Natural Rollerset Results and 1 Year Progress Pics---> Hair Porn Inside


Kblc, please my friend, step away from the scissors. No more cutting that gorgeous hair!
Gorgeous!! And you're all natural? That rollerset is amazing!

Yep. I began my transition in 2005 and I cut the last of my relaxed ends sometime around late 2006/ early 2007

Oh my goodness gracious :thud: that is absolutely beautiful! how do you get your rollersets so smooth? You did an amazing job :yep:

Use good leave-ins and keep the hair very taut as you're rolling. I also think the clamps help alot, but we'll see when I rollerset with the mesh rollers (which do not have clamps)

Your hair looks absolutely AMAZING! I love the curly results from your rollerset. Do you trim your hair yourself?

Yes, I'm a complete DIYer. Normally, when I straighten and trim my hair every 2-3 months, I do an intensive S&D first, and then I trim the hemline by putting my hair into 2 low pigtails. After making sure they're even, I bring them to front, and dust the ends about 1/4" or 1/2" depending on how they look.

Kblc, please my friend, step away from the scissors. No more cutting that gorgeous hair!

Sheba, it has seriously been a long road to recovery :lol:. I didn't even know my hair grew that fast or that I could retain that much length in a year. That's just how much I would cut my hair. I honest think I would be close to TBL if not for the scissor happiness, but I just love nice blunt thick ends. But as of late, I just don't care about my hair anymore so I leave it alone...and it grows. Who knew, lol!
Use good leave-ins and keep the hair very taut as you're rolling. I also think the clamps help alot, but we'll see when I rollerset with the mesh rollers (which do not have clamps)

Again, beautiful results, both straightened and curly! Which leave-ins do you use when rollersetting?
Wow that's really impressive. If you hadn't said so I would have assumed you were relaxed. I can't flat iron my natural hair to save my life. You did a great job. Your hair is so pretty and shiny!! Love it!
Again, beautiful results, both straightened and curly! Which leave-ins do you use when rollersetting?

I normally use very diluted lottabody (the concentrated version), Lacio Lacio/and or Cantu Shea Butter leave-in, and Chi Silk Infusion.
Do you have fine strands? I have 5 inch length hair with fine strands. When I was and go i get SSK. Has roller setting helped? How much heat do you use on your hair?
Do you have fine strands? I have 5 inch length hair with fine strands. When I was and go i get SSK. Has roller setting helped? How much heat do you use on your hair?

The bolded is precisely why I have to limit my wash n gos. My hair is fine-medium (mostly fine). I still have quite a few of them, hence the reason I straightened my hair for a trim. However, sealing my ends with vaseline has been a major help. I don't rollerset often enough to determine if it helps, but starting this fall, I'll alternate between wearing my wigs and rollersetting. I use heat on my hair maybe 6-8 times a year, but this year, it has been considerably less.
Gaw-geous!!!! Your rollerset came out so silky! Love it.

BTW I tried to thank you but for some reason the thanks button has gone poof
the thank you button isnt here,so I am commenting to thank you for the hair porn! I wish I could rollerset....once I pass APL im going to try roller setting
When do you use the Vaseline? I think I saw somewhere that you wear wigs a lot, so are you using the Vaseline to seal your ends under the wigs?

Getting a rollerset like YOURS has been on my bucket list for a while. Simply fantabulous!
When do you use the Vaseline? I think I saw somewhere that you wear wigs a lot, so are you using the Vaseline to seal your ends under the wigs?

Getting a rollerset like YOURS has been on my bucket list for a while. Simply fantabulous!

Yes- after I apply my water based moisturizers, I seal with vaseline. But I also seal my loose ponytails with Vaseline as well. In the winter months, I also apply a layer of pure shea butter prior to applying the vaseline. If I don't have Vaseline on hand, my next best substitute is Blue Magic Coconut hair grease
Beautiful hair and great progress!
Hmmm.....vaseline....I just posted to the WL 2011 challenge thread and I was complaining that my ends were dry when wearing a ponytail. Vaseline may be the answer and I already have a big jar of it. Thanks!
I can see them...great progress!! I always love how your rollersets turn out! I have to keep working on mine. What heat do have your dryer set on and how long do you stay under it?

I usually stay under the dryer for about an hour to 1 hour 20 min @ temperature between 140-160 (on the salonsrus dryer). I'm going to try mesh rollers soon to see if they help reduce my drying time
Very inspirational!!! I really want to start roller setting for retention and I haven't started it yet. This motivates me to get started.