Never been this length before???

Before LHCF, My Hair Never Grew Past...

  • Shoulder Length

    Votes: 311 48.9%
  • Armpit Length

    Votes: 177 27.8%
  • Brastrap Length

    Votes: 95 14.9%
  • I've always been able to grow long hair

    Votes: 53 8.3%

  • Total voters
When I was a kid my hair grew to arm pit length. I am currently between apl and bsl. I have never been bsl before. I'll probably hit it by either December 2008 or January 2009.
Wheres the TWA option lol. Never made it out of TWA before its probably the longest Ive ever had it right now which is a strange feeling. I don't even set goals anymore because I'm grateful for what I have.
This is the first time I have EVER been past shoulder length. And when I say past, I mean just brushing by. My mother is still in awe.
My hair has never been anything past my neck. Now it is touching shoulder. My hair has never been this healthy and this length, relaxed or natural. I am still ecstatic! If it wasn't for hair forums like this, I think I would still be abusing my hair.
I'm with nicey. I had the same issue. I'm shoulder length now and like "wow, I can ACTUALLY have hair on the back of my head, who knew". I just thought the relaxers took it all out from sitting in the salon bowl... Now I know better.
i have pretty much always been a thin SL and i believed the hype when people told me my hair was long. idk what i was smoking. i was about an inch from APL when i BC'd in june and i am already back to SL/CBL. AND IT'S SO MUCH THICKER!
I remember someone posting that their hair had never passed shoulder length before LHCF and healthy hair techniques. I was just wondering how many ladies have reached a new "never before" length since being a part of LHCF and what regimen/hair care books helped you along the way? What is your current length? TIA!:cool:


I have never been this length (MBL). I was retaining length at a good pace before LHCF, but I think my hair has been healthier since LHCF. Now, I DC, moisturize, and seal regularly, which I did not do before LHCF.
My hair has always been chin length, and thick, when I had a curly perm, it grow shoulder length and then it snapped off, when it was relaxed, I suffered from thin ends, which would drive me mad, now that I am natural, it is now passed shoulder length and heading for armpit length.
Mine had been shoulder length before, but a couple weeks ago, it was getting caught under the seatbelt. A few strands were grazing apl.

I chopped a half inch off my ends and then had a stylist trim it.

(guess BSL is gonna be a big challenge for me, lol)

ETA - the keys have been 1) protein/moisture balancing 2)protecting the ends while relaxing 3) avoiding heat
My hair has never been past SL, but now a year and four months after my BC when I cut my hair to my NAPE my hair is now beyond full SL and the longest part (the back) is like 1/2 an inch from APL :spinning:.. hopefully by the end of the summer I'l be full APL all because of LHCF :grin:
My hair never grew past APL bc the stylists LOVE to chop them off some hair!! And plus i was using harsh hairbrushes...on my ends and heat everyday.....ugh....but i was always told that i have long hair......

And now i'm MBL on my way to WSL.....its so wonderful!
I think the longest I'd ever grown was shoulder length. The bottom half of my head, is now past that, steadily heading for APL : )
I'm now mid-back length. Never got past say APL before.

Keys for me are low manipulation, protective styling, protein and DC and/or other types of moisture focusing on the ends.
My hair is longer and healthier than when I started here, however, my hair was at bra strap when I found this site. I have had much longer hair as a child, waistlength now, and this is not the longest my hair has ever been.
Actually, my hair was longer before LHCF because I had a dedicated stylist who did my hair several times a month. I decided to save money by learning to do my hair myself which caused many, many setbacks.

I still go to him, but only for touch ups (I won't do chemical services myself).
During my adult life I have ever been shoulder length, and now I am full APL since following tips I have read on LHCF.
my hair has never been past shoulder length since finding this site i am now Waistlength.
I never got past an inch or 2 past shoulder before she starts breaking off. But since finding LHCF, I'm knocking on BSL's door and it's opening :D
My hair has never been the length that it is now. I know that the Crown & Glory Method with extensions worked wonders for me! I did that for 6 months straight and it really grew my hair. I'm doing a modified Crown & Glory again with extensions.
My hair has never reached apl before. Now I have reached apl two times since I joined---as a relaxed head and now as a natural head
My hair had never been past Shoulder length before LHCF, Healthy textures (got me started), KISS, BHM and Hairlista! Now I'm BSL aiming for WL!:yep:

What helped:
1) Co-washing:yep:
2) No longer shampoo (so drying and stripping of my hair).
3) Deep condition with oils and cheapie conditioner:drunk:
4) Moisutrizing leave-ins (moisturizing my hair = length retention)
5) Protein conditioners before and after relaxing
6) Protein leave-ins (stronger hair)
7) Less combing:rolleyes:
8) Buns, half-wigs and twists - all great low-manipulation styles.

I also now texlax (about 8-9 months of texlaxing now!)
Thanks to LHCF, I'm on my way to BSL and MBL. Then I'm going to pay a visit to the stylist who told me my hair would never grow as long as the weave I was wearing at the time...a weave which was only at BSL by the way.

:lachen::lachen::lachen:I can see it now! You'll be like :grin::grin::grin:, and she'll be all :wallbash:. I can't wait to do the same to some who've never known me to have hair past unhealthy SL (due to pure de-laziness and sporadic visits to uncaring stylists since my hair was cut from WL to SL at about age 14). They been secretly giving me the side eye when I say I used to have WL hair and I'll have it again one day soon. They think I don't see that they don't believe, but I KNOW I can! Can't wait to stunt :gorgeous: on them heaux!