Natural Rollerset Results and 1 Year Progress Pics---> Hair Porn Inside

Oooh! This looks awesome!! Congratu-BIG-lations!!! Lol! I want my hair to be like yours when it grows up!!
Wow. It looks fab. How did you get it so shiny and silky? My rollersets never look right.

I really think its the lacio lacio & chi silk infusion. My hair never comes out as shiny when I don't use lacio lacio. Salerm 21 also works as a great substitute.

You have Very, very pretty hair!!! That shine is ridiculous! What made you decide to seal with Vaseline instead of an oil or butter?

Well, my hair tends to be very porous and and oils don't do jack for my hair (they either sit on top of my hair or they are absorbed in 5 minutes and leave my hair feeling dry). However, I do use shea butter in the winter. For me, Vaseline is much heavier and is capable of smoothing my cuticles and keeping them closed.