Natural and abandoning the combs


New Member
So I decided to retire from using a comb for the last few weeks. I've only been detangling my hair with my fingers, both before and after my deep conditioning treatment. What i've noticed is that I get ALOT less breakage & tangles. I thought that I would definitely need a comb (4a/b natural hair), but it's been a lot better for me. I'm starting to think that the combing actually encouraged the tangling:scratchch Either way, i think i'm going to continue doing this. Has anyone else successfully retired from using combs to detangle/style?
I tried, once. :nono: And it worked, wonderfully, for a short period of time. But then the issues came up.

Not combing = not getting all the shed hair out = knots and major tangling.

The detangling session I did fter going 'combfree' for about a month (I usually only did my hair once a week) was - not fun. At all.

I have to get all of the sheds out, or they will incite revolution. :lachen:
During about 90% of my first year natural, I was only using my fingers to detangle. In my second year, I experimented with combs and different kinds of brushes versus fingercombing. Until I found my Goody's Jojoba brush, I kept with the fingercombing. I just found that I get really half-azzed when I'm only using my fingers and I have to do it daily or every few days or I'll find single-strand knots and matting galore. I know it can work if you have the patience for it, but with all of this hair on my head, I don't :lachen:.
only time I use a comb is when I'm detangling to wash my hair. I use a wide tooth comb first then a smaller teeth comb to get all the shed hair & I do this on dry oiled stretched hair in smaller sections. I don't detangle when in the shower b/c I lose more hair that way. Then finger comb the hair while putting braids in.
Girl I tried to be no-comb and my hair said, "hell nahhh"! :lachen: Finger combing is not my friend. I shed like some kind of farm animal and need to use a paddle brush like a horse lol
I tried strictly finger combing for a while but I found that with decent technique I was able to comb without much damage.... I never wear loose air dried hair, I always braid twist or bantu knot. And I have come to find that my styles are sleeker and friz free if I use a comb

BUT I ALWAYS finger detangle first :)
I did this when my hair was shorter but! I've got too much hair that likes to tangle. Fingercombing does not cut it.
I am not natural, but texlaxed. Even though I have a relaxer in my hair if I just use my fingers my hair will laugh at me. Then it will tangle, matt, and have all kinds of single strand knots. But if it works for you I hope everything goes well.
I actually just started my no-comb experiment 2 weeks ago. I'm 6 wks post with "MEGA" megatek growth and so far so good. Oil rinsing after EVERY co wash before DC'ing along with rinsing my hair with a cheapy condish under running shower water helps. I'll keep it up until my hair forms troops and starts a rebellion. :mob:
I've been strictly finger combing for almost a year now and it's been working fine, but I think I'll eventually have to give it up due to length (almost apl), and it's a bit more laborious than before. Doing it in small sections, re-braiding or twisting each section and having patience has been key so far.
Thanks you guys. I guess i'll keep watching to see how it goes to make sure that I don't get any matting later on. And I do imagine it will get harder as my hair gets longer. Guess I'll have to wait and see!