Natural Hair and Fine tooth combs

So I got my hair done over the weekend. The person doing my hair started combing my hair with a fine tooth comb. I asked her not to, as a few broken pieces of my hair fell to the floor. I began explaining that I only use a wide tooth comb on my hair when her friend (the know-it-all type) jumped in and vehemently told me that wide tooth combs are encouraging knots in my hair, and that I should be using a fine tooth comb to detangle :perplexed

Am I missing something? Are there any 4a/4b ladies that CAN use fine tooth combs? I actually ... physically couldn't do it ... and if I did do it, all my hair would break off and tear off at the roots.

It's sad how breakage has become so normal to people out there though. They both saw my hair break and their first instinct is to continue the very same action that's causing the breakage :nono:

This is mind boggling to me. I have 4z hair and friends would braids my hair and try to use the fine tooth comb. She's use it and then say oh, you're hair is nappy. Um, your dumb arse if using a fine tooth comb to comb kinky hair. Then she'd get upset when I gave her the bigger comb:rolleyes:

My grandmother did this to me for 12 yrs straight. I used to see a bunch of hair coming out in the comb and think it was normal for kinky hair to break off every time you comb it:rolleyes: I'm pretty sure thats one of the main reasons my hair never grew past my ears as a child.

Fine tooth combs are an absolute :nono::nono::nono:

Breakage City. The only purpose for those combs are for parting your hair very delicately. I bet those same stylist say that afro hair can't grow long....Well DUH :whyme: you're breaking it off lady

Thats what bothers me. This is very common sense but people dont get it. When I went natural 4 yrs ago I knew there was no way a fine tooth comb would touch my strands.

This is one of the dumbest things black people do to their hair IMO. I honestly wouldnt even use a fine tooth comb on my relaxed hair unless it was wet and I was rollersetting it.
A few weeks ago I went to the Aveda Teaching Salon, they assigned a white girl to do my hair with a black instructor, after wash and protein DC, she picked up the brush to comb out my 4(God knows what letter of the alphabet) 6months post transitioning, fragile as heck hair. I told her I never use a brush on my wet hair she picked up a dang small tooth comb; she and the instructor said it was normal for that there was hair in the comb after combing it out; needless to say I learned my lesson and WILL NEVER STEP FOOT IN THAT PLACE AGAIN!
Recently I have tried to use combs sparingly. It has not worked for me. I ended up with a lot of knots and tangles. I have started to detangle with a wide comb first and then work my way to a small tooth comb. I think that this is working better for me and I think this is the method I will use with my girls. It does however, take a long, long time. I do not think I would trust a "normal" hair stylist to do it.
My mom told me a while ago that I needed to comb through my hair. I didn't listen then but now I think I understand what she was saying.
I plan on detangling it with the multiple combs once a week if my patience can stand it.
I use it when my hair is completely wet and saturated w/ condish and I am trying to detangle the very ends of my hair. I don't use it anywhere except the very ends...