Naturals that BC'd how'd you know when it's time?

I think I had about 2" or 3" of new growth when I BC'd. My decision was very spontaneous—I was standing in front of the mirror, I think I'd finished taking out my interlocks or something, and was tired of seeing my limp, stringy, dry, over processed hair. I grabbed a pair of scissors and cut that mess off! I was very nervous and self-conscious about having a TWA, but never received any negative remarks (it's been so long, but I think some people actually liked it). When I cut it, it was very strange but liberating. That was about 5 years ago and I've been all natural since. You'll know when you're ready :)

This is VERY similar to my BC day. It was very spontaneous! My last relaxer was 12/28/08 and I BC'd in September 2009.
I planned my BC for December 09, but I ended up doing it in August 09. I knew it was time because I was 100% ready to be natural again and I figured I was gonna cut it off anyway so I might as well do it now and get it over with. Watching big chops on YouTube gave me even more motivation to do it as well.
When I did the BC, it was spontaneous. I was intending on waiting a year before I did the BC, but I only lasted 8 months. I got too curious about my natural hair so I decided to snip a few pieces just to see what it would look like, sooooooooo one little snip here, led to one little snip there, and before you know it, I ain't have anymore hair, lol.

LOL that's what I'm afraid of, I'll get a little scissor happy. I guess it's a good thing I can't really get to my hair because of the sew in, otherwise I may snip snip sinp and BC before I really planned to. Oh and your hair is GORGEOUS btw!
soon2bsl: I think if I had worn protective styles like braids I wouldnt have chopped as soon as I did but i still dont regret that I chopped about 5 months too soon lol. I loved my twa and watching it progress over these past 6 months.
In a 4 days I will be exactly one year post. I was told you pass through fazes if you are a transitioner. 1st, curiosity about the new texture. 2nd, annoyance with the 2 textures. 3rd, fed up. 4th, BC. If this is correct, I am at stage 2. I think about the BC, but nothing has pushed me to jump off that cliff yet. Ladies who BC'd: Did you pass through stages?
I knew it was time when I had people willing to do the BC for me. I wasn't going to pick up those scissors and put that burden on my hands! If it wasn't for my cousin and auntie I'd still have jacked up transitioning hair. I'm soooo happy!!! After a year or so I am was so ready. It becomes torture to see all these luscious natural heads on this website and your hair looks jacked in the mirror, yet you can feel the curls and coils........
My latest transition was transition #2. I was never fascinated with my new growth because I've been natural a large chunk of my life so I knew my natural hair. The first transition was pretty long becaise length was my number one and i was not about to walk around almost bald lol. This time around my hair was in bad shape, overprocessed and dyed red and I was missing my naps like crazy so I was just ready to be natural again and my hair's health was number one so I chopped down to 2 inches of new growth. I dont think I went through any phases, I just know my natural hair fits me and I should have never relaxed it.
Hey ladies,

I started my HHJ in June 09. Initally my main goal was health and length, soon after in addition to those goals mine was to also long term transition. I went from SL to APL in 6 months. I'm in a sew in right now as my PS, but for some reason I keep getting the urge/itch to BC.

I've never had short hair and don't know how I'd feel it if chopped it. I'm not having any issues with my transition and I'm almost 8 months post. Originally I was going to transition atleast 2 years or until I made bsl then trim and maintain at bsl until I got rid of all the relaxed ends (but that seems like that would take a long time)..and keep growing it.

So I said all that to'd you know when it was time for you to BC and not worry about the length you were losing with your relaxed hair?? Also how many months post were you? I just feel like I've been retaining every inch I've grown since my HHJ and a huge part of me would hate to chop it all off. Humm..I'm confused lol. TIA

If your not having any issues with your transition, why do you want to do a BC? Are you just interested in a shorter style? I BCd my hair in January and I did it because it was time for me to start all over. My hair was 3 months post, I had a lot of new growth, but also it was uneven and I had damaged ends. If your hair is in good condition, I wouldn't cut it off. Just keep on transitioning. :)
Like KCCurly said, I knew when I started snipping little pieces just to see how it would look, feel, react to product, etc. My hair has always, always been past shoulder length and I could never visualize myself with short hair. Then I said, to heck with it -- it's hair, it's MY hair, and it WILL grow back. :) And I'm loving it!
i transitioned for 71/2 mos. my initial goal was to transition it out, but the two textures got on my nerves, even though you couldn't tell once i flat ironed. but i just felt an itch, so i scratched. i just knew it was right. i was super hyped and told my husband-- just do it! you will know when it's time for you and when you do it you may have mixed emotions at first, but you'll begin to love it. i got over mine real quick. lol i had lengthy hair for a while and needed a change anyway.
I figured I'd rather have short hair than look a HAM and ridiculous with 3 different textures on my head....3 months(December to Feb) was my transition.
i just sort of talked myself into it.. Like i kept thinking about it and i wanted to do it.. I chopped down to nitty gritty

I thought i was crazy,but i got it into a style and that helped. once you get it into a style, then you will really like it.. many familiar stories here! For me, I knew it was time because I kept envisioning myself with natural hair. I also got excited whenever I saw print ads and other pictures of other women with natural hair. Conversely, I was sad and depressed with my relaxed hair. After a while I got really disgusted with it and would just put it up in a folded over ponytail on the top of my head.

After a few days of contemplation I just took the plunge and went to my beautician. She said I didn't have enough new growth yet, so she did a mini chop for me. But I kept cutting in that a month later, and then the next day I just said screw it and I got the scissors and just started cutting the rest of it off myself.

Then I went to the barbershop to get it evened up and lined up and the rest is history.
I decided to BC when I moved back home. It was time to end the transistion of both hair and life and start over fresh.

ITA- will know when its right for you. For some its a deep thing for others not so much. When you are ready you will do. HHG!
In a 4 days I will be exactly one year post. I was told you pass through fazes if you are a transitioner. 1st, curiosity about the new texture. 2nd, annoyance with the 2 textures. 3rd, fed up. 4th, BC. If this is correct, I am at stage 2. I think about the BC, but nothing has pushed me to jump off that cliff yet. Ladies who BC'd: Did you pass through stages?

Live4Me, this is so interesting. I never realized the phases. I guess I'm still at the 1st phase then..just curiousity, because I love seeing and feeling my new growth. Humm so if this is right, I may have a way to go lol.
I knew it was time when I had people willing to do the BC for me. I wasn't going to pick up those scissors and put that burden on my hands! If it wasn't for my cousin and auntie I'd still have jacked up transitioning hair. I'm soooo happy!!! After a year or so I am was so ready. It becomes torture to see all these luscious natural heads on this website and your hair looks jacked in the mirror, yet you can feel the curls and coils........

LOL and congrats to you on your BC. It looks great!
I am starting to hate my relaxed hair (I'm at about 1/2 and 1/2). It feels synthetic and gross to me, if that makes any sense. :(
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I think i'm in stage 1 too. Yay. But i did neglected my relaxed hair today. Maybe i want them too come off by themselves
Like KCCurly said, I knew when I started snipping little pieces just to see how it would look, feel, react to product, etc. My hair has always, always been past shoulder length and I could never visualize myself with short hair. Then I said, to heck with it -- it's hair, it's MY hair, and it WILL grow back. :) And I'm loving it!

LOL a part of me is thinking this same thing!

If your not having any issues with your transition, why do you want to do a BC? Are you just interested in a shorter style? I BCd my hair in January and I did it because it was time for me to start all over. My hair was 3 months post, I had a lot of new growth, but also it was uneven and I had damaged ends. If your hair is in good condition, I wouldn't cut it off. Just keep on transitioning. :)

MaintaintheSexy, I think the reason why I'm considering the BC is only because I just want to be all natural! lol. Nope I'm not really interested in a shorter style, which obviously I'd have it I chopped it. But I would still PS and not really wear my hair out anyway for a while. But I am leaning toward continuing to transition because everything is going so smoothly.
I haven't BC'd yet but I want to when I have enough hair for a ponytail in twists or braids as these will be styles I'll be wearing 90% of the time :yep:

I think this will be possible after at least 20 months of transitioning, judging by how much growth I have. Once I made the decision to long term transition, I changed my way of thinking - now I don't look at my relaxed ends as an obstacle, I just try to enjoy all my hair everytime.
This will be my second time going natural so I'm really not in a rush to see what my texture is like, etc.. So I won't be Bc'ing until my natural hair gets to about shoulder length. The last time I transitioned, I think it was almost a year if not that. IMO I didn't have enough mew growth so I will be trying to do it for at least 18 months.
I haven't BC'd yet but I want to when I have enough hair for a ponytail in twists or braids as these will be styles I'll be wearing 90% of the time :yep:

I think this will be possible after at least 20 months of transitioning, judging by how much growth I have. Once I made the decision to long term transition, I changed my way of thinking - now I don't look at my relaxed ends as an obstacle, I just try to enjoy all my hair everytime.

Makes perfect sense MummysGirl. I've been following your transition for a while. :) Thanks for the info, it's a good way to look at it. I mean really there's no rush for me and I'll continue to PS so I'm pretty sure I'll still be a long term transitioner.
I've BCed from relaxed a few times. It was normally around months 4-6 when the two textures would get too tangled together. But now I'm striving for at least 12 months so I can have a decent puff. That in between phase is not the jump off for me.
I had my last relaxer Aug 09, and I just made my mind up that as of Jan 1st 2010 I would start the year off fresh no matter how short my hair was I was going to do it. So the week after Christmas I BC'd and I am so happy that is behind me because I love seeing my curls without the straight ends attached
I planned to transition long term, had no interest in sporting a twa. But at six months I began thinking about BCing and it wouldn't go away. Finally at 8.5 months, the weekend before Christmas, I decided to do it. I wore a lacefront wig for a few days and then on Christmas Eve began wearing my twa out. I absolutely love it! I didn't know what people meant when they said you'll just know, but you will. I had to BC or I was going to drive myself and everyone around me crazy talking about it!