New *2011* Transitioners Support Thread!

So today is my big day. Yup its been 1 year for me I can't believe it! I grew 6 inches NG and Im loving it. I BCed a very small section in the back of my head and my sisters couldn't believe I did that:giggle: Im def 4a in the kitchen area. I love this thread, its so supportive and most importantly I love LHCF It has the good, the bad, and the ugly but over all its a good site.

So I have 1 more year to go before I BC. Im hoping to get 10 inches by this time next year:look:

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Hey ladies! I have braids in right now and I'll be keeping them until mid-June...I'll be one year post June 18th :yep: As of now, I don't know how I will make it through the summer with the two textures...I don't have very many styling skills & it is getting increasingly frustrating to deal with both textures. My original goal was to BC on 11/11/11 at almost 18 months post. Then I changed it to June at 1 year post and then moved it backward to 2 years post LOL :lachen::lachen: I just have no idea what I truly want :lol: I highly doubt I can make it through this summer without BC though...any thoughts ladies?!
The only thing I can think of is to revisit why you chose 18 months initially, and then why did you move it to 24 mos? If either of those are still relevant weigh the pro's and con's. I know that's a little unoriginal, but I thinks it's an option for figuring out what to do next.

Otherwise find a stylist who works with natural hair, find a natural hair style you love at the length you'll be at when you BC and get to cutting?!!?

I'm so glad that we have this thread. I'm a "baby transitioner." I did a rod set last night and it turned out good but these edges are rough. I need to moisturize them better.

However, I must admit that are "soothing" like rubbing on soft carpet but I must stop touching them.

I have about a 1/2 inch of growth -- who knows the type -- probably 4a but it's going to be a long summer.

I'm may have to spray some Hawaiian Silky 14-in-1 on my edges at lunch. LOL.
A full 6 months is behind me.

To review:

I cut my hair from a hovering apl to neck length about 3 months after my last relaxer
I tried a wig- epic fail- I wasnt comfortable with it
I tried cornrow braids with extensions- It pulled my hairline out :(- failure even beyond epic proportions
I did bantu knots- not bad but no lasting power
stumbled onto roller sets- and loving them :)

I'm definitely experiencing some breakage. I was thinking about doing a light trim myself but I have decided against it.

I was initially rollersetting with paul mitchell stying serum and leave in conditioner.

This time around I mixed the PM Cream with the Softsheen Carson Roots of Nature Healing thickening cream and lotta body. Gave me a soft set with no crunchiness. I'm happy. Just gotta see how it holds up.

I have switched to phyto conditioners fully now and so far so good. My next switch is going to be to the shampoo. :)
I'm cutting some hair on my wash tomorrow. Yup, yes I am :yep: It's either cut something off or get some Affirm relaxer.
After cowashing, moisturizing, and sealing my hair last night, I put it in four braids and gave each one a small trim to tidy my ends. It felt good. I was going to try to trim only twice a year throughout my transition, but I have so much shedding going on that every three months will have to do.
@blcbuty@- I originally chose 18 months so I would have some length when I BC'ed. I have serious shrinkage with my 3c/4a curls :wallbash: I moved it back to 24 months bc I wouldn't be wearing WnG's during the Michigan winter anyway :lol:, so I figured it would be long enough to bun all winter long and then BC next spring when the weather breaks in May. Now I am just frustrated with my hair and feel like I am starting to resent dealing with both textures & I want to love my hair again. But I am still worried about doing it too soon/my hair being too short & then being unhappy with my decision. And the back is still not long enough to completely fit into a bun, so it is a bit annoying (I cut it into an angled NL bob from APL in November for my 30th birthday). I have never been so indecisive about anything in my life :look: So I am beyond confused about what to do...I usually have a clear feeling one way or the other about big decisions & I just haven't with this whole idea of when to end the transition. I am glad I had a clear feeling/indication that I definitely wanted to be natural, otherwise I'd be in serious trouble right now...I'd be looking for a Just For Me :giggle:
@blcbuty@- I originally chose 18 months so I would have some length when I BC'ed. I have serious shrinkage with my 3c/4a curls :wallbash: I moved it back to 24 months bc I wouldn't be wearing WnG's during the Michigan winter anyway :lol:, so I figured it would be long enough to bun all winter long and then BC next spring when the weather breaks in May. Now I am just frustrated with my hair and feel like I am starting to resent dealing with both textures & I want to love my hair again. But I am still worried about doing it too soon/my hair being too short & then being unhappy with my decision. And the back is still not long enough to completely fit into a bun, so it is a bit annoying (I cut it into an angled NL bob from APL in November for my 30th birthday). I have never been so indecisive about anything in my life :look: So I am beyond confused about what to do...I usually have a clear feeling one way or the other about big decisions & I just haven't with this whole idea of when to end the transition. I am glad I had a clear feeling/indication that I definitely wanted to be natural, otherwise I'd be in serious trouble right now...I'd be looking for a Just For Me :giggle:

I know exactly what you're going through.

I am also a 3c/4a with heat damage in the front and sides so the textures are quite crazy in those areas. I also am waiting to BC until I'm comfortable with the length for fear of what I'm going to look like with short curly (in some places crunchy) hair. I've been a bit indecisive these past few weeks as well thinking I'll braid it up as a 2 mos. protective style, and then I thought I'll get a hair cut to remove about 2-3 inches of relaxed hair, but then I would be left with putting more heat on it, when I'm trying to reduce the heat.

So I get it. Stay strong though!! Remember that you're going for length and there is a style that you'll be able to work with until you get to where you're comfortable. What have been your previous staple PS? Have you considered getting your hair braided? Or you can do a braidout over the weekend and then maintain it over the course of the week with larger braids, unless this compromises your regimen. It's one way. Anyone in your family (nieces, cousins) braid or are creative with their hair, they may be able to help you out with some styles.

You might find a natural hair care meetup in your area that can help show you ways to do your hair, just a thought.

HTH. . . . HHG
I am 13 months post today!!!!
I am very exited that I made it this far with no complications with detangling. Wish me continued success!

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I'm 8 months post today!!!!! Whoo hoo!!! :yahoo:

I never thought I'd make this far! I have a function on May 1st, so I'll wait until after that date to BC. (It should be consistently warm by then)

But after that date.....that's about as "long term" as I'm going to go!! :grin:

HHG ladies!!
I tried oil rinsing for the first time on my wash day on Sunday. I added it in as a last minute thing. I'm not sure if it made it easier to detangle but I've noticed in the last two days that my new growth pattern seems more defined and it is much softer. Im in awe.
As I type, I am in the midst of a henna treatment. This time I didn't add any conditioner to my mix and just used boiled distilled water and a couple of splashes of lemon juice. The consistency was less thick and I managed to use pretty much all of it. So, that might be a good thing, right (e.g. thicker hair)?
Did a mini chop!!!! :yay:

About 2 inches. Some call that a trim but I've never trimmed that much before.

Felt good to get that off. Tired of detangling all this hair. You know it's pretty serious when you start picking up the scissors. Cause you can't take that back.

Never been so anxious to cut. That lets me know I'm doing good this time around.

I'll see how it goes and cut some more eventually. I just want enough to pull back in a ponytail.


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I just wanted to see what my hair looks like so I twisted it and wow! I chopped off just a tiny little bit on the side.

The little piece I chopped.

My two strand twist.

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Went to my spin class last night and put my rod rollerset up in a high pony. Let it air-dry and then just pin-curled the ponytail. Turned out really nice today. Use three hair bands to hold it down.

This may be my new strategy during these first few months. Braidout or rod rollerset, pin up for Wednesday spin class (where I workout the hardest) and then keep in a loose bun until Sunday where I go to spin class again -- but maybe put in some oils and get a multi-tasking hot oil treatment and then wash afterward for the week.

I do weight training 3x a week as well as the spin 2x a week but the weight training isn't a problem with my hair as much as the spin class.

Again, "baby transistioner" :lol: I'm sure that I'll have to "regroup" often.

I also found a tip in this thread about doing DCing on dry hair to help with the detangling. Adding oils to my scalp 2x a day has helped with the dryness.

Included pics of the high pony...



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I forgot how to care for my hair :(. I last did a texlax on October 30th. The day before Christmas Eve I got micros, and took them out two weeks ago. I'm about to wash my hair and DC because I'm getting my hair flat twisted tomorrow. The problem is, my ng feels 'hard' and 'undoable'. Hopefully clarifying my hair may help.
I thought it was just me. I got SSK on the back of my nape last week. I ended up having to cut it out. :sad:

My nape has a weird shape to it. It looks like an invert "U". I may have to shape it up because me no likey. :nono:
I can't believe I am one month away from being a year post relaxer. This is really a big deal for me because the only time I was nine months post relaxer was during my two pregnancies and then I went right back to relaxers. I love transitioning to natural!
Just got finished with my hair. I DC'd on dry hair with V05 and olive oil before going to spin class/sauna and afterwards it was really soft. Did a little detangling before hitting the shower.

Sectioned off into 4 sections and used Hair One (but also used some Elasta QP Creme Conditioning Shampoo - no sulfates. It's still the ISH to me, LOL).

Detangled in the shower and it was much easier. Didn't lose much hair this time.

Air-dryed into 4 ponytails and will style for a braid-out tomorrow.
i am 26wks post as of yesterday! I havent been doing much with my hair but I plan to get back on track this week!

Since it is hotter in Fl now I am going to cowash 3x a week and shampoo every other week!
16 months here and gradually winding down to the D-Day. I got Nubian twists and hopefully that will hold me until June
A texture shot of my braidout I did last night. I used 12 braids. My relaxed hair is SO thin so the braid out is a little tighter than I would like so I will probably do 6 braids for a looser/wavier braidout next time.

Put in Giovanni Direct Leave-in throughout the hair and used Garnier Sleek and Shine Leave-in Conditioning Creme and water to braid and seal the ends.
