM Lexi Supports you. CHILE BOO.

But now she's all on YT and FB talm bout "I wasn't gonna respond but yall talking bout me reeeeeal low on the message boards...what had happen wuz BLAH BLAH BLAH I wasn't supporting MTM I was supporting da chilren. Lexi Luvs Da Kidz...that's what I was talkin' bout on twitter.

prior to her jewlry line i thought she had some other business as well. so this is her 3rd business, and people already aren't getting their orders..... and rather you get in over your head or not, tell your customers that you are out of stock, apologize and refund them their money. instead she keeps the money, lies and stalls until its too late to get a refund, then disappears. :ohwell: some people are very very bold. she's posted pics of herself and friends, and continuouslly apprently defrauds people of their money.

another question/comment i have after reading some of these threads, for those that read through some of these threads and still wanted to order her products even if using paypal... why? how can you even be sure of the legetimacy of the ingredients? are these products just that great and magical? i don't understand....

anyways back to lurking in this thread.... lol :spinning:

This!!! Who knows what the hell she's putting in there! Mofos gonna wonder why their hair looks texlaxed :lachen:
Damn I hope I never piss yall off cause yall go hard!! Even Jesus is up on the cross looking down at folks going damn!!! :lachen:

This is why I do product reviews and keep it moving. I don't have that type of time for the rest of that stuff.

All of the inch high private eyes, I'm putting in my bid for yall to come up with a solution to the national debt, unemployment and other things since congress cannot be trusted. Yall get to the nitty gritty, help'em out some.
Yeah, worst thing I could ever do if I got in over my head in a business is vanish point blank. I'd feel like shhh and guilty but that'd be it. I couldn't even picture me staying quiet for too long without responding to people/apologizing.

But that 'woman' typed up a fake birth certificate and created footprints from SOMEWHERE (earlier I wondered if she had access to someone's child and did it that way) to manipulate people's sympathy.

I just think this is a form of business to her. She seems like a hustler 'any means necessary' (especially if it really is her in that Nelly video) frankly I think she's still perfecting the scam and is trying to salvage Enso because she probably has no other means of income for now.

If Enso fails girlfriend may actually have to get a job.

^^^ :lachen: :lol: :lachen: .... Yeah who's gonna hire a liar and a thief? one google search later and potential employers will be :cowgirl: away from her :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:

Let's see...

2009-2010? Starts Ebay Soap Supply Business. Allegedly Scams some folks, fakes death to get out of refunding money and/or sending product.

^^^ Me thinks after faking her own death(very morbid!!:nono:), she will have no qualms selling out her family. Anything for that green monkey! .....

As long as I've been on hair/makeup/entertainment message boards, I've seen many a scam go down and they all end horribly for the SCAMMER more so than the scammed. From the first online scam I witnessed on BHM with the chick who was buying Indian hair wholesale for groups of posters and then sending them used cheap BSS braid hair in return...She was killed by her husband after they rewarded themselves with a big old luxury house, paid for by the posters on BHM. And now 10 years later MTM scamming folks after becoming a BLOG GOD I wouldn't be surprised if I saw her on the local news either going to jail or worse for her tricks and cons.

Eddie Long, Creflo Dollar ain't got nothing on scandalous chicks like Nikole.

DivaDee62 what was the scale of her scam operations? It's sad that she had to die like that :nono: :sad: , but karma(bad karma in particular) is truely a B&%*^
This would have to come to light when I am sitting in the middle of days long power outage. I am just getting through this thread and able to see the document.
I am so proud of every one of the smart posters here that didn't allow themselves to be brow
Beaten by the guru worshippers. You put your brains to the task, revealed scam
and exposed fraud for what it is. I am so thankful for you.

I really question the motivation of those who are "tired of hearing about this" or wh remain in priotect
Mode for Mop and this scam. What is in it for them? Are they getting free products from
Her and others? Are they getting paid to try to belittle those who refuse to stand by and allow
Scammers to dupe people? You private eyes keep going in hard! We need more smart wimen like
you. And for the rest who choose to remain gullible, quit being victims. Open your brain
And close your wallet.
I think it goes like this. Clothes, soaps, frankencise and myrrh, jewelry and enso. Is that right? She had four or five Internet businesses I think.

I think she was selling ayuervedic stuff or powders, and oils. I vaguely remember when she posted something about starting a wholesale business to sell to spas, and leaving the board. This was awhile back.

ETA: Ok, so this was prob part of the soap supply business.
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I have nothing to add here but I never cared for lexi with the curls. Her yt vids are boring (no personality) and she tries so hard to be noticed. Also if she scammed out of her money she would want to know everything about the scammer so she needs to shut it about the drama.
When moptopmaven did yt vids, I did enjoy her vids and I'm saddened that the woman has so much potential to become a successful legitimate business woman but throws it all away by scamming folks for their money and pity...a real socialpath.
She needs her butt beat for threatening legal action on that lady with the blog when she was telling the truth.

Sent from my SPH-M910 using Long Hair Care Forum App

And I hope she (lady w/the blog) doesn't shut her blog down or perm her hair behind this madness.
When moptopmaven did yt vids, I did enjoy her vids and I'm saddened that the woman has so much potential to become a successful legitimate business woman but throws it all away by scamming folks for their money and pity...a real socialpath.

THIS!!! All she had to do was be honest and forthcoming from jump and she wouldv'e stayed in good graces with the majority of people. When you decide to own a business, sometimes you have to do things you normally wouldn't do (i.e respond to customer needs when you are sick, release statements letting people know what's up). I'm not saying don't take needed time off to heal, but be realistic. If you fall behind on orders, either refund that ish, or send it out late with gratuitous samples and a damn discount code.

Pfft, let ME have a whole community of people dying to throw their money at me and do business with me, I'ma do right by y'all LOL
Let's see...

2009-2010? Starts Ebay Soap Supply Business. Allegedly Scams some folks, fakes death to get out of refunding money and/or sending product.

2009-2010? Starts Etsy Vintage Clothing Store which abruptly closes.

2009-2010? Starts Frank & Myrrh Blog/Jewelry store. Takes orders, Allegedly scams some folks and disappears.

2010? Reappears as The Mop Top Maven blog. Amasses a large following, "opens" Frank & Myrrh Jewelry Store. Nov/Dec 2010 has blow out sale, scams some folks...counts reach possibly 200-250 orders not fulfilled or refunded. She disappears.

Feb 2011 Reappears online only to tell folks she is oh so sick... "Mom and Grandma" post on various blogs co-signing the daughter's illness. No refunds. No products.

June 2011 People on various messageboards report seeing MTM out and about in L.A. living life and looking good.

June 2011 Enso Naturals Appears. Founder "Dee Cole" aka Nikole Denise Crowe is face camera shy but not too shy to post pics of her hands under another pseudonym to give store Rave Reviews.

July/August 2011 The Con is outed. MTM appears, Enso is not me, yall tripping; the dog ate my homework; I'm on the Sick and Shut in List. Blah Blah Blah. Someone gets a copy of legal documents proving that Nikole is the SOLE PROPRIETOR of Enso Naturals. Additionally Nikole's humble background video ho beginnings are uncovered *snicker*

September 2011 to INFINITY: Fools still gonna give this nutbag their money despite mounds and mounds of proof that Nikole D. Crowe is a low-rent half a#$ Grifter; a Thousandnaire living in Hollyweird trying desperately to keep up with Claudia Jordan and her crew of delusional gold diggers.

I wish this chicken head would send me a cease and desist letter. Nah run tell dat HOMEGURL!

#DEAD!! I freaking died laughing at the bolded, like seriously. OMG!! I haven't heard someone mention the sick and shut in list since I last visited to my old school baptist church that I grew up in.
Damn I hope I never piss yall off cause yall go hard!! Even Jesus is up on the cross looking down at folks going damn!!! :lachen:

This is why I do product reviews and keep it moving. I don't have that type of time for the rest of that stuff.

All of the inch high private eyes, I'm putting in my bid for yall to come up with a solution to the national debt, unemployment and other things since congress cannot be trusted. Yall get to the nitty gritty, help'em out some.

Stop! Please! :lachen::lachen::lachen:


Looks like Crownsnatcher is back in business after the newest developments! One can only wonder if Crownsnatcher is going to drop more gems.

followed :spinning:

As long as I've been on hair/makeup/entertainment message boards, I've seen many a scam go down and they all end horribly for the SCAMMER more so than the scammed. From the first online scam I witnessed on BHM with the chick who was buying Indian hair wholesale for groups of posters and then sending them used cheap BSS braid hair in return...She was killed by her husband after they rewarded themselves with a big old luxury house, paid for by the posters on BHM. And now 10 years later MTM scamming folks after becoming a BLOG GOD I wouldn't be surprised if I saw her on the local news either going to jail or worse for her tricks and cons.

Eddie Long, Creflo Dollar ain't got nothing on scandalous chicks like Nikole.

ClawwdHammercy WOW
I'm glad all of this continues to come out. Hopefully it will stop someone in their tracks who is just about to GET OVER on a specialized section of the Internet Social community i.e. Naturals, Black hair care enthusiasts, Makeup & General PJs. And it will serve as a caution to folks who willingly spend money on internet shops without first vetting the business as legit.

As long as I've been on hair/makeup/entertainment message boards, I've seen many a scam go down and they all end horribly for the SCAMMER more so than the scammed. From the first online scam I witnessed on BHM with the chick who was buying Indian hair wholesale for groups of posters and then sending them used cheap BSS braid hair in return...She was killed by her husband after they rewarded themselves with a big old luxury house, paid for by the posters on BHM. And now 10 years later MTM scamming folks after becoming a BLOG GOD I wouldn't be surprised if I saw her on the local news either going to jail or worse for her tricks and cons.

Eddie Long, Creflo Dollar ain't got nothing on scandalous chicks like Nikole.

I am also an old school hair board girl. I was thinking about the BHM weave scandal after reading about the constant mounting ENSO gate.
From the first online scam I witnessed on BHM with the chick who was buying Indian hair wholesale for groups of posters and then sending them used cheap BSS braid hair in return...She was killed by her husband after they rewarded themselves with a big old luxury house, paid for by the posters on BHM.

Wow. You Took It Way Back. I Remember This, It Was Even Talked About Here. Unfortunate Story.:nono:
Also, dosen't enso have a partnering account?

Ecodermis & Wolfberry
563 Lincoln Place
Brooklyn, New York, 11238

But if you go to that site and search, no Enso stuff there. Could be their such just sucks, never know.

BTW has anyone ever been to this store in person??
