Well-Known Member
This is EXACTLY what I was whining about last night and why I was going to start doong my own relaxers because stylists do NOT want to take the time to do 1 section first another section third and another section last, if they are not in the 4 little quadrants they like to put them in.

Overall though I found that my hair looked really beautiful in a twist-out and the different textures somehow blended quite nicely. I got lot of compliments on my twist-outs. I just let the wash n go dream die. I could only wash n go easily when I was at the twa stage.
I used the same products on all of my hair but found I used more product on the 4 hair and I had to handle the 4 hair more gently than the 3ish hair. If you really want to be natural again I think you should give it a try, maybe the second time around will be easier, it was for me. The first time I was natural for just 5 or 6 months, the second time I lasted almost 2 1/2 years.
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