Anyone still using Horn Combs?


New Member
I know I love them! I remember a while back horn combs were popular (I'm not sure if it was popular on this board or another :ohwell:), and I purchased my first one (which I still have) a few years back. When I first started using the horn combs I wasn't really paying attention to it and I wasn't using it exclusively (I also purchased a natural wood comb). Long story short, I fell off the horn comb bandwagon and started using only my wide-toothed Jilbere shower comb. About a month ago I found my oxhorn comb and I was like "I may as well use it" and I was shocked at how easily it glided through my hair and how well it smooths my strands! My hair looks glossier and feels much smoother after grooming with my horn comb. I never really paid attention to that before. And I get very minimal breakage using my horn comb compared to using regular combs, and my oxhorn comb isn't even wide-toothed. I recently purchased two more wider-toothed horn combs. How many others like using horn combs?
Yes, there was recently a thread on seamless combs, although most of us use resin combs which have replaced true bone combs perhaps for the sake of animals. You can still get real horn combs from Hairgasms as mentioned in the thread:

Thank you :). Wow, so horn combs and bone combs are the same thing?? Ashamedly, I didn't know that. And I guess resin combs are also known as seamless combs and perform similarly to bone/horn combs, but are more ethical for the animals. Well, these seamless combs certainly are the truth!
I love my seamless combs. I can now comb my hair everyday without worrying about breakage and losing strands. I used to only comb & detangle my hair once a week, which worked. But I really like combing my hair because of using seamless combs.
I love my seamless combs. I can now comb my hair everyday without worrying about breakage and losing strands. I used to only comb & detangle my hair once a week, which worked. But I really like combing my hair because of using seamless combs.

Aren't they a dream? I'm such a novice when it comes to seamless combs. I've recently done a bit of research, but I was unaware there were different kinds. The only ones I knew of were horn combs, but now I know of resin "bone" combs and wooden combs. I actually have a wooden comb that I bought from the body shop a long time ago, but I prefer my horn comb. I now can detangle with minimal to no breakage :yay:.