New Carrot Juice Hair Growth Challenge

I don't see any significant difference in my hair. I've been drinking carrot juice daily since November 06. I don't think it has grown any faster, gotten any thicker or gotten any shinier. I put a tablespoon of flaxseed oil (sometimes a little more) in each glass of carrot juice so either I'm not drinking enough of it or it just doesn't work for everyone. My skin looks great because of the aloe vera gel and tea tree oil that i incorporated into my daily regimen.

Good luck to everyone else. I'm going to continue drinking the juice because I believe its good for me and helps me get some of the required veggie intake that we are supposed to have.
I can't believe how old this thread is, this carrot juice thing must be working. I think I'll join this challenge. I do have a juicer so I'll go buy some carrots this weekend and start juicing on Sunday. I may add some apples and ginger. I'll also buy some baby carrots for healthy snacking. I'm in braids so hopefully I'll see some substantial growth when I take them out, in the meantime I'll look forward to glowing skin. I love this forum, I have learnt so much. I'm going to be one flly chick with some flowing locks and glowing skin.:lol:
count me in!

start date 10th february. or 12th not sure when i can get my hands on carrot juice. but will check my progress each month and let you know.
I started back on this one last night...4 ounces per day (2 in the a.m., 2 in the p.m.).

I never did buy that juicer but I've got my eye on one this weekend...gotta use those wedding gift cards!! (Thanks Ashee!! :kiss:)
It totally working for me. Please see my progress pics my siggy. I dont think Ill every stop. This is combination with Biotin is truly my saving grace.
Is it too late to join? I just purchased a juiceman big mouth juicer and I'm ready to go!!
I would do this mainly for my health though, I don't get as much veggies and fruits as I should, I did this years ago and I remember having dewy/glowing skin.

@ CHolet, Your growth is very impressive!
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Anyone can start this at any time. :) Only two ounces of 100% carrot juice is necessary each day (around 1/4 cup) for good results, although some are drinking more.

Eating carrots is healthy but different mainly because the carrots would go through the digestive system. Carrot juice goes directly into the bloodstream.
I think I want to jump in on this challenege. I've been incoporating more protein via shakes and drinks into my diet and I think it might be good to do this with vitamins and minerals as well.

Odwalla makes a really tasy carrot juice that I love and has been on sale for the past two weeks across the street.

the super protein is also really good, well to me anyway, lol
Don't you know I stocked up on carrot juice (not cheap either) for the last challenge and my DH drank it nearly ALL UP.:cry: I gotta find a cheaper challenge or better hiding place for my stuff!:mad:
Are you all juicing baby carrots or regular carrots? I've been doing this off and on, but have always used the baby carrots. Is there a difference in the amount benefit of using one over the other?
Got my Odwalla 100% carrot juice from Wal-Mart is morning. Had 3 oz. this am and gonna get 2-3 more oz. before bed. Don't won't to loose any to expiration. :) At $6.97 per 1/2 gal. Waste not; SPEND not!:)
HERicane10 said:
Got my Odwalla 100% carrot juice from Wal-Mart is morning. Had 3 oz. this am and gonna get 2-3 more oz. before bed. Don't won't to loose any to expiration. :) At $6.97 per 1/2 gal. Waste not; SPEND not!:)

Whoa. Now I don't feel so bad that it's $5.99 at my grocery store.
i think i'm gonna try this challenge out. a couple summers ago my aunt had us all drinkin` fresh juices and our morning one was carrot-apple. i thought it was the weirdest thing ever but i actually ended up liking it, didn't want to admit that to anyone though haha. i'm gonna start using my grannie's juicer to make homemade juice.
Any updates on some of you that are on this carrot juice challenge?

I want to incorporate this into my routine for overall health, skin, and hair.
I started two weeks ago and my husband asked me yesterday what I was doing to my skin - it's glowing. I think it's the carrot juice!:)
Isis said:
Anyone can start this at any time. :) Only two ounces of 100% carrot juice is necessary each day (around 1/4 cup) for good results, although some are drinking more.

Eating carrots is healthy but different mainly because the carrots would go through the digestive system. Carrot juice goes directly into the bloodstream.

Hey Isis, I love carrot juice and would definitely be interested in this but I am taking spirulina tablets. Do you think that along with carrot juice might be excessive vit a?
HoneyLemonDrop said:
Hey Isis, I love carrot juice and would definitely be interested in this but I am taking spirulina tablets. Do you think that along with carrot juice might be excessive vit a?
Hello HoneyLemonDrop!

Beta-carotene is not toxic. Too much vitamin A is toxic as found in fish liver oils (like cod liver oil). Carrot juice and spirulina both have beta-carotene which is a safe source of vitamin A. On your spirulina bottle it should say "Vitamin A (beta-carotene)" or something very similar. It won't say just "Vitamin A". An overdose of carrots or carrot juice will turn the skin yellow but it will not harm you.

Here are some of many sources of info on this topic:
There seems to be no toxicity when ingesting large amounts of beta-carotene - you might however have a slightly orange colored skin, as the carotene gets stored in your skin.
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divinefavor said:
Are you all juicing baby carrots or regular carrots? I've been doing this off and on, but have always used the baby carrots. Is there a difference in the amount benefit of using one over the other?
I almost always juice regular carrots. I don't know if there is a difference in the benefits or not...:scratchch
Is there any difference in eating carrot as opposed to drinking the juice? I don't see why as you are eating the everything that would have come out from juicing anyway? Unless in juice form the body is able to utlise the benefits better?
i think i'll do it. when i 1st got a juiceman years ago i made carrot juice and thats how i found out i liked carrots!:lol: i gradually was able to eat whole carrots after drinking the juice. i would sometimes add an apple, is that cheating:confused: :D
Thanks Isis!

I'll try with the regular carrots.

Honeybadgirl - I put apple in mine as well, I don't think the carrot juice will stay down if I didn't. I sometimes put celery in it too.
divinefavor said:
Thanks Isis!

I'll try with the regular carrots.

Honeybadgirl - I put apple in mine as well, I don't think the carrot juice will stay down if I didn't. I sometimes put celery in it too.

that sounds yummy too, the celery. let me know how you're doing with it. i have to unpack my juiceman
I also add a couple of apples, I hope that doesn't reduce the effects... I also add Ginger (heard it increased hair growth)
KissKiss said:
I also add a couple of apples, I hope that doesn't reduce the effects... I also add Ginger (heard it increased hair growth)

thanks...i just started cooking with ginger. i'll throw it in too:)