Naturals: Did joining LHCF make you consider relaxing again in the future?


New Member
I've been natural for 4 1/2 years and am now locked. When I first went natural I said I'd never get a relaxer neva eva eva again. Now I just require whatever hair state I choose to be healthy and hawt..

Joining LHCF made me see that my relaxed hair could be all that and more wht the proper techniques. I've never had a problem with growth whether relaxed or natural but overprocessing and heat made me shed like crazy while relaxed and my hair would get thinned out.

I've recently concluded that if I ever take my locs down I'll probably relax because going back to loose hair isnt' that appealing to me. But I'm a bit conflicted because I love love my natural texture and how being natural makes me stand out from others.

So what say you LHCF naturals, do all these progress pics test you? :lachen:
Not at all. Plus I can always do roller-set for a straight look however, I have little desire to do so (I've done one rollerset since the BC). I pay most attention to the natural ladies hair when looking at threads. I'm just naturally drawn to those pics.
Nope not at all!
A woman can have beautiful relaxed hair down to her knees, but that will never impress me enough to go back to using chemicals to straighten my hair.
It is very tempting, I swear i have never seen so many beautiful and healthy heads of relaxed hair in my life. But im starting to love my hair and im getting comfortable with it. And for the first time in many years i am able to wear my hair out and its a good feeling.
Nope not at all!
A woman can have beautiful relaxed hair down to her knees, but that will never impress me enough to go back to using chemicals to straighten my hair.

Exactly. Why would I want to lose all those style options anyway? If I want a straight look I can rollerset or flat iron to switch it up. No need to permanently get rid of my coils.
I was tempted previous to the first time I straightened my hair last fall. I always hear scary reversion stories. I was so worried that I wouldnt be able to keep a press longer than a day or two without it getting poofy. Luckily my hair, when pressed, looks relaxed and does not revert unless I dump water on it. So I have the best of both worlds and no urge to relax...Besides I couldnt stand seeing my hair straight every single day
No it was the opposite for me. I came here relaxed and ended up being natural. I will never relax my hair again. My natural hair is just "me" :yep:
Exactly. Why would I want to lose all those style options anyway? If I want a straight look I can rollerset or flat iron to switch it up. No need to permanently get rid of my coils.

Ya know I never flat ironed my hair when it was loose so I have no idea if that would have worked for me, I was too scared of heat damage. I'm just assuming it would be too much work to do on a regular basis, but I could be wrong.
Nope...if anything, coming here is part of what motivated me to go natural. Seeing the beauty and versatility of natural hair just impressed me SO much.
No it was the opposite for me. I came here relaxed and ended up being natural. I will never relax my hair again. My natural hair is just "me" :yep:

Yep- same thing for me. LHCF made me go natural and I'm here to stay. I love my natural hair and even though I can appreciate those with healthy relaxed hair seeing natural hair appeals to me more.:grin:
I think my temptation with relaxing has a lot to do with the fact that my hair looks the best when it's hanging down - whether twists, locs, braids, curly and hanging, etc. I liked big puffs on me too but I could only keep that up for a few days before I had to do something else with it, plus shrinkage was always a factor. So for me locs are the perfect mix - enjoying my hair texture in a style that hangs down and flatters my face the best - and is easy to maintain.

The naturals who can easily flat iron/straighten their hair at will tend to have a unique viewpoint from what I've observed.

Yep- same thing for me. LHCF made me go natural and I'm here to stay. I love my natural hair and even though I can appreciate those with healthy relaxed hair seeing natural hair appeals to me more.:grin:

Your natural hair looks great and you have a gorgeous complexion :)
I don't know, it kind of makes me want to texlax, which I didn't know was an option. That way, I can still have curly/wavy hair but straighten it with ease. The main reason I love being natural is because I love my WNGs, but these knots and the need for constant detangling are killing my progress.
Not at all. Plus I can always do roller-set for a straight look however, I have little desire to do so (I've done one rollerset since the BC). I pay most attention to the natural ladies hair when looking at threads. I'm just naturally drawn to those pics.

I agree, even when I was relaxed with no intentions of going natural I'd always found myself in natural threads and fotki's until one day it just clicked.
I am relaxed but LHCF is making me want to go natural! I am almost 6 months post if I can get past my wedding without relaxing than I am going all the way!

I am amazed by all of the beautiful relaxed heads though.:yep: Before this site I thought all relaxed hair was doomed to be dry, raggedy, and short unless you were one of the lucky ones.
Not at all.. I mean I do miss the straight look without having to worry about reversion but I'm not thinking about relaxing again...
Yep I was natural for 15 years. I relaxed after finding the boards. I'm loving my decision. I loved my natural hair and I love my relaxed hair
Well, I've never been relaxed. But, being on LHCF has convinced me to stay natural. I've yet to see a progress pic that made me even consider a relaxer for even one second.

On the other hand, the natural progress pics make me want to hide my hair for a year in weaves so that I can post some pics and be like BAM! look at this fro.
NOOO! Relaxed hair would be too much work for me. Neutralizing, hard protein treatments, and stretching would drive me insane. And having a stylist do it means sitting in one place all day. No thank you.

I love the simplicity of natural hair.
Yes actually. i've been natural since 2002 and i must say it makes me see ur hair can be healthy relaxed as well. I've been going back and forth with it. i did the Brazilian chocolate for detangling and managability purposes. I like it. it made my hair hang more and detangling was a snap! im crediting that with me retaining a lot of hair from Dec til now because i would get so frustrated with detangling that i would just rip that comb thru my hair and that's not good either. it was taking too long to comb.

Right now i've decided to keep going as a natural, i don't know for how long. i'm doing the Ayurvedic challenge. Im sorry but i need some more length and to retain my hair so the brazilian helped me with that.

Yes, Raspberry, I definitely get tempted also. I have been natural for 14 years and I feel like I went natural out of frustration and fear. I didn't know enough about haircare in either state (natural or relaxed) to make an informed decision.

So it tempts me, definitely. I thought I might relax this time next year, if I'm still feeling this way.
No, what joining LHCF did was help me care properly for my natural hair. Although it had been two since my last relaxer at the time I found LHCF, I never considered relaxing again before finding this site (although my hair was just a HAM) nor after finding LHCF. I was bent on finding solutions and trying new things to tame my hair and after finding LHCF and learning to tame my hair with moisture, moisture, moisture instead of the pressing comb or flat iron, there was never a reason to consider relaxing again. I do feel that if I could now properly care for relaxed hair, but I have no desire to relax and doubt if I ever do. I love everything about my natural hair -- the texture, versatility, ease, etc.
No, it's the opposite. With LHCF, I am able to strongly stay natural and take care.

When I see a natural hair in progress, I simply appreciate it and this is really motivating. And I can visualize this beautiful hair with all styling options.

When I see a beautiful relaxed hair, I say to myself : her hair is beautiful but she will lose all of this, if she wanted to become natural.
The naturals who can easily flat iron/straighten their hair at will tend to have a unique viewpoint from what I've observed.


Before coming on here, I intended to grow my hair to WL before relaxing it, then LHCF changed my mind and made me a somewhat uncompromising natural for a while. Being here a few years and seeing so many beautiful, healthy relaxed heads really tempts me to relax. In fact, the only thing stopping me is reversion. I'd just like more styling options without spending hours detangling only to have to braid my hair up to retain length, as is currently the case. Rollersets/ flatirons etc haven't really worked for me.
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Yes. And I've been natural most of my life. I consider(ed?) it not so much for the look of straight hair, but for the ease of maintenance. I'm just a bit too chicken, afraid of the chems. Also, I prefer the look of natural hair. So I'm trying to tough it out and straighten once a month to see if that helps the situation at all.