Naturals: Spirals, S-curls

Naturals: Do you have Spirals or S-curls? You can click more than one option.

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Just curious about the percentage of Natural (and texturized) ladies here who have:

Spirals, S-curls and whether it correlates with the hair types 3b, 3c, 4a, 4b.

If you don't know just take your best guess. And if you have multiple textures please check more than one option.
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I'm not sure I understand. But I'm thinking my hair type is 3b and I have waves and some curls/spirals. I don't know anymore what people mean by 3c. I'm still trying to figure out the difference between 3c and 4a.
to my understanding , an i could be very wrong
3b is a fat marker sized curl and 3c is a skinny marker(little bigger than a pen )sized curl. 4a is coffee stirrer sized curl
eta:to me theres a big difference between 3c and 4a, as my wet hair, my twistouts, my dry hair, dont look anything like 4a wet hair, twistouts and dry hair.

ive tried to copy styles ive seen on 4a head and i can't do them on my hair, or they will turn out looking totally different. i think thats why 3c was introduced, because those of us who have it can see the difference. its a offshoot of 3b.
i have a little bit of everything; spirals, s-curls, weird backwards s-curls, lots of waves, coils and kinks. it's almost like every race that ever contributed to my family's gene pool is represented in some way on my head. the sizes vary from tiny coils in the nape to even a few marker sized ones at the crown. some of the strands around the nape actually have a little wavy z patterns in the strands themselves. all the hair on my head forms coils and clumpy s-curls in last 2-3 inches or so.

my hair does not coil or spiral down it's entire length. it straightens out to pretty, smooth waves when it's wet then it loses the clumpy curl pattern as it dries and starts to poofs up and do whateva. the hair does not stay in nice uniform clumps unless i fingercoil or twist or braid it, then it will stay in the pattern and dry smooth.

the surface hair from my ears to my forehead are large s-waves and this hair seems to have a different texture than the back.

i have yet to find a hair typing system (except maybe lois and still that's not even extensive enough) that my hair can into and it's the reason why i never use a specific hair type to describe my hair. hmmm......i say never because i may have tried to at one time or another then gave it up due to frustrations.

pics in fotki:
to my understanding , an i could be very wrong
3b is a fat marker sized curl and 3c is a skinny marker(little bigger than a pen )sized curl. 4a is coffee stirrer sized curl

Thanks silver. So, you have 3c hair?

I don't know WHAT I have anymore. Not that it really matters at this point. It seemed easier to type when it was shorter.
I have mostly 4a very tight s-curls, a few spirals, and some 4b waves mixed in that won't do noting but frizz. Shrinkage is at least 80 percent.
When I was natural I had 4a sprial now that I'm texturized I have 4a spiral/curls my hair type didn't change much just the shrinkage.
I've got some 4a coils, but then I have these weird type waves/curls that are shaped like the number "5". They aren't S shaped because they have sharp bends/angles instead of soft loops.
I mostly have 4a type spirals. I also have 4b-esque waves in front.

The back is a little looser, with looser spirals.
The closest I have ever known a description to my hair pattern is what is termed CNapp.

CNapp -Product-free hair that has no defined nap pattern. Instead, whether wet or dry, our loose strands each take their own separate route to give the appearance of a fluffy, cottony, cloud of naps.
most of my hair is s-curls that end in coils. i have some scattered spirals and some undefined 4b sections as well. it's all good. :grin:
I have the S curls in the front of my head and spirals in the far as I'm concerned it's all different variations of 4a....oh and unbelievable shrinkage. :ohwell:
Just curious about the percentage of Natural (and texturized) ladies here who have:

Spirals, S-curls and whether it correlates with the hair types 3b, 3c, 4a, 4b.

If you don't know just take your best guess. And if you have multiple textures please check more than one option.

Ya'll I have no idea what I have. I have different sections on my hair that do different things :) I choose something else, b/c I have no clue:nono::grin: As long as I have hair that's healthy I really don't care what kind of curls it has!
Wish I knew how to answer this question....but I don't :ohwell:
- I have spirals...I know that much.

But the whole hair typing thing.......I dunno!
I think it might be some 3c?
Or maybe it's just all 4a?

But I DO have more spirals--than wavey hair.
Thanks silver. So, you have 3c hair?

I don't know WHAT I have anymore. Not that it really matters at this point. It seemed easier to type when it was shorter.

Don't worry about it too much Cichelle because I'm not sure of mine either. I guess I'm a mixture of 3b and 3c......maybe some 3a as well (in the front) but I dunno....whatever.:drunk: