Straightening Tips for Naturals...


Well-Known Member
Mods - Can we make this a sticky or have it added to the one of the other stickies that already exists?

Here's a one stop shop for info for straightening natural hair. I know that straightening natural hair can be controversial for some naturals, but if you choose to do so, please be sure to use a heat protectant and not use too much heat whether you choose a flat iron or pressing comb. Also, consider roller setting to straighten your hair some before you use heat on it. We wouldn't want to damage those lovely locks. :) Feel free to add any helpful posts I may have missed. I tried to list the ones with the most information. HTH...

Straightening Techniques

Naturals who straighten: What tips do you have?

Which is better for straightening natural hair?

Naturals who rollerset and/or just get their roots blown out.......

Naturals, How Do You Flat Iron Without Killing Your Hair?

Is there anyone with 4a/4b natural hair who rollerset to straighten?

NappyNaturals: What comes before the flat-iron? Airdry, Rollerset, or Blowdry?

Heat Usage/Protectants

Heat Protectants...

Using Heat Safely/TURNING UP THE HEAT with…

Heat or no heat-that is the question

What heat protectant does your stylist use?

I'm curious, what temperature do you guys normally set your flat iron to?

Name your best heat protectant.

Flat Irons

Naturals who flat iron...what iron do you have?

Who owns a Sedu & maxiglide.......

Naturals-What flat iron do you use and how long does it take you?

POLL: Which is the best Flat Iron in your opinion

How To Maintain Your Straight Look

How Do Naturals Keep Their Hair Straight?????

Naturals, what product(s) do you use to get your hair STRAIGHT STRAIGHTY STRAIGHT???

Naturals moisturizing while straight??

Naturals How do you keep your hair straight
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Adding to the gratitude for this thread. Saves me from making a thread on this very question.... I hope this can get put somewhere so I can get to it in the fall when I plan to straighten....:)
Ahhh, thanks. I've been toying with the idea of straightening my hair. You've save me loads of searching. Thank you.

P.S. I hope they make this a sticky!
Wow this thread is awesome. Thanks so much for pulling this together, Bmore. I'm not natural yet, but I will be one day. These will come in handy.

If the mods don't make it a sticky (though I don't see why they wouldn't), I'm definitely going to subscribe to it.
BMore, this is a great idea. My hair is not long enough to be straitened, but when it, is, I will try a tip from here. Great thread!:D
Co signing even though I don't use heat, who knows what the future holds right now I ain't interested but this information is very informative for us naturals who may decide to embark upon this in changing up hair styles.

Thank you so much for your due diligence! We need to protect these darling tresses no matter what we try to do to them.

Mods is it a sticky yet!? :dance7: Inquiring minds want to know! :yep:
Thanks for posting this, you fly girl you.
So helpful, why isn't this a sticky?
I'm transitioning so this is a real treat of info for me.
thanks again!