need advice on what to say....


I have a cousin that has been married for 3 years but has known her husband for 10 years. She confessed to me that she is confused and unhappy in her marriage because she never knows when her husband will stop talking to her. He tends to have times when he would come in the house and not talk to her and ignores her. she said she has spoken to him numerous times about it and he still does it. I don't know what to say to her. I feel really bad for her because she is a very affectionate person and she said she feels very lonely at times. she did say recently he did this and when she threatened to leave him he apologized and said he was going to go a therapist and get some help because he has had this problem since he was a child growing up and thats how he dealt with things when he was upset or angry. What do I say to her? I thought maybe he might be involved with someone else but she said he is the same way with his family and doesn't talk to them for months. she also said that instead of apologizing now for during this he tries to break the ice by having sex with her. :ohwell:I was thinking of telling her to really put her foot down and tell him to get some help if he wants the marriage to work and not to give in to him so easily or else he would continue to do this what do you think? any input would be great.
Perhaps he needs psychiatric help. The times that he 'shuts down' could perhaps be depressive episodes. Ultimatums are not good for depressed people. He should see a psychiatrist or therapist.