Were you REALLY happy when you BC'd?

Oh I was devastated. I sat on the floor clutching my raggedy relaxed ends crying my eyes out.

It took me a few weeks and then I was in love.
I couldn't wait to cut my relaxed hair off! After being relaxed for so long i wanted to see what my natural texture looked like...plus the two textures was killing me :nono:. I transitioned for 20 weeks and cut down to 2 inches. My only regret is not going natural a long time ago.
I can honestly say that it was absolutely LIBERATING for me. I was no longer able to 'hide'. 15 years later, I've made a conscious decision to let my hair grow--I'd get about 10 inches and couldn't (didn't know how) to work with my hair and would run double time to the barber and shave it off again. If i can make it thru the heat of summer, I should be good to go.