New *2011* Transitioners Support Thread!

so my braidout was a SUCCESS! and since I did 8 braids my hair really looks like i'm natural today and I hate the way I styled it and how shruken it is. I will be trying again soon with just four braids but the scarf method really worked wonders for me.
What's the recipe for the soap? I'd like to give it a try. I love my shea butter mix!

Here's the link:
African Black Soap Shampoo Recipe

I added a little more soap than the recipe called for. I thought it was too thin. It didn't thicken alot though. However, the shampoo is very concentrated. You really don't need a whole lot if you have wet your hair well. I also use the shampoo on my face because using the soap by itself was a little too drying for me. My husband thought I was crazy because the shampoo is a dark brown color and he couldn't believe I was putting it in my hair. However, he is now using it too! That shea butter is the truth! I wish I had started using it earlier in my transition.
Ladies, I am officially 10 months post today! I am so excited to finally enter the double digits!

I am so proud of myself to have made it this far. I never stretched past four weeks :nono: for the three years that I was relaxed. I tell you, God must really love me because I shouldn't have a strand of hair left! :lol: Anyway, here's to another 20 months :cheers:

My hair went nutso at 6 months post! It started acting out in all sorts of was the toughest part of my transition thus far! I put my hair in crochet braids so I wouldn't cut off my hair. I got them in mid-January and am taking them down 1st week of March. I may put braids back in if I am still having issues with the 2 textures and want to chop :nono: I just know I want to go natural and make it work, but if I do it too soon, I will regret it and want to be super happy as I start my natural hair journey :grin: My hair has a LOT of shrinkage, so I need at least 10" to look like 3" :lachen::lachen:

Hang in there!

I was close to the point of getting a relaxer this past week. I really don't want to perm my hair. I am just frustrated. My new growth has been extremely tangly and I am losing way more hair than i'd like. I was wearing a wig but it was thinning out my already thin edges. I have been trying one product after another to no avail. In an act of desperation, I ordered a pound of shea butter and African black soap. After scouring the internet I made a whipped shea butter cream and shampoo out of the soap. Oh my gosh, my hair loves both and they are also great on my face and body! I think I am going to stick to everything natural for a month to see how it goes and keep my regimin really simple.
1. How far into the transition are you? It's in my siggy
2. Whats your transition goal? 2 years almost there

Well right now half of my head is natural , the other part has only like 2-3 inches left. Haven't found all the information i need to retain length with w&g. Once i do bye bye relaxed ends, they are driving me insane anyways.:yep:

This my first time posting a picture , this Jan 4,11 day 3 of a wash and go.
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It's been a while since I posted in here, been so busy with the little one and school but I'm 13 months post as of today and I'm getting a little frustrated with my hair. The more natural hair I get the more shrinkage I have to deal with which makes pony tails and buns hard to do some days and easy other days. To say I have SL hair you couldn't even tell it. I'm getting some kinky twists done Friday before I do something drastic like BC before I'm ready. I'm also having problems with dryness. Anybody can recommend some good products for moisture for 3C/4A hair? For me to have fine hair it seems to be sucking up the moisturizers I'm currently using and the windy weather isn't helping either. Thanks in advance for the help
We can start off like always:
1. How far into the transition are you?

2 years 3 months

2. Whats your transition goal?

im hoping to be waist length stretched at the end of the 4 years
Hi All, I finally got that avatar changed! Thanks Chelz! Well, that's me, or at least what the hair on my neck looks like!

I wanted to post a couple of more shots but the attachment button doesn't work. :sad: Any suggestions? :look:

I'm 17 months post, the very tip ends of my hair still has relaxer I think (or maybe its heat trained??? I used heat weekly the first 13 months of transitioning). I am getting a trim in two weeks, after that I should be able to claim fully natural.
Feb 15th will make 14 months for me and I plan on BCing at 18 months. I might change my mind later on but for now, 18 months it is.
well congrats to those who are in the dbl digits of transitioning, I'm only only month # 8 which I wish it was 18 already.
I will be happy if I can make it to 18 months! I am making myself go to at least a year, but after that is bonus! I have a sneaking suspicion I won't make it to my original goal of 18 months :look:
We can start off like always:
1. How far into the transition are you?

2 years 3 months

2. Whats your transition goal?

im hoping to be waist length stretched at the end of the 4 years

Hey Coconut... i'm planning on chopping around the same time that you are currently @ in ur transition... around 29 months.. how long is your natural hair.. I would love to be full APL before i chop
I'm just waiting for some nice weather. I don't want to deal with my newly natural locs underneath a winter hat. I wanted to make a year but I can't see myself going through the summer with these relaxed ends. The last time I had a straight perm was May 17th, 2010...reaching that date is doubtful too....
Hey Coconut... i'm planning on chopping around the same time that you are currently @ in ur transition... around 29 months.. how long is your natural hair.. I would love to be full APL before i chop

hey stephluvshair the front section of my hair isnt apl :yawn:but the back section is you may be a quicker grower and retain more :grin:
I am now at 17 months! But man, I don't think I'll make it any further. My relaxed ends (the 3-4 inches left) look so anorexic in comparison to my thick hair. Got my hair done over the weekend and within hours, my hair was acting like it was never flat ironed :ohwell:. I have thoughts of BCing every time I look at my hair. My natural hair laughs at my puny relaxed ends:lachen:. Unfortunately, I'm just not ready to get rid of them. So, I'm thinking braids or a half wig? My issue though is keeping my scalp - which is prone to dandruff - clean.
Okay ladies I'm totally torn right now. My original goal was 18-24 months for my transition. Well 24 months ain't gonna happen lol. I'm currently 9 months post. I make a year in April,15 months in July and 18 months in October. I'm getting married in September and as much as I'd like to have my own hair our for it, that ain't gonna happen either lol. The only reason I was gonna hold out until 18 months was for that reason alone-to have enough length to rock a bun and a swooped bangs for my wedding. I told my future DH that I wouldn't wear a wig for the wedding. He laughed and said I could do whatever I wanted. So my dilemma is...chop at 12,15 or 18 months? I'm comfortable with either of them. I plan on wearing a whole lace front wig for the wedding now that I've found the perfect one. SO CONFUSED!!!
^^^I say chop at 12 months! Since you have already found a wig for the wedding and that was your main motivation, it seems like chopping would be easier. I have never planned a wedding, but I have seen others do it and it appears to be stressful. Do you want to have to be battling with the 2 textures of your hair along with planning your wedding? Just sounds like it may be a little too much to deal with all at once...I am going nuts just having to deal with my hair, let alone anything else LOL
^^^Yeah dealing with 2 textures and planning a wedding at the same time is stress city. If I get too caught up with guest lists, picking invitations, accessories, etc. and forget to DC and detangle, my hair pays in the end and I don't want that. Plus I'm always in wigs so it wouldn't be that big of a shock for me. Just keep going with my everyday routine as far as getting ready for work and stuff.
Nikki I think you should BC at 12 months also now that you've found your lace front. I actually waited till after my wedding before I started my transition. I don't do well with stress but you seem to have everything under control