New *2011* Transitioners Support Thread!

ok wth is going on in your siggy?:lachen:

Its Oprah... on her holiday special... releasing the bees... :look:


i'm close to 11 months post. I've been wigging it and keep touching my natural waves and curls. I know it's a weak moment and i'd be unhappy...

I know exactly how you fee!' I'm about 9.5 months post also wiggin it. I usually have some weak moments when I'm detangling, but I know I wouldn't be happy with my length if I cut it now. When it comes to weak moments I just think about how my hair is going to look when its double that length. That always stops me from thinking about BCing.
hello everyone, just catching up on the thread. I wanted to give everyone a bit of advice that has really helped me the last few months.

Aloe vera -- I have been using this in just about everything for the last few months (longer really) and it has done wonders. I add it to my DC amd it softens my hair and helps with detangling, I just bought a shampoo with AV and I love it!, it has been in my leave in and moisturizers for some time and now I just roller set with water and aloe vera juice and my hair feels awesome.

I really post this b/c I know that detanlging while transitioning can be a challenge. I suggest adding aloe vera to your DC and apply this before you wash for 20 minutes with heat or exercise, or 1 hours without heat and see how you hair responds. It is cheap and the benefits aren't measurable for me. HHG
thanks Bun Mistress! I will definitely put my AV to better use. I think AV + my new fave DC + my tangle teezer should lead to easy detangling.
Hi Everybody! I'm 5 months post! :clap: I'm very happy because I didn't think I'd make it this far! I'm trying to go for a year but this is high maintenance.... :sad:

I'm not having a lot of breakage and my main challenge is keeping my hair moisturized during the day. I start off moisturized but by the afternoon and sometimes sooner, my hair is feeling a little anyone else having this problem? How did you solve it? I'm willing to make a recipe if you point me to the right video/blog, etc...

My second challenge is detangling...I sure hope it gets easier.... :perplexed

Also, I'm protective style challenged...I put my grazing should-length hair (not even all of it) into a ponytail, braid the tip and tuck it under...boring... :sleeping: If there any tutorials, videos, photos, etc. please let me know.

BTW, I'm 4b (I'm pretty sure) and not a curlie in sight...

Grrr too bad my hair hates avj

I thought my hair did too. I used it early in my transition in a glycerin and rose water mixture. It was a no go. I don't know why I retried it. I think I had some lying around and added it to my DC on day. It took me a while to realize that the big difference I was seeing in my hair was due to the addition of the AV gel.
I thought my hair did too. I used it early in my transition in a glycerin and rose water mixture. It was a no go. I don't know why I retried it. I think I had some lying around and added it to my DC on day. It took me a while to realize that the big difference I was seeing in my hair was due to the addition of the AV gel.

Oh ok so you use av gel? Maybe I'll try that! I tried av juice
My hair is in braids right now, so boring over here. I'm trying to figure out next to do when i take out my braids.
1. How far into the transition are you? 3 weeks (Yes I'm an infant!!!)
2. What's your transition goal? Shoulder length

I have been debating for the past two years on whether I should go natural or not. Even though I hated the whole relaxer process, I held off because I was scared of the change and what others would think. Over Christmas break I went home and was talking to my niece and she told me she was getting her hair done because it was nappy. She's only 5. It broke my heart. I want her to know that her hair is beautiful just the way it is. So I will not only be doing this for me but for her.
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Going to shampoo and DC my hair today. I'm gonna have the future DH take a few texture pics for me to show you ladies later on.
1. How far into the transition are you? 6 months
2. What's your transition goal? 24 months or full BSL

DCing right now just washed. it's so hard for me to figure out my texture since I BKT'd a few months back. in the front my hair is sorta just...puffy with no curl patter but the ends curl up before my relaxed hair meets it. very strange.
Oh ok so you use av gel? Maybe I'll try that! I tried av juice

I first started using AV gel in my conditioner DC. I mixed Paul Mitchell The detangler (1/4 of a cup of so), 2 tbs of AVG, 2 tbs of oil (camellia or coconut oil) and is would sometimes add panetol (I just had some lying around, not needed for this) or rosemary oil (again, I just had some). I would dry DC with this (if there isn't any bluid up on you hair it is easy to get away with doing a dry DC) detanlging with my fingers in sections.

After that you can steam, workout, or just leaving it on your head. Then rinse. FYI if you are planning on flat ironing you may want to use a gentle shampoo after this to remove the oil. If you are going to roller set I just make sure to rinse my hair very well and dont worry about shampooing.

You can do this as a co-wash and nothing else if you like. I notice a big difference in my hair's tangliness (not a word) if I don't do this versus when I do (IE this weekend I was being lazy and didn't feel like D/C'ing my hair and I had some mad knots.)

I hope this helps some peeps. HHG

ETA: I add a quirt of honey to this as a humectant.
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I had my first BC dream last week and my first STRONG urge to BC this morning. I lurk in this thread once in a while, but I'm going to start participating because I need the support!

1. How far into the transition are you?
13 months.
2. Whats your transition goal?
At least 18 months or up to 24 months

There a link to my hair story and progress pics in my siggy.
so I had to take my own shots. SO was all into the playoff game :lachen:


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so when I had my DC is my curl pattern magically my hair is strange. still don't know what my hair type would be. just sewed my wig on and won't be taking it off until next week. I think I will oil rinse before my DC next week...
*sigh* dont you hate how thin your ends look?

I sure do! :yep: It's not so noticeable when my hair is dry (probably because it's usually under a wig :lachen:) But when I wet my hair...oh boy :blush: I always get the urge to chop when I look at my ends. They look so sad and pitiful like they're just begging to be snipped :sad:. I won't give in just yet though.
Hello ladies, checking in for the week:

And UGH I think I'm gonna have to change my reggie. It just took me an hour to wash (co-wash and acv) my hair (including washing my body). I don't have time for that every week. So I'm gonna go to every two weeks. Hope my retention stays the same.
Im getting a little excited because I just realized that in a few weeks I will be two years post relaxer. I wonder how I will celebrate????

I planning on no heat for the remainder of the month, I was thinking a super big twist out??? I'm not ready to cut yet, but I may be by the begining of summer.
Any of you ladies have advice on how to rollerset well with the two textures? I have NEVER done my own rollerset and with the NG, it seems like a daunting task :nono: But I need to switch it up with my hair, so I want to give it a try...:look:
OH....WOW, I was on the BC thread and it SOOOOOooo had me wanting and ready to BC!!! I'm SUPER glad I found this thread. Now, I know I'm not the only one trying to make it "just a little further" before I do BC. I read the post and see that others have the same thoughts and feelings as I do. I'm just not ready yet!!! I'm glad I have support ya'll ....WHEW...that was
OH....WOW, I was on the BC thread and it SOOOOOooo had me wanting and ready to BC!!! I'm SUPER glad I found this thread. Now, I know I'm not the only one trying to make it "just a little further" before I do BC. I read the post and see that others have the same thoughts and feelings as I do. I'm just not ready yet!!! I'm glad I have support ya'll ....WHEW...that was

Welcome to our Transitioning Support Community :grin: These ladies have talked me off the ledge a few times, so no worries about those sudden feelings/thoughts about BCing...I have them like once a day :lachen::lachen:But for real though :lol: But you know yourself best and if you aren't ready, then you have to follow your first mind...that is why everyone is here for support :yep: I know I am nowhere near ready, so I keep coming back to the thread to get talked down from the ledge as long as I need to :look: