Need advice on not-so-perfect prospect

@pretty_brown_eyes thanks for asking. he was a nice guy but i wasn't that physically attracted to him. he was as tall as he said he was, maybe even taller and he was really nice. but i didnt feel any chemistry. i know if i was smart i'd go for it anyway, but i guess i'm not very smart. he was telling me how he's going for his masters and we had fun talking about different movies. we basically talked nonstop. he initially wanted to go have dinner but i decided that i didnt want to do that. i'm not a fan of having dinner for the first meeting/date. we instead met at a barnes & nobles (my idea) and afterward i could tell he wanted to do something else and that he liked me but i told him i had prior engagements.
i could tell he had low self esteem bc after i said that he apologized about not looking like his picture (he had made a few comments about me not being satisfied with his appearance) and i really didnt know what to say to that.

he brought up the issue i talked about, about him never having been in a rlshp, he rambled about it for awhile but i really didn't come out knowing exactly what he was talking about. there was no clear consensus. it seemed like he was trying to clear it up with me and explain himself but i didnt really get what he was trying to say. and i didnt make an effort to get a clear answer bc i didnt plan on seeing him again anyway.

i know a smarter girl will probably snatch him up and live a comfortable life with a respectable engineer. but i've come to find out that that isn't enough for me. if i were to do something like that i'd probably end up having an affair w. a musician or something, lol. i'd rather hold out

edited to add, so that i dont seem like a total jerk. it really hurt his case that he didn't really try talking to me in the days leading up to the date. i felt like i had to do too much initiating so by the time the day came around for the date it felt more like a chore. i really didnt even feel like going but i just went to make sure i wasn't missing out on anything. it may be bc he's a libra, idk. i hear libras are like that. but he didn't take charge enough for me to see him as much more than a potential friend anyway. i tried not going in w. the thought that i wasnt going to like him, but imo, he did it to himself.
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