New *2011* Transitioners Support Thread!

Ok I need yall help. I'm looking for this girls' fotki who transitioned. She's been natural for a couple years now I think. She has beautiful thick hair and she transitioned for about 2-3 years. She's brown skinned and very pretty and for some reason I think she has either beautiful, brown, or sugar...or doll....(and its not beautifulbrownbabydoll) in her name lol I know this sounds crazy but do yall know who I'm talking about? lol
Thanks for posting this LFN. Great inspiration! I was looking at her BC album and I could definitely cut the rest of my relaxed ends with natural hair that length at BC.
16 weeks post ... I'm getting frustrated and flirted with the idea of giving up but it only lasted a few minutes. Trying to be strong. My hairsyles are not holding up well anymore, need to find a way to have my whole hair (both relaxed and natural) properly moisturized and soft. Need encouragement :(
16 weeks post ... I'm getting frustrated and flirted with the idea of giving up but it only lasted a few minutes. Trying to be strong. My hairsyles are not holding up well anymore, need to find a way to have my whole hair (both relaxed and natural) properly moisturized and soft. Need encouragement :(

When was the last time you clarified your hair? Maybe product buildup is the culprit. For moisture you can use Chicoro's prepoo, I have to look for the link.

Don't be discouraged, it happens to us from time to time :bighug:

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I'm still going strong, I noticed that using a lot of VO5 or Skala Conditioner has reduced the amount of breakage during detangling :)
Sorry I've been kind of MIA. School has just started back up and I have to stay focused. I'm glad to hear the tangle teaser is good on transitioning hair too because I wanted to try it out. I'm definately getting it now.
I am now 3 months into transition (isn't that what 2 months, 1 week and 1 day equal :lol:). I have put henna in twice and like the results especially on my gray strands that were sticking out. I recently bought Goody's Simple Styles and I am using that for PS.
ugh why can't I get a good braid out anymore? i cowashed last night, me and my daughter with Giovanni Tea Tree conditioner (might be discontinued which sucks because we both LOVED it) and tried for a braid out and it came out so stupid looking so i just bunned my hair. I really need to get another half wig...
Here are the BC pics. I still have some random straight ends :ohwell: but I'm weaved up now.


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16 weeks post ... I'm getting frustrated and flirted with the idea of giving up but it only lasted a few minutes. Trying to be strong. My hairsyles are not holding up well anymore, need to find a way to have my whole hair (both relaxed and natural) properly moisturized and soft. Need encouragement :(

Stay encouraged! Braidouts helped me at 16 weeks post --- not so much anymore. Bun, bun, and more buns at this point. Lots of ladies wig it. I'm still looking for a good moisturizer. Right now I'm using a water/aloe vera gel mix and seal with coconut oil and Herbal Essence LTR leave-in for my ends. It works for now but I'm still looking....
bunning until Thursday and Friday which I will wear my half wig. going to try for an inch this month hopefully I would have gotten 6" in a year! And then perhaps trying for an inch per month after that maybe i'll have 10-12 inches total
I tried the Tangle Teezer after I co-washed my hair today. I love it!!!! Of course, I need to practice to get better with it; but, I must say, I'm glad I jumped on this product bandwagon. The shed hair was pretty normal considering I haven't detangled my hair in three days and the ease of the detangling was wonderful. I'm picking up another one next week.
UGH I don't have no money! Ya'll make me sick with these tangle teezer reviews. Gonna make me pull out my credit car and go pick one up....I wonder if it could be returned if I don't like it. If so, I guess it's worth the purchase.
I told yall about the Tangle Teezer. Lafemme I haven't heard anyone EVER say they didn't like it even though it has no handle. I actually like that it has no handle.
Ok I want yall to know I'm all kinds of retarded. Her name doesnt have beautiful, brown, sugar, or doll in it lmbo. Here it is! I found it in one of Whimsy's thread when I posted pics of the girl.

Public Home | ManeChick |, photo and video sharing made easy.

:sekret: Yall caught me lurking in this thread but ummm...:sekret:

You are not retarded lol I was looking at her pics and under one in the comments section it said her name used to be BrwnSkinBeauty.

Photo from Blow Out,Shaved Head & Pincurls album | ManeChick (HairCrush) |, photo and video sharing made easy.

"You should adore your hair,beautiful, you have so much of it, I didn't even notice the shaved part! Did you change your screen name? Didnt it use to be Brown something?
ManeChick (HairCrush)
2 months ago

Thank you. Yeah I did. My screenname used to be BrwnSkinBeauty. I wanted a name that related to hair:)"
Okay ladies...I went to Sally's and bought a few items that I've been having my eye on,but I also bought Mixed Silk by Silk Elements. Supposed to be quite similar to Mixed Chicks which I've never tried, but this stuff was pretty freakin amazing! My curls never felt better!! I used it along with my Tangle Teezer and my hair feels like a million bucks!
Did it define your curls as far as you could tell? I have just curls in the nape, so maybe I'll try the Mixed Silk on that to see if it is a great product for definition in my hair :crossfingers:

Okay ladies...I went to Sally's and bought a few items that I've been having my eye on,but I also bought Mixed Silk by Silk Elements. Supposed to be quite similar to Mixed Chicks which I've never tried, but this stuff was pretty freakin amazing! My curls never felt better!! I used it along with my Tangle Teezer and my hair feels like a million bucks!
My curls were absolutely more defined with Mixed Silk. I can usually see my curls pretty well with just conditioner, but idk why they just were like HELLO tonight! lol
I usually can see my curls when my hair is wet, but by the time I dry my hair with a towel, they are more frizzy! Thanks for sharing your review on this product :yay: Just another product to add to the wish list for right before my BC
Checking in...

Eleven weeks post. Hope to transition until my hair is SL (unstretched). Not sure how long that will take. Right now, it's SL when straight.

I know this won't be easy for me as I do not like wigs, weaves or braids, so hiding the hair's not an option. For now, I do mostly WnGs and sometimes straighten.

Hoping to learn all I can here.
Hi All! I'm almost 6 months post! Things are fine. I'm having similiar problems as the rest of the transitioners....I'm style challenged and braid outs are now OUT for me. My relaxed ends are just too thin. The last inch or two are so pathetic. I might trim them off in a month or two. That would leave thicker, healthier relaxed hair.

When I wear my hair out I use flexirods while at the same time twisting the ends, this helps to camouflage my thin ends. My natural hair seems to be getting thicker and thicker! I can't believe it's mine! I think I'm a 4b.

I'll continue to search for transitioning stlyes I can wear in a corporate setting. I'm also doing a lot of shopping for hair ornaments.

P.S. I posted this exact same thing in another thread because I thought it was this's ok though...