Naturals that NEVER straighten...why not?

What is/are your reason (s) for not straightening your hair?

  • I'm afraid of heat damage

    Votes: 184 60.9%
  • I don't have the time

    Votes: 82 27.2%
  • I prefer my hair curly

    Votes: 143 47.4%
  • I don't know/Other....

    Votes: 36 11.9%
  • I'm afraid of the hot tools of

    Votes: 62 20.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Are there any naturals in here that never straighten? Why not? Lately I've been losing the desire to straighten my hair. It has always been my plan to straighten once in a while to do length checks but now I have no desire to do so. Any other ladies feel the same way.

I don't straighten because I'm afraid of the heat damage. I too was planning to do length checks, but since I don't use heat my hair is BOOMING!!!!! I will get off of this heat diet for the holidays. When I get my hair pressed for Thanksgiving I'm hoping for mid back, and you know what, I think I'll be there!
i can't be bothered and when my hair is straight i always look at the length and get angry so i'll stick to the fro until i can be bothered.
I don't. I just don't find straight hair to be attractive with my features anymore.

It would be stoopid to straighten my hair anyway, seeing that it's only 3-4 inches, but once it gets longer, I still don't see myself wearing it straight.
I’m not sure if this has been asked already but, for the naturals who DON’T straighten their hair, who do you do trims?...or do you?

I hate straightening my hair but I have to trims the ends and its easier to control when I have to get it braided, the knots and tangles are CRAZY!!!
I have mine in twist right now, and I took out a few to flat iron and see how it would turn out. I couldnt stop and I did 1/4 of my head. I stopped then, because I know that when I finish my whole head, I'm just going to want to wash it out. So yes, I'm one of those naturals who most likely, when I get out of this twa phase (I'm at pretty much 4 inches) is not going to straighten.
I’m not sure if this has been asked already but, for the naturals who DON’T straighten their hair, who do you do trims?...or do you?

I hate straightening my hair but I have to trims the ends and its easier to control when I have to get it braided, the knots and tangles are CRAZY!!!

You can trim while in twists. Just nip the very end.
I've never straightened my natural hair. Ever. The only time my hair was straight was when it was relaxed. I plan on straightening my hair at the end of this year though.

ETA: I'm not sure why I never straightened. I just didn't.
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Are there any naturals in here that never straighten? Why not? Lately I've been losing the desire to straighten my hair. It has always been my plan to straighten once in a while to do length checks but now I have no desire to do so. Any other ladies feel the same way.

Originally, I'd planned to straighten once or twice a year for length checks, but the last time I flat-ironed 2 test sections on my head; first of all, it didn't want to straighten all the way out and now several months after the fact, those same 2 sections don't curl up like the rest of my head.
So, I REALLY am not trying to ruin my curls!!!!

I can still handle Blow-drying though withough significant damage to the curl pattern.
So, I guess I'll be trying that will dry rollersetting or wet rollersets and then blowdrying.
Right now, my hair is too short, but in the past, my hair always got damaged, or it looked like crap.:ohwell: I will attempt it when my hair gets longer. I think I figured out how to use my maxiglide on low heat.:rolleyes:
:darkcloud:Once you start straightening your hair it becomes addictive. You end up getting used to flinging it and putting your hands through the silkly strands. But take it from me, after a while it causes damage. I used to blow dry and flat iron my hair with the Sedu blow dryer and the Solia flat iron. The combination of the two had my hair looking fabulous, but after 3 years of straightening my hair once every week, it took its toll. So I went ahead and got a bc. And the result is in my avatar. So, I'm laying off the straightening. Only on special occassions will I do it.
I’m not sure if this has been asked already but, for the naturals who DON’T straighten their hair, who do you do trims?...or do you?

I hate straightening my hair but I have to trims the ends and its easier to control when I have to get it braided, the knots and tangles are CRAZY!!!

You can trim while in twists. Just nip the very end.

What Glamazon said....... :yep: I find that since I wear my hair curly all the time, I don't HAVE to trim the ends - and keeping my hair away from heat and super moisturized cuts down on my ends getting rough and tangly.
I'm just too lazy to straighten it to check my progress at the moment. :ohwell:
I should but I won't.
I just give you guys monthly or seasonal texture shots. :lachen:
I straighten once a year to do true length checks. I straightened my one time for this year last week. Although I liked the look and got tons of compliments, I was so afraid of damaging my natural coils and every time my hair shed each day from combing, I totally freaked out. I usually keep my hair in protective styles ALL of the time in small braids with my natural hair, and the growth has been coming, so I don't want to jeopardize that by wearing it straight too much.
I straighten once a year to do true length checks. I straightened my one time for this year last week. Although I liked the look and got tons of compliments, I was so afraid of damaging my natural coils and every time my hair shed each day from combing, I totally freaked out. I usually keep my hair in protective styles ALL of the time in small braids with my natural hair, and the growth has been coming, so I don't want to jeopardize that by wearing it straight too much.
I'm just sharing my experience.......

I used to straighten my hair every couple of months with my Maxi-glide. I broke that and purchased an electric straightening comb. I used that to get ready for a job interview.

I ended up damaging my hair badly. I'm at a point now where I have to start over again. This happened in November, and yes I did get the job.
I plan on keeping my hair in braids until it grows out, but I just wanted to say that it's not worth the grief when it comes to straightening. It takes too long and you chance ruining all of your hard work. In the future, I'll stick with braid-outs and twists. The straightening bug can bite hard, then you become careless.
First and foremost, for the first time I'm in love with my hair. I love my natural texture and one) like how it looks and me two) want to preserve it. Which leads me to reason number two, being afraid of heat damage. I'm also terrified of heat literally, I hate pressing combs, flat irons, curling irons, etc. I jump and flinch and get anxious. So, I'm sticking to what nature has given me for the now. I may get some heating done somewhere down the line, once my hair gets a little longer.
What Glamazon said....... :yep: I find that since I wear my hair curly all the time, I don't HAVE to trim the ends - and keeping my hair away from heat and super moisturized cuts down on my ends getting rough and tangly.

ITA… moisturizing my hair is a must- my hair loves it! I try to baggy it as much as possible.

As for the trimming …I have 4b hair and with the shrinkage and curl pattern its hard to see the split ends… even when I braid/twits it.

..Are you guys sure your getting all your split ends when you twists your hair?
I've tried to straigthen my hair once, I was so afraid of damanging my hair, that it was a HAM:lachen:

Since then, I don't even think about it anymore...:nono:
I would have to say yes to all of the above! They don't call them flaming hot tools of torture for nothing!:grin: Seriously, I know that I prefer my hair in it's natural state. I would chose twists over straight hair any day. It just seems blah to me now. Nappy hair is addictive!
ITA… moisturizing my hair is a must- my hair loves it! I try to baggy it as much as possible.

As for the trimming …I have 4b hair and with the shrinkage and curl pattern its hard to see the split ends… even when I braid/twits it.

..Are you guys sure your getting all your split ends when you twists your hair?

I don't have splits. At all. I've seen exactly 2 split hairs in the last 8 months, and I look at the end of each detangling session. I mean, I don't examine every single hair, but I generally look and I just don't have them. Maybe this is one of the benefits of not straightening?

I do have knots, though, can't lie about that.
:darkcloud:Once you start straightening your hair it becomes addictive. You end up getting used to flinging it and putting your hands through the silkly strands.

really? i find it to be quite the opposite. when i straighten i like my hair for all of 5 minutes. then all the swingy-ness gets on my nerves... my hair gets stuck on my lips, lands in my plate when i eat, and God forbid i'm outside and it's breezy. i'm sure it looks pretty but all these individual strands whipping me in the eye is annoying.

i'm just so used to coils now i guess. :look:

IA with you on the silky part though. that's the one major benefit of straightening. i get my fix thru blowouts or brushed-out braidouts. it's more fluffy but i can still feel the "silkiness" of my strands. :yep:
I straighten my hair maybe once a year to trim it. But otherwise I don't bother because
  • I like to exercise and I would just sweat it out
  • It takes too long to press it
  • When it is straight, it seems to get in the way more
  • Straight hair just isn't that special to me anymore. I think I look cuter with it wavy
ITA… moisturizing my hair is a must- my hair loves it! I try to baggy it as much as possible.

As for the trimming …I have 4b hair and with the shrinkage and curl pattern its hard to see the split ends… even when I braid/twits it.

..Are you guys sure your getting all your split ends when you twists your hair?


I don't worry about splits - at all. *shrug* When my hair gets long enough for me to be able to examine the ends, I'll do search and destroys, but until then? Meh. I don't wear my hair straight, so what's the point?

I figure if I treat my ends gently, keep them moisturized, keep them away from heat, I'll have as few splits as possible - but I'm almost CERTAIN that if I use heat, I'll give myself MORE splits, and that rather defeats the purpose. :lol:
I used heat on the back of my hair last week. I also did a piece in the front.I did it to see how it would look straight. Plus my mother said she preferred it that way, but I'm not goin into that argument. Anyway, I didn't like how it looked. I went back and wet it so it would curl back up. OMGosh!!! I thought I was going to break down and cry. I mean my eyes watered up and everything. The parts that I had put heat to did not go back to the same texture. It hasn't to this day. Oh its curly, but not as curly. I hate it.
Needless to say, I will never be putting heat to my hair again.
Well....I fear heat damage primarily. I can't do it myself yet and have no one I can trust to do it safely and well, where I am now.

Secondly...straight hair lost 90% of its appeal to me.

Once I hit WL, any style done on straight hair I can do on my own hair (using length to get around any issues of volume, etc). It lost it's appeal for me when I rawked a wash n' wear relaxer through high school and still holds no great appeal now that I'm natural.
I dont straighten that often 2-3x a year...but the twist and trim the ends method does not work with my hair. Alot of split/damaged/knotted ends that are twisted within the hair get missed when I do this method. So to avoid messing up the shape of my hair and making sure I get a clean finish I get my hair flat ironed.
I've been natural for 4 years and I have never straightened my hair, unless consider a blowdryer as straightening?

Anyways, I don't straighten because I like my hair the texture that it is. Also, I don't have the time to straighten my hair and then go workout and sweat my hair back into an afro. I am not willing to sacrifice my health for my hair. Also, I am a teacher and out of the thousand and something children that go there, only 2 are natural. I want my naturalness to be a way to bring curiousity,experimentation, and acceptance with my students.

If I have a desire to straighten or color, there are alot of options out there. I choose to wear a wig. This works for me.
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ITA… moisturizing my hair is a must- my hair loves it! I try to baggy it as much as possible.

As for the trimming …I have 4b hair and with the shrinkage and curl pattern its hard to see the split ends… even when I braid/twits it.

..Are you guys sure your getting all your split ends when you twists your hair?

my hair doesn't really split past the bottom half inch or so. and it doesn't split much... except for the ends of my hair that still had color on them from over 2 years ago. they were driving me nuts that's why i snipped the last of the color. it might have set me back a few inches but at least i have some peace of mind now! :lachen:
I don't straighten because I've had heat damage before and had to cut my hair. I don't want that to happen again. Also it's so much work straightening it it just doesn't seem worth it to me.

A couple of months back I was in a rush and wanted my hair dry so I broke out my blow dryer and it took ages, I was hot and bothered, and it looked no better than if I had left my hair to airdry... Worse in fact as it felt dry like hay. Maybe it was my (lack of) technique, but it just doesn't work for me. :nono: