Naturals that BC'd how'd you know when it's time?


Well-Known Member
Hey ladies,

I started my HHJ in June 09. Initally my main goal was health and length, soon after in addition to those goals mine was to also long term transition. I went from SL to APL in 6 months. I'm in a sew in right now as my PS, but for some reason I keep getting the urge/itch to BC.

I've never had short hair and don't know how I'd feel it if chopped it. I'm not having any issues with my transition and I'm almost 8 months post. Originally I was going to transition atleast 2 years or until I made bsl then trim and maintain at bsl until I got rid of all the relaxed ends (but that seems like that would take a long time)..and keep growing it.

So I said all that to'd you know when it was time for you to BC and not worry about the length you were losing with your relaxed hair?? Also how many months post were you? I just feel like I've been retaining every inch I've grown since my HHJ and a huge part of me would hate to chop it all off. Humm..I'm confused lol. TIA
I bc'd when I got to the point where I just did not want to deal with the two textures...I wanted to wait a year but it was way to unbearable, especailly with all the sheading..

My hair was short when I did it...It was about three inches...But i did get a lot of compliments, which helped. I wore the wng for months until the detangling became unbearable, now I'm wearing two strand twists, twist outs and puffs...I'm working on perfecting my afro puff now..
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Bump... I was close to big chopping yesterday as well. I just couldn't, i'm sure i had more new growth when i was born
I wanted enough hair to make a ponytail before I cut the relaxed ends off. When I could do that, I knew it was time.
I want so badly to wait until a year, but I don't think I can wait that long. At least until the Springtime I keep telling myself. It's too dang cold in Long Island for me to BC now.:lachen::rolleyes:
I wanted enough hair to make a ponytail before I cut the relaxed ends off. When I could do that, I knew it was time.

Funny SEMO that's what I was just telling a friend of mine the other day, that I want to be able to atleast put my natural hair in a ponytail..and if that's the case I have quite a way to go before I can do that.
The texture difference was so drastic and I had to use seperate products on the new growth and the relaxed hair.. so I cut
I was going to grow my hair out and i did for 3 months, looking a HAM. Then i just chopped on a whim, i was/am impatient. I actually had 3months of hair and just chopped to a fade.

This quote is so funny...:lachen:i had more hair when i was born than when i bc'd. lol

Bump... I was close to big chopping yesterday as well. I just couldn't, i'm sure i had more new growth when i was born
I wanted enough hair to make a ponytail before I cut the relaxed ends off. When I could do that, I knew it was time.

That's what I'm thinking but at this rate......

When did you reach ponytail length? Was it high or low?
I think I had about 2" or 3" of new growth when I BC'd. My decision was very spontaneous—I was standing in front of the mirror, I think I'd finished taking out my interlocks or something, and was tired of seeing my limp, stringy, dry, over processed hair. I grabbed a pair of scissors and cut that mess off! I was very nervous and self-conscious about having a TWA, but never received any negative remarks (it's been so long, but I think some people actually liked it). When I cut it, it was very strange but liberating. That was about 5 years ago and I've been all natural since. You'll know when you're ready :)
I was going to wait a year, but I ended up doing it after just six months. I knew it was time when I randomly ran into my former hair stylist at the BSS. We were having a conversation, and I just blurted out, "Can you cut my hair?" I set up an appointment for the following week to give myself some time to really think about if I was ready, but I went through with it and I didn't regret it.
This is my issue as well. I go back and forth all the time, but I really think I want to be able to put it in a ponytail when I cut.
I was sick of 2 textures and extremely anxious to learn my natural hair. So, down to 1.5 inches of hair I went. My only regret is that I didn't do it sooner!
I just knew. :) It was a drastic cut going from below APL to inch or so of hair but I felt so FREE and NO REGRETS with my choice. Took my braids out and just snip!

You'll know. But think it through before you have snipper's remorse!
When you start BCing small sections "just to see how it will look" ;)

LOL funny! The day after I got my sew in done, I saw that I still had color on my ends of my leave out hair (from my highligths I got like 18 months ago). I got the sissors and start cutting the ends so that the my real hair color will blend better with the weave. I really liked cutting it and wanted to cut more, but I had to back away from the scissors ha ha. :lachen: You know what, come to think of it, after that point was when I really started thinking about the BC.
If you are used to looking at yourself with hair, don't BC too short. You will tex/relax again in two weeks!

Waiting until you have enough for a ponytail is a great idea - unless you just have a burning desire to see yourself with a TWA. :)

ETA: I knew it was time to BC when 1) My hair was a total mess and I couldn't do anything with it, and 2) when I couldn't stop thinking about what it was going to look like natural, in a TWA, etc.
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When my mom told me that she knew I hated wearing my hair the way I was...always pulled back in a bun or braidouts in a bun. I was so fed up with fitting w/ the two textures and not being able to work out or do things because of my hair. But I did it when I felt comfortable enough with myself to have short hair because my hair had never been that short.
For me I just got tired of detangling the two sections I was over it!!!! I BC'ed on friday I need to find someone to chop of the relaxed ends...
After about a year in my transition, I was snipping here & there more & more. I got so tired of the straight ends being so obvious when I wore twists outs & even setting them on curlers didn't satisfy me. When I washed, I hated the way those straight ends looked even. I just knew it was time & now wonder why I waited so long. I kind of wish I went through the twa stage.
I planned to transition for a year, but I had no idea I was going to fall in love with my coils, or that I'd be so bothered with the two textures, since they were completely different.

I woke up one day and made the decision to BC on a whim...I just felt the urge & figured that waiting wasn't important.
When I did the BC, it was spontaneous. I was intending on waiting a year before I did the BC, but I only lasted 8 months. I got too curious about my natural hair so I decided to snip a few pieces just to see what it would look like, sooooooooo one little snip here, led to one little snip there, and before you know it, I ain't have anymore hair, lol.