Never been this length before???

Before LHCF, My Hair Never Grew Past...

  • Shoulder Length

    Votes: 311 48.9%
  • Armpit Length

    Votes: 177 27.8%
  • Brastrap Length

    Votes: 95 14.9%
  • I've always been able to grow long hair

    Votes: 53 8.3%

  • Total voters
Hi everyone, I just joined LCHF 2 days ago and must say i am very impressed with testimonies and before and after pixs. Up untill now my hair has never grown beyond shoulder length. Hopefully through this forum I'll learn how to grow it to mid length!:) I wonder, are there any Nigerians in this forum? By the way, how do you stretch your relaxers?
deola said:
Hi everyone, I just joined LCHF 2 days ago and must say i am very impressed with testimonies and before and after pixs. Up untill now my hair has never grown beyond shoulder length. Hopefully through this forum I'll learn how to grow it to mid length!:) I wonder, are there any Nigerians in this forum? By the way, how do you stretch your relaxers?
Yes there are quite a few nigerian ladies here.
There was a thread that asked who is african and it got alot of responses.:)
My hair is very close to APL now. My hair hasn't been even close to past APL since before I got relaxers which was around 12 years old. :eek: Experienced so much breakage over the years, I didn't think I could grow long hair anymore especially since it's relaxed. But I don't think that way anymore! :D
deola said:
Hi everyone, I just joined LCHF 2 days ago and must say i am very impressed with testimonies and before and after pixs. Up untill now my hair has never grown beyond shoulder length. Hopefully through this forum I'll learn how to grow it to mid length!:) I wonder, are there any Nigerians in this forum? By the way, how do you stretch your relaxers?

My hair has always lingered slightly past shoulder length. My hair grows at a decent rate but excessive heat usage, combing, and improper moisturizing was causing my hair to break like crazy.

OT:I'm Nigerian and new also welcome. :)
My hair just seemed to always brush my shoulders then I feel in love with instant wigs and the rest is history.
My hair would always grow a little past my shoulders and that's were it stopped. But since joining LHCF and learning about protective styles, stretching and moisture/protein balance I've made it a little past APL and headed towards BSL.
I cant remember the last time I was past shoulder lenght. Now I am on my way to BSL. My hair has never been longer nor healthier. There is NO WAY I could have done this with our the help of the boardl. Thanks Ladies!
My hair is shoulder length at the was never past neck length before...EVER, so feeling my hair 'sit' on my shoulders is something that always surprises me:)

This hair board is the truth..All you ladies rock

PS- the OP...Great thread!
deola said:
Hi everyone, I just joined LCHF 2 days ago and must say i am very impressed with testimonies and before and after pixs. Up untill now my hair has never grown beyond shoulder length. Hopefully through this forum I'll learn how to grow it to mid length!:) I wonder, are there any Nigerians in this forum? By the way, how do you stretch your relaxers?

Before I found LHCF I couldn't get my hair to grow past APL. Now I'm at full BSL and I'm shooting for WL, thanks to LHCF. :)

OT: Welcome to the forum deola. :wave: I'm also Nigerian. I hope this forum helps you to reach your hair goals.
Im not at my "never been there yet" length , but I am currently at the length that I usually always hovered around which is APL.
Before LHCF the longest my hair ever got was almost Brastrap. I was relaxed but I hadn't had a perm in 6 months. When I looked, my hair was past APL but it wasn't very healthy.

Now I am almost 100% natural and my hair is a little past SL making it's way to APL again. Slowly but surely. But at least this time my hair will be healthy.
kbragg said:
I remember someone posting that their hair had never passed shoulder length before LHCF and healthy hair techniques. I was just wondering how many ladies have reached a new "never before" length since being a part of LHCF and what regimen/hair care books helped you along the way? What is your current length? TIA!:cool:


Hi Kbragg my hair never grow past shoulder lenght before LHCF,now my stretched longest layer is at brastrap :D!
see this link for more
bablou00 said:
When I was little I had APL hair. Thru out my young adult years I never made it past shoulder...heat, relaxers, scissors and color killed my hair. Little past shoulder now praying for at least APL by Christmas.

Love your hair missy
I had long hair as a child. My sister cut it playing:mad: and after that it would never grow past SL:perplexed . Now it is hovering 2 in above BSL:D
The pic in my siggy is a couple of inches shorter than my usual length. I have gotten to APL, but something always seems to happen to my hair at that point and then I have to cut to barely SL. The last time I cut from APL to SL (3 wks ago) it was because my hair was looking crazy. It was thick to my shoulders and straggly from there to APL. I think recent braids were to blame for that (too lazy to braid all the way to the ends). I got a cut at Great Clips and the stylist took my hair up to the thick part (no higher). Now I'm just happy to be able to wear my hair down without feeling paranoid. The length will come, but nothing beats full healthy hair.
I've had BSL once in my life, but usually it's between SL and APL.
I reached APL last year tho and now going for full-APL this September. :yay:

It may not be at my length goal right now, but this is still the best hair I've ever had. My hair is thriving.
It's well-behaved, soft, silky, strong and very rich looking thanks to LHCF.
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My hair has never been shoulder length. I am amazed to see it past shoulder length. I can't wait to get AMPl It will be a really special moment for me when that happens. I also have to wait to become full shoulder length, not there yet the sides and front take forever to catch up. My front is just at the tip of my nose. The sides are at the end of my neck not touching shoulders yet. Still I am pushing on to BSL by dec31, 2008 I hope I make it.
Before LHCF my hair never went past mid back, (in the past it's been midback before but no further) and I'm passing it fast on to WSL.
a couple years ago i was armpit length but my dumb self stopped taking care of my hair and it broke off to shoulder length :(
when i was a kid i had long hair but by the time i was 13 that all went down the drain so this is the longest length i have since i was a kid.
Me, it's never been below shoulder length and now I'm closing on APL. LHCF is the best. On top of that I've gain some major thickness. When I relaxed my hair the first thing my mom said while the hair was wet that it's thick. Boy was I cheesing hard after that.
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I was always able to grow my hair to sl, and then I start to do horrible stuff to my hair... All the women in my immediate family has nice long hair. My mom has 2b hair but god lawd my dad has
my hair was nearly armpit when 1st relaxed

but never longer than shoulderlength after that

now i'm waistlength woohoo
Before LHCF, my hair seemed to be stuck somewhere between neck length and a bit past SL but that was because of frequent trimming and cutting. It ever reached APL. It was a really weird length that did nothing for my features or my face which was why I resorted to weaves. Thanks to LHCF, I'm on my way to BSL and MBL. Then I'm going to pay a visit to the stylist who told me my hair would never grow as long as the weave I was wearing at the time...a weave which was only at BSL by the way.
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I had a hard time hitting shoulder length, let alone going past that. I always stretched my relaxers but I think I stretched a bit too long. It was thick but not very full, really only long in the back. I've tried a number of different products, learned better control of how much 'stuff' I am putting in my hair, started taking hair vitamins and learned about moisture and good hair practices. Most of all I'm wearing a scarf to bed at night and not sleeping on my hair and then waking up looking like Don King every morning and hating it.

Onward and.....downward! I want to be APL by the end of the year.
underarm length was the longest my hair had even grown before coming to this board. my average length was shoulder length. since coming here its grown to mbl! i hope to get back there and surpass it in the next coming year.