New *2011* Transitioners Support Thread!

Haha! Will I be the lone person left as far as my time frame goes? LOL.

I hope to be right alongside you! I went through a tough phase, but I think I want to wait until my original goal of at least 18 months (December)...I would prefer to make it to 2 years, but since the weather breaks gets nice enough for WnG's in May, I may BC a month prior to 2 years. I just think my hair is growing a lot slower than I anticipated, or maybe I can't see the length bc of the shrinkage :ohwell: I just don't have the face shape to pull off short hair, so I am just going to have to suck it up and fight the urges when they come :perplexed I just want to have SL curls like NOW magically :yep:
I haven't checked in for awhile, but I will be 21 months post this Sunday. It is hard to believe that in 3 more months 2 years will have already passed.

I have decided that I will just grow my hair out until the relaxed ends are no more, however long it takes.
Oh and I am officially 8 months post today!!! :woohoo: I held on as long as I could, but took out the crochet braids after 5 was driving me crazy! I am just not cut out for braids :lol: I am proud of hanging in there bc I wanted to take them out after 2.5 weeks :lachen::lachen: I am still happy I did them bc I was itching to BC and knew I wasn't I put my hair away so I couldn't! The plan worked! Now not only has the urge passed, but I want to wait longer than my original goal of 18 months :yep: I just want to have enough length so I am not sad and full of regret for cutting. My heart shaped face would look dumb with no hair :lol: I washed my hair last night and my scalp feels GREAT :yay: I have attached some new pics of my curlies...I :love: THEM!

P.S. We can do this ladies! Let's keep our eyes on the prize-healthy, gorgeous curls :yep:


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I can't wait to shampoo my hair tomorrow. I have decided to change my regimen to include more cowashing. This will also help me use up some products.
Congratulations Roux! If it's warm enough around here I might join you. :grin: Please post photos when you do.

yay! I'm moving to the South so I KNOW it will be spring weather there. I'm hoping i'll have a job by then too, if not then i'll be wigging it no problem.
Hi Ladies,

I'm checking in at 40 weeks post :drunk:
It's challenging but I'm hanging on. I made full APL so I'm in no rush to BC
^^Happy birthday!!!!!!!!

Happy birthday miryoku

Happy Birthday Miryoku!!

Happy Birthday Miryoku! :dance7:

Happy Belated Miryoku!!!

Thanks for the Bday wishes everybody! Even though this was the big TWO-ONE I didn't do anything drastic... to my hair that is. :lachen: Just tossed Tammy back on. Love this wig by the way.


I also used PC for the first time ever yesterday. LOVE! LOVE! LOVE! this stuff! I think everybody that stretches or is transitioning should use this stuff. Its SO worth the $12. It made my hair feel like silk.
im 50 wks post today. I think I will go to a braider and get my hair braided back today just so I can make it through these next two weeks.
What is PC?

I also used PC for the first time ever yesterday. LOVE! LOVE! LOVE! this stuff! I think everybody that stretches or is transitioning should use this stuff. Its SO worth the $12. It made my hair feel like silk.[/QUOTE]
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I am about 20 weeks post with 4a/b hair. I am struggling with the two textures and daily styling has become a head ache. I have shoulder length hair and would like to bun for a while. How do you all get your hair some smooth? I use the scarf method for my edges, but then the rest of my hair looks like its sitting on top of a lil fro. Any help you can give would be great.
Hi all! I think I'm ready to join you all in this journey. I can't remember when my last relaxer was (I think it was the last week of Nov or the first week of Dec). I'm not very far in my transition but I plan on transitioning for at least a year. My situation is a little unique, I am in the navy and scheduled to deploy in July and not sure how I'm going to properly care for my transitioning hair on the ship. I plan on getting a sew in and then braids right before we leave in July. Any tips or suggestions you ladies care to offer? I was natural before but did the BC before and I don't want to do that this time. I relaxed again because I had just had a baby and didn't think I would have time to care for my hair properly. The issues I am running into now are detangling and dry new growth.
Got my hair flat ironed and trimmed yesterday. The last of those relaxed ends should be gone and I can officially say I'm all natural now. I won't know for sure until I wash again, but I'm fairly certain they are all gone now.
I think this may be my last year transitioning. I'm going to go til the end of the year then get a nice hair cut hopefully for my birthday in November. Laying off the heat for the spring summer and just tiwsting.
Hey ladies! I posted this in the HYH thread and wanted to share it here with my fellow transitioners :) I took down my crochet braids Thursday night and washed my hair! I did my hair into 2 strand twists...the twistout was an EPIC FAIL LOL I wore my hat for 3 days :lol: I washed my hair last night again and a miraculous thing happened! My hair got wet much faster than its usual 5 minutes, which mean the Roux PC is helping! YAY! Also, the back of my hair has finally grown out enough (after cutting it down to half an inch so I could wear an angled bob in November) to almost fit into a bun! :yay:

I smoothed it down with aloe vera juice and tied it down with a scarf! A few curlies escaped, but most complied with my wishes...SO EXCITED! I will be bunning very soon as a PS...I have missed it :look: I used to wet bun all the time when I was relaxed bc I was lazy and it was low maintenance :grin: So I will be wigging it the next few months (after I flat iron this Friday), and then bunning during the summer! I am encouraged that I will be able to make my transition goal :yep:

I am about 20 weeks post with 4a/b hair. I am struggling with the two textures and daily styling has become a head ache. I have shoulder length hair and would like to bun for a while. How do you all get your hair some smooth? I use the scarf method for my edges, but then the rest of my hair looks like its sitting on top of a lil fro. Any help you can give would be great.

I'm at the same stage you are with 4a/b hair. I'm transitioning with heat because I can't find any other style I feel secure wearing on a daily basis in a corporate environment. I experience a lot of reversion however on my hairline so I use elasta QP mango butter and then some hair gel as hair gel alone doesn't smooth it down. For the rest of your hair, I would suggest perhaps trying the mango butter? or wrapping to sleep and then using hair pins for the areas that just wouldn't lay low.
flat ironed my hair on saturday for a length check (V is hovering around MBL) and it's reverting now. Guess i'm due for a BK set for my mom's group tonight.
Roux, you have used BKT? How do you like it? Did you use one with formaldehyde or without it? I am interested in learning more...I have been considering it and researching for months, but I just can't seem to make up my mind SMH My mind changes DAILY about whether I should get it for the summer months :lol: I wonder how useful it will be if you don't use direct heat or blowdrying on the 2 textures. Does it loosen your curl pattern?
I used a BKT twice during the first part of my transition. It was one with formaldehyde, even the ones marked without it still contain it and it is needed to make the treatment work. I used the encanto brand. It was so damn smelly and fumey if I could have done it outside wearing a gas mask I would have. It loosened my texture for the time being and I feel like i've JUST gotten my curl pattern back about 6 months later.

Considering the amount of heat involved I wouldn't recommend it unless you have severe issues with detangling. It also doesn't leave your hair straight just loosened a bit so if you're looking for straight hair all the time it definitely requires blow drying to straighten (which is easy and quick with the treatment).