New *2011* Transitioners Support Thread!

Suggestions ladies?

I've been transitioning since December. (kind of got started in October but did a touch-up on some leave-out in December) I stayed in sew-ins until February. I gave my hair a week's break and then had twists put in. It's been over 2 months with these twists and I'm trying to figure out what to do next. I'm thinking of going to get the twists touched up around the edges and then holding off for another month and a half to do anything else.

What do y'all think?

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That sounds like a good idea to me :yep:

I've had my braids in for 3 months now and I've been re-doing the edges every month, every two months for the interior. Although the break has been nice I can't wait to take these braids out next month when finals are over!

I've been wanting to try some Joico so I think that will be my present to myself when I take these braids down.
ladysaraii Hey 2 years is a good long term transition. :yep: Looking forward to seeing some pics soon!

c0urtkneee Did we cut it yet? Can't wait to see some pics!

Ladies, I found this old donut bun styler thing and covered it with a black satin scarf. This may be the "summer style" for me. Did it with an old braidout.


This Saturday I'll be 22 months post. Here is a picture of the most decent braidout I've had in months (about 2 weeks ago). It didn't last long so it ended up as a bun. Tonight I cut some more off of the sides to even it out with the nape area which is pretty much all natural. The second picture if after I cut. I still have quite a bit of relaxed hair on the sides. My sides grow a lot slower than the back. I wonder how long it would take my hair to be this length all natural.

I'm trying 2 stay strong! I need 2 get braids b/c I dont know what 2 do with my hair! plus I have an area with no relax ends b/c they broke off! I also cant keep my hands out my hair! Praying that i get the relaxer thought out of my head!
destine2grow- Stay strong my sister :lol: But really, remember why you are going natural...will you regret relaxing in a day, a week, or a month? I say worst come to worst, BC before you go back to a relaxer :look: I really do undertsand the frustration far along in your transition are you?
I'm almost 4 months post. Just wondering, am I the only one keeping hair straight (wash and pressed)? I have yet to play around with braidouts and twistouts.. in the past I did not like the outcomes....
I'm kinda bored with my hair.. same old shoulder-length, doesn't seem to grow longer...thinking about getting colored
I'm almost 4 months post. Just wondering, am I the only one keeping hair straight (wash and pressed)? I have yet to play around with braidouts and twistouts.. in the past I did not like the outcomes....
I'm kinda bored with my hair.. same old shoulder-length, doesn't seem to grow longer...thinking about getting colored

I'm not using heat on my hair until about September or maybe October. I want to get past a year's transition before applying heat to my forming curls. Maybe you try wigs, weaves, braids or the occasional bun to keep you from getting bored. :yawn:
destine2grow- Stay strong my sister :lol: But really, remember why you are going natural...will you regret relaxing in a day, a week, or a month? I say worst come to worst, BC before you go back to a relaxer :look: I really do undertsand the frustration far along in your transition are you?

I know if i relax I will regret it. I did that back in Oct after a yr w/o a relaxer and 4 mths natural. I am frustrated b/c I dont know how to style my hair with the shrinkage and I am experiencing some breakage! The breakage is due to dryness! i have started moisturizing and sealing 2x a week and I plan 2 cowash every other day!
And thought I should let you my fellow transitioners know this:
I had an epiphany recently...finally ready to move forward in ALL areas of my life :) Starting with cutting my hair off once I take these braids out! Time to embrace all of come June 1st, I will have short curly hair! I have never had short hair, so this is a leap of faith :look: But I am so excited! :yay: I actually cried about it a couple weeks ago & realized that change is hard for me & getting so emotional over my hair was a sign I was way too attached to it! A convo with a natural friend inspired all was so random! She told me I would still be beautiful with my natural hair & I just started to cry SMH I realized I was just scared to change bc my hair has been this way for 18 YEARS! It is time :yep:

So come May 31st, I am taking down my braids and wash/flatironing for a final length check. Then on June 1st, I'll be 100% natural :yay::giggle:

i still have a few ends to snip off. hopefully that`ll be done tomorrow morning. :]
the front just will not curl at all. :/ i bought some products from Target, so hopefully they`ll help.
That sounds like a good idea to me :yep:

I've had my braids in for 3 months now and I've been re-doing the edges every month, every two months for the interior. Although the break has been nice I can't wait to take these braids out next month when finals are over!

I've been wanting to try some Joico so I think that will be my present to myself when I take these braids down.

Thanks! I ended up getting them touched up. At least another 2 months of not having to worry about my two textures.

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I'm done ladies. BCd last night at 20 months post. I'd had enough of the relaxed ends and just wanted to be done with them :yay::bouncy:. I flat ironed afterwards and my hair reverted almost instantly :lachen:. I've still got stray relaxed wisps here and there and I feel like I need to trim some more but I put the scissors down cos I knew I'd just keep going:). HHG everyone!

PS. Pictures coming as soon as I get to my camera cord. :yep:

Ladies, how are you wearing your hair this Summer? I'm thinking cornrows and a nice kinky wig for when I go out. Otherwise, I'll be lounging around transporting my children to camp and preschool.
I'm done ladies. BCd last night at 20 months post. I'd had enough of the relaxed ends and just wanted to be done with them :yay::bouncy:. I flat ironed afterwards and my hair reverted almost instantly :lachen:. I've still got stray relaxed wisps here and there and I feel like I need to trim some more but I put the scissors down cos I knew I'd just keep going:). HHG everyone!

PS. Pictures coming as soon as I get to my camera cord. :yep:

YAY! Congrats! I chopped yesterday at 20 months too :D


[ignore my dirty mirror in that second pic]
lol LilMissSunshine5, i KNEW someone was gonna bring out the picture smileys.
here`s my first WnG on natural hair! i used Curls' Goddess Curls on the back. the front of my hair STILL would not curl :/ so i threw some of the Organic Root Stimulator's Smooth & Hold Pudding to pop them. :]
Lovely hair, c0urtkneee!

My last relaxer was June 1st of last year. I'm planning to chop on May 31st this year. But my ends are so straggly, broken and uneven that calling this a transition makes me feel like a liar. :perplexed

It looks like a grenade exploded under my head and blew away half of my ends.
Hi Ladies,

I've been going back and forth with transitioning for a while, and I feel like I'm emotionally ready. I am a professional student and therefore I can't wear wigs or braids, and I don't like weave, so are there any tips for styles? I'm starting this thread on page one, but was also hoping that someone could point me in the direction of styling tips. I'm a type 4a/4b 4-6 weeks post and currently bsl. TIA