Natural hair confessions


Well-Known Member
Hi natural sistas! I have this part of my blog where I express how my natural hair makes me feel! I would love to hear you natural hair confessions weather they be good or bad!

Just start off with my natural hair makes me feel.....

I'm excited to see responses!
tdillz said:
Hi natural sistas! I have this part of my blog where I express how my natural hair makes me feel! I would love to hear you natural hair confessions weather they be good or bad!

Just start off with my natural hair makes me feel.....

I'm excited to see responses!

Go to my blog to see my confessions
@BostonMaria I'm willing to switch hair lengths with you....NO NO....don't thank me. I'm happy to take your WL hair off your hands.


:lachen: Beautiful hair girl!

MarriageMaterial ahahaha After I typed it I was like watch somebody say something sarcastic ahahhaa

I think I need layers. Actually I think I'm upset because the more it grows the more it shrinks. All my life I wanted long curly hair, but I didn't know about shrinkage. I just wish my hair could be at LEAST APL while curly.
Actually I think I'm upset because the more it grows the more it shrinks. All my life I wanted long curly hair, but I didn't know about shrinkage. I just wish my hair could be at LEAST APL while curly.

That does sound frustrating. With this hair on my head, I just know that's going to be me in a few years. :ohwell:
I realized that I care more about looking cute than PS'n and avoiding heat.

I like my hair down and often need a lil heat because my busy schedule does not permit air drying

So I may be in this APL/BSL limbo for a while and that is A-okay with me
As of late I have been unenthused with my natural hair and I have grown bored with it. I think once it gets warmer I am goin to color it.. or atleast some of it.
@MarriageMaterial ahahaha After I typed it I was like watch somebody say something sarcastic ahahhaa

I think I need layers. Actually I think I'm upset because the more it grows the more it shrinks. All my life I wanted long curly hair, but I didn't know about shrinkage. I just wish my hair could be at LEAST APL while curly.

No, I understand what you meant in your original post. I just couldn't help myself. :lachen:

I totally get where you are coming from about the curly hair. I look at pokahontas (I think that's her name here on LHCF), and she has beautiful long and curly hair.

I'm at APL and my hair still shrinks up to chin length. Which is why I don't bother with the curly hair and keep my hair stretch.
My natural hair makes me feel totally impatient. Almost 2 years post relaxer and yet I still feel like I have REALLY short hair. Almost to the point where I want to give up b/c I'm not seeing any growth *sigh* :nono:
I'm so tired of buns. I wish I could fast foreward to July.
The only thing that keeps me sane is cowashing. I can see length, because I keep the shower curtain open and a mirror is directly in front. . . Is that vain? Lmao.
well...u did say confessions.
I want to color my hair in purple v_v.
and like BostonMaria, i feel sometimes frustrating with this shrinkage, it's like a need to be WL for being APL shrinked :sad: i am APL and my twistouts are NL :nono:
I'm so bored with my hair
I swear this sucker is not growing at times
Not going to lie i'm considering texlaxing as it gets longer and yes sometimes when i wash and dc i get scared because i know the task at hand
Ponytails is not going down the center of my head is very tender its been almost 2yrs since i had one
If i make it to the end of this year as a Natural i will be good
I love my hair, but it is honestly, probably a little unhealthy. But it totally doesn't appear that way in its curly state. (which is actually kinda cool because I can gradually cut way the bad parts, lol) This is probably due to the color. I'm going back to my trademark jet black pretty soon. Maybe this summer.

I've been growing my hair since November 09 and I feel like my hair should be longer than BSL (stretched), but maybe I'm wrong. I get jealous of other heads that are longer. But it's only my longest layer that's BSL, so I'm not sure if I can actually claim it.. ??

^Wash and go's may keep me at the length above and I just might be okay with that actually. I have no real desire to have waist length curly hair. But I would like shoulder length curls or bigger hair, so maybe that would be waist length stretched??

Single strand knots are killing me and I LOATHE them.

My hair grows in a mullet that I absolutely abhor... (Strong words, I know)

I would color my hair all the time if I knew that it wouldn't be damaging...bright RED curls sound so gorgeous!
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@MarriageMaterial ahahaha After I typed it I was like watch somebody say something sarcastic ahahhaa

I think I need layers. Actually I think I'm upset because the more it grows the more it shrinks. All my life I wanted long curly hair, but I didn't know about shrinkage. I just wish my hair could be at LEAST APL while curly.

I would love to shape your hair... some long layers in the front and a bit more evenness would give you some SWANG! I can't wait til my hair is that long again...
I hate my hair length, long hair just looks better on me. On top of that my hair cut is JACKED right now. next year I will try for a clean cut and nice color but this inbetween stage makes me feel meeeehhhhhhhhh
For me being natural has its good days and bad days. Bad days more than anything when my already short hair shrinks into a fro and will never come back out. It's hard to see progress when my hair is always shrunken. All I want in the world is full SL curls but I'm afraid that may never happen the way my hair is going. Sighhh.

Also, I've discovered that my hair grows straight up. I believe i learned that gravity is supposed to prevent this but apparently I defy physics. Great.
Kerryann said:
I'm so bored with my hair
I swear this sucker is not growing at times
Not going to lie i'm considering texlaxing as it gets longer and yes sometimes when i wash and dc i get scared because i know the task at hand
Ponytails is not going down the center of my head is very tender its been almost 2yrs since i had one
If i make it to the end of this year as a Natural i will be good

I also am afraid of wash days because I know SSKs will follow.
I HATE shrinkage. With a passion. Even when I "stretch" my hair, it still looks short. It is the main reason why I rarely wear my hair out. I am patiently waiting for my hair to grow to MBL, hopefully then my stretched hair will brush my shoulders. sigh.
I am kinda bored with my hair, but I make rash decisions out of boredom. I colored, BCed, and hastily detangled my hair to wear it out, all out of boredom. (not at the same time though!!!)
I have severe hand in hair disease. I can't seem to keep my hands out of my hair. You would think I would just oil it but no I just sit and feel the lovely kinks.
I have come to the conclusion that my hair has to be natural. There's no going back to relaxers for me.
My hair grew very long...but my edges can't handle relaxers at all. Therefore I love, and am content with my hair....good days, and blah days! I don't really have bad hair days, because i'm content with it in whatever state it's in.
I am frustrated with the multiple textures of hair on my head. Also, the length of may hair makes it hard to be versatile with styles. I can't get a decent braid out or twist out. I really wish at times that I had waited the full two years that I intended to before cutting. However, in a lot of ways I love my length. I love my wash and fros. I have been trying to get my hair to be as big as it possibly can be.
I'm so bored with my hair
I swear this sucker is not growing at times
Not going to lie i'm considering texlaxing as it gets longer and yes sometimes when i wash and dc i get scared because i know the task at hand
Ponytails is not going down the center of my head is very tender its been almost 2yrs since i had one
If i make it to the end of this year as a Natural i will be good

I'm thinking about "heat-training" my hair. I'm tired of struggling with it, to the point where I don't even enjoy my hair when it's out anymore.

I still don't want a relaxer. I wish I could be bald and actually look good w/ it. It would be so much easier.
I still can't get my hair to stay straight after a flatiron unless I use excessive heat ( no I mean excessive!!!).

But I love wearing my hair in a ps(ends tucked away) while in twists.

It feels like ME.
I'm so lazy with my hair. I have 3 days off in a row and I was going to put in some mini-braids. Then I thought about how long it would take and decided, f that. I'll just do what I normally do. Wash it, deep condition it, moisturize and seal, and put it in a bun.

I love buns, though. I can't wait until my hair gets super long and I can do fancified ones, lol.