Never been this length before???

Before LHCF, My Hair Never Grew Past...

  • Shoulder Length

    Votes: 311 48.9%
  • Armpit Length

    Votes: 177 27.8%
  • Brastrap Length

    Votes: 95 14.9%
  • I've always been able to grow long hair

    Votes: 53 8.3%

  • Total voters
Before LHCF I culd never get past armpit length, now I'm a few inches from waistlength. In the past I would retouch to often, overlap and had other bad hair practices. Now that I've been natural for 4 years and practice a healthy regimen, I've been able to retain length.
Before LHCF, my hair never grew past where my ends met the collar of my shirt. Now I'm brushing my shoulders. I have a goal of full shoulder by Feb 1 2007
I voted APL. My hair always hovered between shoulder and APL. It was also thin then. Since joining LHCF, my hair has gotten so much thicker. Right now, I'm a past APL, and hopefully my hair will start growing down ;) .
I voted shoulder length, but really my hair never grew past my neck! Now my hair is full shoulder length when straightened, and I hope to be able to grow it to collar bone length by next spring.:)
My hair has always been full BSL...but with all of the stylist cutting your hair, other stylist in the shop hating, and putting harsh chemicals in the other stylist products....stress back in the will fall out or break.

But I'm glad I found this I'm doing my own hair now for good!!! It is more healther now.

God is good yall!!! He will put you in touch , and people into your life to help you along the way!!!:)
My hair has never grown past my ears until now and I have to say 95% of that was due to what I learned here, the other 5% was common sense stuff I kinda always ignored.

Once I started taking care of my own hair, it would never get past armpit length, but USUALLY I stayed somewhere around shoulder length and then it would break like crazy, I am now VERY comfortably midback (too scared to call it waist length :lol). Cathy Howse and LHCF taught me the importance of deep conditioning, protective styling and moisture (via washing and products).
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Thanks to LHCF my hair has grown past my shoulders. However, it does not seem able to go past this lenght. I have been between shoulder and APL for more than a year now to my own count.
When I was little I had APL hair. Thru out my young adult years I never made it past shoulder...heat, relaxers, scissors and color killed my hair. Little past shoulder now praying for at least APL by Christmas.
My hair has never been past shoulder length before, I am praying and moisturizing, deep conditioning, I have also, never relaxed my hair myself without breakage, thanks to LHCF, and the ladies who converse here, I know I can achieve it, :D
My hair was this length but much thicker once in my late teen years from doing extention braids all the time. When I wore it out for a spell my mom even asked me if it was all my hair, I was like "it ain't that long" Even then I had hair anorexia,:lachen:. But comb blowdryers, curling and flat irons, phony ponys and not-well maintenanced partial weaves caused so much breakage I was forced to cut it to my ear.

So it's been past shoulder, never APL, and I'm hoping I get over this hump this year.
My hair was never past shoulder length, due to hairstylists overprocessing, overcutting, and my ignorance on how to take care of my hair kept it there.. I am inching to APL and I now know I will make it to my ultimate goal of BSL thanks to LHCF.:D
Hmmm. Ive never been longer than BSL. I always find a reason to cut my hair:ohwell:

Growth was never an issue. It was health that kept my hair from reaching its optimum length. I am wondering if I am able to grow beyond that length. We shall seeeeeeeeeee:confused:
Now that I am APL, I am in totally uncharted territory. I have never been able to pass shoulder length. Everyday is a new experience. I am seeing progress and I am not anxious anymore. I have mellowed out and found a regimen that fits me and my hair type. It's amazing the difference a little knowledge will make.
I have never been past shoulder length, when I was natural I was something in between shoulder and armpit, but definitely not armpit.

I am a bit worried that my hair is getting to "that length" and it will stop growing. But the hair in my bang area is past my collarbone, which is new for me as that hair has never grown past my chin, so that is reassuring.
As a natural, I never got past APL, though I'm sure that I could have made it to BSL. However, I got blowdryer happy and decided to start with the chopping. As a relaxed head, my hair never got past my shoulders and it would only get that long after leaving it in braids for the greater part of the year. I just had no clue when it came to relaxed hair. Now, I'm about 1-2 inches away from BSL as a relaxed head. Yay.
camellia said:
My hair has NEVER been this long before. I hovered at mid back to just above waist length as my longest length ever before I found LHCF.

Cutting down my heat use, to know more than 2 or 3 times a year and moisturizing with water and sealing with a natural oil or butter has helped my hair retain major length.

OT: Really cute family!
thefineprint said:
I think you should add ear or neck length because some ladies have never gone past those either.
so true never got a full neck length :) :)
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kbragg said:
I remember someone posting that their hair had never passed shoulder length before LHCF and healthy hair techniques. I was just wondering how many ladies have reached a new "never before" length since being a part of LHCF and what regimen/hair care books helped you along the way? What is your current length? TIA!:cool:


My current length is MBL, and my hair had never been past shoulder length. I know it woudn't have happened without this board!:grin:
My hair would never grow past bsl. It was stuck there for years. Once I found LHCF and some other hair forums, things changed. I stopped using relaxers, transitioned and did the b/c. Since then I've been staying away from heat, wearing protective styles, cowashing regularly, and keeping it moisturized. I am now mbl, moving onto waist length by the end of this year. :yep: Thank you to those that answered my questions and inspired (and continue to inspire) me. :wave: :Rose:
I joined this forum when I started reaching a couple of inches past my shoulders. My hair has always been a very fine, medium length, but NEVER more than a few inches past my shoulder.

So now I'm at a critical point in my hair growth journey because I'm right at the place where my hair always either breaks off or stops growing. It's crucial that I take care of my ends, first and foremost.

One thing that I'm doing now that I've never done is stretch my relaxers. I'm also doing much more in terms of trying to find the right moisturizer and conditioning techniques. Because I'm fine and my hair gets dull and dry at this stage, I will also consider moving to lye relaxers when I finally do relax again. ;)
I am pretty much 6 months into my hair journey and just recently joined LHCF, but the book that made me see a total 360 in the health of my hair was Ultra Black Hair Growth 2000 by Cathy Howse :bookworm:

Since then I have stopped doing the damaging things that was breaking my hair off constantly. Her book opened my eyes and made me realize that I could achieve the long hair I've always wanted! I started in Oct 06 with hair a bit shorter than the nape of my neck and now it's close to shoulder length. I'm pretty sure that by the end of this year I'll have full and even shoulder legth hair if not more!
This is the longest I've ever been.i thought I was midback or BSL as a child but looking at the pics I guess I was wrong.
My front and sides never even made it to earlength and the longest my back ever was was at the bottom of my neck or barely Sl
I never got further than shoulder length:sad: It would start breaking off (moisturize...what's that?) or the scissor happy stylist would butcher me:mad:

I am an inch or so away from APL and this is DEFINITELY unchartered territory:D

Dare I dream of BSL in '08?:blush: