Were you REALLY happy when you BC'd?

I'll be honest...if my relaxed hair had been long when I decided to go natural, I HIGHLY doubt I would have chopped it all off. But, at the time I had been rocking the Posh Bob, so I didn't really care about cutting my hair. I did like my short hair though, but we all have days where we feel less than stellar, ya know? But, on those days I really just had to look in the mirror and say, "It's hair, it grows back." I feel like I can do more with my longer hair now though, so I like it better - longer hair also gives me the opportunity to be even lazier with my hair (ponytails/buns).

I've been almost BSL or longer all my life. Never had short hair not one day in it. Originally I had planned to transition for a long time, not a specific amt of time but until I had at least SL natural hair...Then I got frustrated and I cut it. I had never had short hair before. I just assumed that I wouldn't like short hair on me. When I BC'ed I was surprised at how much I actually liked my hair and wasn't too scared about the length. I LIKED it a LOT. I got a sew in a week later and left it in for 3 weeks (hated it), and then when I took the sew in out, I LOVED my short, natural hair. Like someone mentioned above, it gave me confidence in knowing it wasn't my long relaxed hair that makes me fly, it's just me lol And I mean that in the most humble way possible. Don't get me wrong, I have my moments...But overall, I'm loving it. If I could've transitioned longer, I would have. But I don't regret cutting bc I couldn't handle the transition anymore.
I BCd from abt APL to 1 inch of hair 2 times before I did before this last time. i only relaxed because I didnt know how to deal with my hair and got frustrated.

now that i have LHCF I see no reason to relaxe ever again

was happy and am still happy to have BCd to a short fro.

Im nt the transitionng type, when I want somethin I want it NOW, so when I get the urge to be natural I gotta be natural right away LOL


oh forgot to add the part abt the inbetwen stage when my hair was a tween-fro .... bigger than a TWA but certainly not a BAA, when its too big to wear as a TWA but too short to make a decent style :lachen:

THOSE days I wondered WTF I did, but I just did what I could and KIM.

the other 2 times I BCd I was in school so I cud just wear beanies or look a HAM without much consequence (well apt from my social life lol)
this time I was working so I had to try to find some decent professional styles for the tween-fro
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When I BC'ed after 14 months I was REALLY happy I did! I regret not doing it sooner!

I was so worried that I wouldn't like the texture of my hair so I just did a long transition. Now that I BC'ed, I love the way my hair texture is and love the versitility of my natural hair.
I'm transitioning for 15-18 months because I know i dont have the courage to do a short BC. I admire women who do it, but i know its not for me
I transitioned almost a year. My hair was only APL when I chopped, but I gotta say that I was completely ecstatic after the chop. My only regret was not doing it sooner.
I couldn't deal with the two textures anymore, so I was glad to bc because of that. And I love natural hair, everything about it. So I was excited to go through my journey.

I look okay with short hair and I get alot of compliments. But my own self confidence isn't very high right now, so I'm constantly insecure and I walk with my head down. I'm carrying alot of extra weight right now, so that has something to do with it too. I constantly refer to myself as 'fat and bald' without even realizing it (subconscious thoughts).

With that being said, I think once I lose some weight my confidence will increase. I still prefer myself with long, curly hair (if my hair is short, I like it to be straight, like a Halle cut). But I'm willing to go through this awkward stage (hair and body) and come out pretty on the other side. :)

I have no idea if I answered your question or just vented my issues... lol.... :drunk: Sowwy.
Lol no problem girl. And I am struggling with the weight issue right now. I'm constantly saying i'm overweight and need to start a diet. I don't have body dysmorphic disorder or anything but I just know how I look when I feel my best. And its about 25-30 lbs lighter than I am now with long hair. So I completely can relate and thank you for bringing that to my attention because for me it certainly is worth considering.

When I BC'ed after 14 months I was REALLY happy I did! I regret not doing it sooner!

I was so worried that I wouldn't like the texture of my hair so I just did a long transition. Now that I BC'ed, I love the way my hair texture is and love the versitility of my natural hair.

Interesting view....thank you SO much for sharing! The way you explained, its something I don't think I'd personally feel but I do like your story and I appreciate you for letting me know.

I BCd from abt APL to 1 inch of hair 2 times before I did before this last time. i only relaxed because I didnt know how to deal with my hair and got frustrated.

now that i have LHCF I see no reason to relaxe ever again

was happy and am still happy to have BCd to a short fro.

Im nt the transitionng type, when I want somethin I want it NOW, so when I get the urge to be natural I gotta be natural right away LOL


oh forgot to add the part abt the inbetwen stage when my hair was a tween-fro .... bigger than a TWA but certainly not a BAA, when its too big to wear as a TWA but too short to make a decent style :lachen:

THOSE days I wondered WTF I did, but I just did what I could and KIM.

the other 2 times I BCd I was in school so I cud just wear beanies or look a HAM without much consequence (well apt from my social life lol)
this time I was working so I had to try to find some decent professional styles for the tween-fro

Hey Sim! Your hair grows like weeds anyway! But yeah I feel you about the in-between stage. Especially since I'm a kinky girl...no curls here...so I think I'd only be able to really style it if it were short around 2" or at least SL. I love the way African Export's hair looks...big and full, but if I only have EL hair...:nono: I'm pretty sure I would hate it.
Thanks everyone for your responses....quite a variety and I appreciate the feedback and honesty of everyone! Giving me a lot to consider as I continue with my summer plan of hiding my hair...
yes! i loved every moment of it!

Yes girl, I used to be a lye girl and my hair had a lot more texture. Now I use no-lye and I love the process, its so painless and my hair is still healthy, but it gets my hair straighter than I would like. But I can't see myself transitioning to texlaxed. That to me is harder that going natural because like Traycee said on her blog, you have THREE textures to deal with. But your results are PERFECT! :lick::yep:

Thanks girl:). As for texlaxing and three textures, well my texlax is so close to my natural texture that it really wasn't an issue for me. Texlax just allows me to have less tangles, and way way way less reversion. I can't stand flat ironing my hair and having it revert two hours later.

My hair texture is so close to the texlax that it's hard to touch it up. So that's why Long stretches work for me. I need a good 2 inches of new growth for my stylist to be able to tell the difference. She always notes that when she's doing my hair. That I should just go natural because my hair is almost the same.....but it doesn't revert the same. That's for sure!:)

Sent from my iPhone while out living my best life!
What a helpful thread! I came so close to BCing Monday. I put my hair two strand twists and the permed portion looks so stringy! I did trim an inch off, more in the front. I came sooo close! Then, I remembered the two times I cut my hair short. I hated it! I was so frustrated. I am a slow grower and my head is not shaped for shorter styles. I am also exercising regularly and can't imagine what I would do if I couldn't pull my sweatty wet hair into a pony tail. This snapped me back into reality. However, my hat goes off to those who BC'd early and love it!
Hey Sim! Your hair grows like weeds anyway! But yeah I feel you about the in-between stage. Especially since I'm a kinky girl...no curls here...so I think I'd only be able to really style it if it were short around 2" or at least SL. I love the way African Export's hair looks...big and full, but if I only have EL hair...:nono: I'm pretty sure I would hate it.

EbonyCPrincess yep I think it was abt 3 inches before I could make a decent style with flat twists at the front and twists at the back or do a decent looking twistout

yup I like AEs hair too, but i know my hair wont ever fall like that, just not gonna. Im more of a sideshow bob ( from the simpsons) kinda girl:lol:

and i think its soooo important that we understand what our hair can do and not be beating up on our strands when they already being the best they can be :yep: Just give it some time to learn what they like.
I BC'd after 11 weeks.. it was ummm interesting.

I was excited to start a new journey, but was scared from going from a little past full APL of healthy relaxed hair to 1-1.5 inches of natural hair.

The forums were very supportive. My male family members loved it.. my sisters and mom kind of gave me slack.

this was true for me as well. all of my male friends and family members thought short hair suited me so well, while the women were making snide comments asking why i wanted to wear my hair short and nappy. :lachen: I guess, doing them at the same time is like a double no-no. :look:
VERY happy. Losing length wasn't a big deal though admittedly, if I DID have to pick something, that was the only thing i missed (the length) My hair really was getting long when I was relaxed, the longest it had ever been. :)

I got lots of "Oh, what did you do to all that purty hair??" from the older ladies in church but lots of compliments.

As it grew out, those same older ladies complimented me and other women expressed a desire to want to go natural as well. Even if they said they hated it, it wouldn't affect anything!

I was natural before but FORCED to relax when my sister got married because my hair wasn't "proper for a wedding!" (I was very young, still a teenager :*() I didn't know how to care for my natural hair and blow dried it daily, not straight but to get a "manageable puff"

I didnt have any awkward stages. I was able to flat twist the front (albeit (not that great lol) I wore it like that with the back out. Everyone said it "Suited me." :)
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I loved that I'd done it but was worried about my length because it showcased my big dome. LOL Right after my BC I blowdried and flat ironed my hair. I then looked like the fairy from Peter Pan. The next day I washed my hair and have enjoyed my natural hair 100%. I can't do all the cute styles but as long as I look presentable I am good to go. My hair is the healthiest its been in YEARS!
I love my short hair. I was scared about how I would look but instantly loved it. I'm not a wig or weave person. People have been giving compliments galore and telling me not to grow it out. Well that's the plan. Oh, it MIGHT be a fourth of an inch. It curls up a bit. Don't know how I'll like it growing out. I never liked that stage when relaxed.
More like relieved to be done with transitioning. BC'd at 15 months, had enough hair to be over most of the awkward stage. Took about 6 months to figure it all out and get to know my hair and after the 1 year mark, I was just as comfortable with my natural hair as I was with relaxed hair.

I was going to post some pics w/examples from 2006-2011 but then changed my mind. :lachen:

My advice is bc when you feel comfortable. Transition as long as you're comfortable doing so.

LEARN your hair! No one can possibly know your hair as well as you.

Keep in mind that if you do choose to transition, 5-8 inches of hair is not as much as you think it is - be prepared. OTOH, 5-8 inches of natural hair can definitely be quite a handful, be prepared for that too. Don't count on WNGs to be the ish and the answer to all prayers :lachen:.

Get creative with convenient and cute styles, find those YT tuts and natural forums. You'll be fine.
I was MBL when I big chopped back in April 2011. I transitioned for 10 months prior to cutting though. Still, this is my first time EVER having short hair in my life...ever. My hair was always healthy while relaxed too, so it wasn't like I had the "my hair was damaged while relaxed" excuse either. Lots of people gave me the side eye when I told them I was going to cut my hair because they couldn't understand why I would give up hair that many people wish they had. But...I cut it anyway lol.

Anyway, I kept it real about my BC experience. While doing it, I was VERYYYY happy. But a few hours later I went into shock because I didn't know how to style my new short hair...lol. I had a total break down that night. I thought I was doomed or something. However, I didn't really regret doing it per se, I just wanted to find a style that looked good on me. Throughout the first week of being natural, I started to figure out how to style my hair and I have been happy ever since! I think that was the biggest hurdle to get over. As far as having length goes, yes I do miss my length at times. The good thing is I still look pretty with or without length so it isn't the end of the world. Also, my hair is growing like crazy and at this current rate I will be at APL by October or November this year(maybe sooner). I plan to be back MBL in 2012, which will be my 2 year post relaxer mark! Feel free to check out my Youtube channel. I have my big chop video and tons of other hair videos there! The link is in my siggy!
Yes!!! I knew I was doing what was best for my hair. It took me about a month of obsessing over my hair and researching before I found a variety of ways to style my hair to avoid wearing an afro, and once I did, I loved my hair more than when it was longer and relaxed.
Well the only time I've ever BC before was in 2005, and it was under what I'd call tragic circumstances. I had curly SL hair (not long i know....) and it was processed with the wave nouveau system. I went to get a touch up, and came out with BONE LAXED hair, that looked like someone put it in a deep fryer.

There was absolutely nothing I could do to it. It wouldn't accept moisture, it felt like straw:nono:. I sat with tears coming down my face and i chopped it right off. Needless to say I did NOT like it. Over time I simply got used to it. Never really had a moment where i was like ohhhh I LOVE my fro! I was just focused on growing it back out to its previous length. Plus i had zero styling ability, and this was pre- LHCF. So it was a dry-arse fro...24/7. I relaxed when it was NL. To be honest the short fro suited my face....but it also made me look like i was 14. :lol:

Now.....I am actually very curious as to what my hair would have looked like then with twist outs, and braid outs....and MOISTURISED!:lachen:
So this time around, I'm transitioning. I have no intentions right now to BC to a TWA....but even if I did, it would be because that's what I wanted. Not because my hair is beyond repair.
The last time I never technically BC'd because I had a short hair cut and just never relaxed so when the last little bit was cut out. I was ecstatic. It was hot as heyall and wetting/cowashing daily felt swell.

Now I won't be doing a BC either, but I will still be ecstatic. Soon I am going to cut all the relaxer out in the back and leave some on the sides/front to avoid the shag.I am so looking forward to not dealing with the tangles. My back longest layers are a little past apl so I am comfortable.
I BC'd after an 8-month transition down to 2-4 inches from SL. I felt a sense of relief and excitement. I have truly enjoyed watching the evolution of my hair, styling skills, etc. My only regret is that I didn't wear my TWA as is more often...I wanted a puff so bad, I just kept pulling the lil bit of hair I had into lil baby puffs. Had headaches all day everyday, LOL. I look back on the pics and laugh at myself, and get mad at ya'll for not calling me on that tomfoolery!
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I can honestly say that I BCed last year because my hair was in a state that I could not live with. I cut my hair down to my scalp, so at first, I had to get used to seeing myself with such short hair, and, often, I was really down about it :nono:. In hindsight, I often feel that I should have transitioned longer than I did instead of making the rash decision to cut. For example, there were times when I needed to attend formal events and I wished that I had enough hair to pull back in a bun or to do something sexy with, so I felt that my options were limited :perplexed. I am happy with the health of my hair and the fact that I do not have to work with two textures. My answer is yes, I wished that I transitioned longer to give me a few more styling options.
I hated it ... would NEVER do it again. I have some heat damage now, but afraid to cut it because I hated the short cut so much.
after the initial shock wore off, i liked my hair...but it took me about 6 months to a year to truly be able to say i LOVE my hair...i BC'd at 4 months post relaxer, before i decided to transition i had a short bob that was tapered in the back, which limited styling options...i stopped using heat about a month after my last relaxer when i decided to go natural, and my hair couldnt go in a ponytail or bun/updo so i wore mostly braids and kinky twists for a couple of months, and then beanies for like a whole month straight until i BC'd...i also didn't like dealing with the 2 textures, but i think it would've been easier and i wouldve transitioned longer if i was able to bun or pony...but the good thing about BC'ing to that length is that you can truly get to know your hair and see every stage from the beginning...
I have mixed feelings about the length, but the length is growing on me more and more each day. I'm happy that I bc'd and do not regret the decision at all. My strands are super strong and I don't have to worry about weak relaxed ends easily breaking off. I can't wait to do twist/braid outs. I didn't think short hair would be flattering on me, but it doesn't look bad at all.
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No I was not happy with my BC a couple of days ago because I went in to get one service done and walked out BC'd. At first I hated it and wondered what I had just gotten myself into. I had intentions on transitioning for 12 months. I had those feelings because I wasn't able to properly prepare myself mentally & emotionally. I didn't have a game plan in place. I will say that I got over those feelings really fast and I'm happy my beautician encouraged me to BC.

ETA: My main concern with BCing was losing my length and not having the convenience of bunning, etc.