New *2011* Transitioners Support Thread!

1. How far into the transition are you? 3 months.

2. Whats your transition goal? A year, I think. I'm planning to BC on my b-day in Sept. if I can make it that long. I kind of want to see what I'd look like with really short hair.
Hi Ladies! Happy New Year!

I just thought i should start the year afresh, trying to stay out of lurker mode this year. I already posted near the beginning of the thread & explained goals (post 37) I am just posting again to show you some pics (my 1st time posting pics :grin:) I am currently 10 months post. Despite breakage and unevenness i have no plans of cutting my hair what so ever!

1st pic is a length shot, its kinda weird coz i would say i'm a 'u'/'v' shape bsl but i don't think i'm full apl yet, some hairs grow and retain more than others and i also have breakage, so i think its better to ignore this length think for a bit and concentrate on transitioning and health. I'm really not happy on how thin it looks, i am notorious for having a lot of hair and that doesn't come across at all. :ohwell:

2nd & 3rd pic are texture shots after a wash, no products although thinking about it, it might have a little keratin & green tea, I'm not sure. You can see the varied texlax, don't get it confused its really hard to tell but what seems my natural might even be texlax, even I'm confused. The ends are obvious though as that is where i overlapped the texuriser & texlax :blush: and are the most heat damaged :nono:

4th is the same as above but shows full shrinkage

5th shows the breakage I'm talking about, i am concerned about it but getting over it, my hair is damaged so it shouldn't have come to be such a surprise, as long as i don't get any more I'm cool.

Sorry for pic quality, had to compress them to upload on here, kmt & as for paint - I'm a bit self conscious about posting pics on the internet
Need to work on length of posts...


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Yeah so here is a pic, check out my thread :grin:

Chelz did WHAT?! BC after 18-19 month transition, APL natural! Hair Type??...WILD!!! - Long Hair Care Forum

@MegB- I wish I could too...that is why I am in the HYH Challenge because looking at my hair everyday is driving me crazy! I refuse to length check for at least 3-4 months from now! Your rollerset is GORGEOUS! I need to know how you do it :grin:

@Chelz- You have inspired me to keep being patient during this transition bc your hair is BEAUTIFUL :blush: You proved that good things come to those who wait :yay:
Hated my hair flat iron for a week. I started missing my curls so I shampooed, DC'd and detangled my hair.

I :love: my curls! My poor relaxed ends look so thin lol


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Hated my hair flat iron for a week. I started missing my curls so I shampooed, DC'd and detangled my hair.

I :love: my curls! My poor relaxed ends look so thin lol

Thats how I feel about my hair right now. I wish my hair would have some type of super growth spurt so I could cut these relaxed ends off. :lachen: I'm trying to hide my hair from myself (and these scissors... :look:) under half wigs, but every time I look at the part that is left out I just want to cut it. Without this thread and the support of all the long term transitioners I probably would have relaxed long ago or chopped it all of by now. :spinning:
I'm gonna stick with my original goal of 18-24 months for my transition. My baby sister asked me if I will chop before my wedding in September and be a natural bride. I told her heck no! The style I want requires more hair than I'd have if I BC'd anytime soon lol
1. How far into the transition are you? 8 weeks

2. Whats your transition goal? Stretched Natural APL or 3yrs, whichever comes first.

Ok I was Natural for 3yrs and the SSK & shrinkage got the best of me so decided to texlaxed Feb 2010, which I absolutely loved at first. But I’m sick and tired of touch ups because of the inconsistent texture change. The creamy crack and I have a love/hate relationship.

1st Relaxer 2/9/10
Last Relaxer 11/11/10

I’ve only enjoyed semi straight hair for less than a year and I’ve had enough.
I'm currently 19 months into my transition and do not plan on ever B'Cutting. I will just trim as i go along until fully MBL natural (stretched)..

I'm using wigs to get through it.
I've been thinking lately it would be a good idea if we could put together a list of videos and articles that could be useful for transitioners. I could post them on the OP for everybody to see. Anybody know any youtubers? specific videos? articles? photo albums? all will be helpful!
I did twistout last weekend and it looked very nice...!!! My natural hair was so thick and fluffy and my relaxed ends were of course thin and see through and that's why I did not take pics. :nono:

BUT I almost picked up the scissors to BC lol. So I cowashed and put my hair back into a dry donut bun. Whew! That was a close one. I had to revisit some long-term transitioners for more support, i.e. Whimsy, Cormie and the fotki I posted earlier. :rolleyes:

It's so much easier for me to continue my transition when my hair is tucked away and I cannot see the two textures. :yep:
1. How far into the transition are you? 43 weeks

2. Whats your transition goal? Transition and trim until im fully natural. Im trying to reach the 18 month mark before I decide to do anything drastic..... Right now I presd my hair every two weeks and so far so good. But this summer..... it may be a different story!
How long have you transitioned for? Are you sure you want to BC or are you just having a weak moment? You know we are here for support!

i'm close to 11 months post. I've been wigging it and keep touching my natural waves and curls. I know it's a weak moment and i'd be unhappy...