RATTAIL COMBS: What's the deal....


The Star of a Story
with "professionals" using them to detangle Afro-Amer hair..I've been hearing more & more hair stories with a common theme of licensed hair professionals using rattail combs to detangle:mad: ..DANG! I wouldn't even use a rattail comb on a caucasian's hair much less our type of hair..It seems like it would be common sense:ohwell: , thick=wide toothe comb..just wanted to vent
That's a mess. I don't understand how women feel it's okay to detangle with a rattail comb. Last yearh, I remember seeing a girl in my dorm detangle her hair with one starting at the roots. :eek: @ all of that hair I saw in the comb
That's the craziest thing. The last time I went to a stylist, She did just that. If I ever go back to her again, I will be bringing my own comb.:mad:
This happened to me in Dec. And she had just washed out a protein treatment w/o following up with a moisturizing one. I was soo pissed b/c my ends were perfectly tex-laxed in that they curled into nice ringlets when i air-dried. She ran that rat tail comb through against my wishes and then tells me I got tons of breakage. So she cut off my tex-laxed ends. I'm so over "professional" stylists. :mad:
sherylin123 said:
with "professionals" using them to detangle Afro-Amer hair..I've been hearing more & more hair stories with a common theme of licensed hair professionals using rattail combs to detangle:mad: ..DANG! I wouldn't even use a rattail comb on a caucasian's hair much less our type of hair..It seems like it would be common sense:ohwell: , thick=wide toothe comb..just wanted to vent

Before joining LHCf, earler in 2006, I went to the beauty shop and the girl used a thin, fine tooth rat tail comb on my head too. I heard that wide tooth combs were better, but i didn't say anything because at that time I was like, "Hey she's the one with the license." Apperenly some stylists have a license to MESS YOU UP. I've never gone back to her again, but that may also have something to do with her making an appointment for me to come back for a split-ends cut and this treatment and that treatment.:( The Nerve! The audacity! How dare she! If i wanted any extra treatments from her, I would have let her know...she just put me down to come back in two weeks. Can you believe that?
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I use a rattail but not for detangling. It's more of a "finishing" comb.

Most people use this


Mine are more like the second one from the bottom


The spacing between the teeth of the comb is wider.