New *2011* Transitioners Support Thread!

Ladies I really think I'm going to BC soon. I washed my hair the other day and realized that I don't have much relaxed hair left. In some places it's less than an inch. I went to Walgreens last night and bought Shea Moisture's Curl Kit while it was on sale. Might be BCing this weekend depending on how my hair responds to these products

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Next week marks 10 months post for me. I'm so happy to reach dbl digits. I am so itching to bc, the middle of my hair is mostly natural from all the cuts I did. I am going to try to wait another 6 months at least.
:help2: how do you ladies deal with tangling during the transitioning process???

lots of conditioner or something with lots of slippage. When I take my hair down, I have to make sure that I take my time and just work my fingers through my hair to get them out before I wash.

When I wash, I use my shower comb to detangle
So I returned to elasta qp mango butter for my daily moisturizer and my hair seems happy again. I began using it pre lhcf and abandoned it like a fairweather friend to follow the lhcf bandwagons. Tsk tsk. I must say I think the new formula (with the olive oil) works even better for me then the old and I still love the smell. Yum!
:help2: how do you ladies deal with tangling during the transitioning process???

Leaving it alone. I'm a very happy transitioner because I half-wig it up most of the time. I dont see my hair 90% of the time. Its braided up and under a wig. Before I started doing this me and my hair would get in day long fights of trying to slick it back in a bun or detangle it enough so it would lie flat. :nono: It was not fun. So now the only time I see my hair is when its detangling day which is about once a month now and I deal with it then with LOTS of conditioner a denman and PATIENCE. And if your not a wig person there are other options such as weaves, buns, braids, twists and updos. Just anything where you can leave your hair alone for an extended period of time.
@Hairness that gel was a hot mess.. lol Back to the drawing board on that.. Really don't think I can mix anything with the flax seed gel besides aloe vera and oils because its so slimy it doesn't stick to the shea or aloe butter... But I did get this product from Elasta QP that I saw this lady use you U-tube called Feels like silk styling gel.. That's been hleping with the pontails.. Also got this new gel from Ecostyler with Argan Oil and I been using so much gel that I am co-washing more than I usually do. I ended up getting the clear and Argan oil ecostyler gel and that is working pretty good. Still have some flyaways but not as much as b4..

Oh no!! What was the name of that gel? I used Ecostyler with Olive Oil. When I decided to shampoo my hair on Sunday, I sprayed it with my daily moisturizing mix (VO5 Herbal Essence Con, Vegetable Glycerin & Water) then placed a plastic bag over it. It "wet" my hair enough for me to able to fingercomb, then comb and add my pre-poo oils.

Since the first time I did this wasn't planned, I wasn't able to duplicate it with as much success as the first time. Right now my hair is fuzzy around my face and at the nape. It is not laying down even with extra gel, the tie down last night and this morning! I wanted to do this for a month but I might let out next week....I haven't decided. My hair wants to curl and I am seriously going against the grain right now. I don't flat iron or blow dry so I'm trying to straighten my naturally kinky/curly hair with gel....I might have rethink this....I really like the no comb, no manipulation part of this style did the Elasta QP and Ecostyler with Argan work? Is it a strong hold?

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So April 3rd is fast approaching and that will make it a year for me:yep: Im going to mini BC a very small section of my hair that day.
:help2: how do you ladies deal with tangling during the transitioning process???
I detangle after deep conditioning over night. I apply deep conditioner like a relaxer to make sure my new growth and line of demarcation are saturated with product. Next morning, I have no problem working the shower comb through my hair in the shower. I follow up with the denman or tangle teaser to make sure I'm thoroughly detangled and de-shedded (yeah, I made that

Oh, and I add oils (coconut, olive oil, wheat germ) to my deep conditioner, so there's plenty of slip.

HTH :)
I rinsed my hair for the first time with ACV. Oh my goodness, my scalp and hair (especially the former feels so good and refreshed!). It's going in to my regimen once a week.
Made my appt to get micros next Saturday!!! That ensures I'll at least make it to a year post :giggle:

I think I'm going to get braids too. I'm not going to get microscope but they will be a bit bigger that that just to keep me from looking and playing in my hair!

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I will b 23wks post tomorrow! Im thinking about getting my braids! However, i have too many products that I need to use up.
:help2: how do you ladies deal with tangling during the transitioning process???

So this is the short answer to a much longer previously posted answer. Anyone can PM for details.

1. Keep you NG streched. I have 4B hair and can never wash n go, wet bun or any of that. EVER.

2. wash in sections. And I don't mean clip the hair off to the side. You finger detangle on dry hair with oil to rid of shed hair. Then braid off hair in 4 to 5 sections in the shower or otherwise take down each section to wash and condition. rebraid. Then rinse the same way.

3. Only comb wet hair with conditioner in it. A great transitioning conditioner (or natural conditioner) is Paul Mitchell The detangler. I still use this to detangle. Is is an OK deep con, if ytou add oil its better.

4. You have to dry (air drying is best) on streched hair. Do a braidout, and then (espechailly early on) rebraid or twist everynight. This is how I got thur the first year. Which is the hardest for detangling.
^^The tangling got SO BAD for me that I considered getting making a relaxer appointment. :nono: And I was also in the mirror measuring my NG to see how much I could cut off b/c I couldnt take it. It was THAT BAD!

Tangles, matting, etc. on both dry AND wet hair. Took me 30 mins to do a scratch rollerset a couple weeks ago. It was like I had glue in my hair.

What worked? Today I tried oil. SLATHERED my hair in Ojon's restorative treatment AND oiled my scalp and let it sit for a couple hours. Then used denman to detangle before washing.

Rollersetting was MUCH easier today. Hair was SO MUCH more moisturized, less breakage, and I could get all my combs through it without my arm hurting. I was even able to do a full mohawk rollerset! I havent done that in probably 2+ months b/c it was too much work trying to get an even part w/ my NG so thick.

OIL!!! This better work again on the next wash!!!
I find what causes the worst tangles for me is shedded hair. Doing low manipulation means all my sheds between washes get caught in my new growth. Whenever I find a bad tangle, knot or matted section, it's usually a shedded hair that caused it.

I detangle really well before wash and try to remove as much shedded hair as I can. I'll do this throughout the wash/condition process and I have barely any tangles during styling.
I find what causes the worst tangles for me is shedded hair. Doing low manipulation means all my sheds between washes get caught in my new growth. Whenever I find a bad tangle, knot or matted section, it's usually a shedded hair that caused it.

I detangle really well before wash and try to remove as much shedded hair as I can. I'll do this throughout the wash/condition process and I have barely any tangles during styling.

I agree. afiyabirdie Especially if you're a heavy shedder like me. I TRY to get all my shed hairs out but I never can so I get out as much as possible. I do this by pre-pooing with oil(currently coconut oil) and just finger comb and try to pull out all my shed hairs. Then I proceed to wash in 2 sections. All those extra sections are just EXTRA for me. My hair does not tangle any less doing multiple sections and it just adds extra time to my wash day. Make sure you have a conditioner with ALOT slip and preferably a shampoo that won't tangle your hair. That's the second major cause of tangles for me. Most shampoos will tangle my hair up REALLY bad but I just finally found a couple that won't. So you can either go through trial and error or cut back on shampooing and co-wash instead.

Also, never let your hair shrink. I always airdry my hair in 2-8 braids (usually 4) or a damp bun (this was only possible months 1-5 and month 16 which I'm in now. Damp bunning was impossibly months 6-15).
@Roux, soooooooo...i got my wig today.:look:
Did you get yours?:look:

This is NOTHING like the one i ordered!:lachen:
I'm glad it was cheap,so I'm not mad,but they're getting "her" back,whatever "her" name is. :lol:. She gots ta go!

Yeah I was awfully pissed the hell off. Shedding like CRAZY too! I can't even use it for a quick run to the store wig! My search continues...I think I am going to make a wig using that Duby hair, it comes with a closure.
Well ladies, I didn't make it lol. I gave in and BCed today after 14 months of transitioning. I'm sitting here DCing with SheaMoisture's Deep Treatment Masque right now. I feel soooo happy and excited to have finally done it. Now I can't wait for the weather to get warmer to start doing WNGs. Pics coming soon, if not tonight then definately tomorrow. Thanks to all the ladies in this thread for all the tips, advice and info. It was very beneficial in helping me staying on track with this transition this time around.
I'm a year post today!!!!!!!!!! :weird: I'm SO EXCITED! YEAR ONE IS COMPLETE! I feel like I can conquer the world!!! or at least my hair... :look: Didnt think I would make it especially during those times of matting and tangling or just seeing somebody's beautiful wash and go. :lol: 6 more months to go. BRING IT!
I'm a year post today!!!!!!!!!! :weird: I'm SO EXCITED! YEAR ONE IS COMPLETE! I feel like I can conquer the world!!! or at least my hair... :look: Didnt think I would make it especially during those times of matting and tangling or just seeing somebody's beautiful wash and go. :lol: 6 more months to go. BRING IT!

Congrats, hon!!! I'm so happy for you. I'm almost there.
I rinsed my hair for the first time with ACV. Oh my goodness, my scalp and hair (especially the former feels so good and refreshed!). It's going in to my regimen once a week.

I have done ACV and really like it as well. The first recipe I tried wasn't the right mix. But this second batch I whipped up seems to make a difference in the frizziness that I have.
I have done ACV and really like it as well. The first recipe I tried wasn't the right mix. But this second batch I whipped up seems to make a difference in the frizziness that I have.

Cool! I'm eliminating shampoo because my hair doesn't like it anymore. It's so weird. I figured a rinse once a week should be good.
1. How far into the transition are you? six months.
2. Whats your transition goal? one year to eighteen months. slowly cutting relaxed ends.
I've been in the OT section so much, I've missed this thread's creation. I'm nearly six months post. For the past three months I've had microbraids in. However, I'm in the process of removing them. The hair that I've removed so far has been detangled, applied k-pak condish, and twisted to blend in with the remaining braids. I hope to have them out by next fri/sat. I'll then do a protein treatment then get it all flat-ironed and trimmed into a style. I'm excited about all this ng that I have, and I cant wait until fall to show it off.

Now back to read the first page of this thread.
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Well ladies, I didn't make it lol. I gave in and BCed today after 14 months of transitioning. I'm sitting here DCing with SheaMoisture's Deep Treatment Masque right now. I feel soooo happy and excited to have finally done it. Now I can't wait for the weather to get warmer to start doing WNGs. Pics coming soon, if not tonight then definately tomorrow. Thanks to all the ladies in this thread for all the tips, advice and info. It was very beneficial in helping me staying on track with this transition this time around.

congrats! i`m getting that itch too, but trying to wait until i`m 20 months.