Nape Challenge for 2009?


Well-Known Member
I've been having problems with my nape for a few years. I learned a lot of good tips after I joined LHCF and got some good growth in the nape. But, I got hard headed:wallbash: and had a few setbacks. I'm currently an uneven neck length and my nape is also uneven (1/2" in some areas, a little more in others)

Is there a Nape Challenge for 2009? If not, anybody want to join me?

Please post your regimen, tips, and pics if possible.


Raven Maven
Miss Nicole
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I'm in braids so I won't be able to post pics until March. Currently, I'm using Surge 14 and Hawaiian Silky 14 in 1 or Worlds of Curls curl moisturizer daily on my nape. I'm thinking about also trying a MN/Megatek/Sulfur mix as well.

I use my Ayurvedic co-wash when I'm not in braids. And will probably continue Ayurvedic tea rinses when wearing braids.
I'm not going to bore y'all to death with it, but I swear, baking soda and water has transformed my nape. I have no more nape problems.

I don't know why this works, but my nape is perfect now. I swoosh it through everytime I wash or cowash.
I'm not going to bore y'all to death with it, but I swear, baking soda and water has transformed my nape. I have no more nape problems.

I don't know why this works, but my nape is perfect now. I swoosh it through everytime I wash or cowash.

Hmm. I never thought about using baking soda and water for my nape. I used to use it wash my hair when I wore my Kinky Twists.:up:

Are you joining the challenge?:look:
I'm not going to bore y'all to death with it, but I swear, baking soda and water has transformed my nape. I have no more nape problems.

I don't know why this works, but my nape is perfect now. I swoosh it through everytime I wash or cowash.

def. trying this next cowash :yep:
I'll join the challenge...if there is still one going on.:grin:

Here's my story. Unlike my nape, my story is long!

First of all, I'm new so I don't know what most of acronyms mean--just a few. I have 4b hair in the front (wavy, thick, even shiny, anywhere from 4-7 inches--wish I had that hair all over--life would be easy) and 4c hair in the back (no discernible wave, just kinky, nappy cotton and dry as a bone, two small bald spots on either side, otherwise anywhere from .25-1.25 inches at longest).

My nape has always been short, creating a "mushroom" effect with just about any down style, but over the years I have grown it out from time to time only to break it off. :wallbash: The first bad nape experience was when an unlicensed hair stylist my mother took me to when I was a little girl left relaxer on my head for what seemed like 4-eva--in the name of getting it bone-straight.

I got a bad chemical burn from that all the way up to the ears, and that's when my nape started growing in funny--in patches. :sad: My mother blamed me for my breakage and kept telling me I was picking my hair out--but I did touch it a lot because it was very itchy all the time. Hairstylists would ask my why I shaved my hair (I didn't). No one could conceive that my hair and the skin in particular was possibly permanently damaged back there. :blush: That one episode has made me promise that if I ever had a little girl, I would never force her to straighten her hair...period. Now that there is more education out there, I've discovered that while my hair back there is fine, it is no longer damaged--the two bald spots are called alopecia and I have a very mild case of it. (Look this up on the Internet if you want to see how severe this could be. I am counting my blessings.) :rolleyes:

As far as my hair type goes...thank God for role models like Macy Gray and Erykah Badu--back then when I went natural, all people knew was Buckwheat looks like that. :spinning: Nowadays, people don't fear the fro as much. Still, while I'm no longer afraid to wear my nape exposed like I used to be, I find people at work and at the store often trying to catch a closer look at my nape--like watching a bad car accident. They don't dare say a word...but they do compliment me on my cornrows. I'm not actually that good at cornrowing--they just have no point of reference so it looks good to them. :grin:

Which reminds me--I've seen some posts of women who say they can't cornrow. :nono: I know how it is because I used to be like that...just thought I didn't have it in me. Until one day I really wanted to cornrow myself, I tried it on myself and it was a mess. Then I just kept practicing and practicing until I got it to a point I could wear out. I'm not going to open my own cornrow shop anytime soon or anything, but I think of myself as a pretty decent cornrower. :yep: I've 4 unique styles I wear now--people compliment me on them all the time. They're amazed I can do that to my own hair. It used to take me hours, and now it takes me literally 15 minutes to cornrow my head. My point don't really know if you can do something until you try, and keep practicing until you get it right.

So, back to the nape story... while I probably won't be able to achieve waist-length growth, I know that with a little TLC I can grow my nape at least 3 inches. It's always this long after several months of braids, and then I don't know how to treat it--so it eventually breaks off.

So here's my regimen which I've been following for about a week:

* No relaxer can't handle it
* No heat on the nape..period. No curling iron...ever.
* Moisturize with Jojoba and Marsh conditioner once in the evenings and once in the morning, saturated, light rinse in the morning
* Satin wrap at night...AND a satin pillow (I need to figure out the slippage issue)
* Wash once a week with Jojoba and Peppermint shampoo...once a week is all my hair can handle, it does not like water...I've even thought about washing it in Olive Oil once because I need the moisture, but the water seems to dry it out something terrible
* I'll also try some temple balm back there and on the edges.
* Once it grows out a little, I'm going to cornrow it, too, but not too tightly as we all know what happens when you do that. If I get real ambitious I'll probably braid my hair this weekend..but still keep my moisturizing regimen.

Anyway, I'll join the challenge and my name is shaboom.
:welcome4: to LHCF, Shamboom! I'm not sure if anyone was really interested in joining this challenge.:ohwell: Your regimen sounds pretty good so far. Feel free to PM me with any updates or tips you may have and I'll do the same.

Good luck and happy hair growing!
I'll like to join, my nape is a constant problem, no matter how healthy the rest of my hair is my nape is always weak and breaking. I currently have a spot at the back of my hair on the left hand side which is about 0.5inches long , and the middle of my nape is thin and see through due to breakage. Fortunately the rest of my hair is long enugh to cover the damage at the nape. I'm currently wearing a sew in weave so my regi is simple, spray with braid spray and dc weekly. I'm going to attempt to not relax my nape for at least a year as I have a feeling its weaker than the rest of my hair and the relaxing is too much.
Thanks for joining, KeraKrazy. I think you have the right idea about not relaxing your nape for a while. I'm 12 weeks into my 6 month stretch. I'm not sure if I'll continue stretching after that or just relax it. I'm almost willing to try to stretch for the rest of the year. I notice that even though my hair is coarse and my nape has the tightest coils, I believe my nape is fragile.
I'm joining, too, nape has been a challenge for me forever and a day...

i'm praying to grow it out evenly with the rest of my nape has been the reason behind my numerous bcs, so i've gotta get it under control. i'm transitioning and it seems to be doing better, but it's a different text than the rest of my hair - so i think i'm gonna keep it coated in conditioner and continually apply growth aids to it so it'll grow on cue with the rest of my hair....

thanks for this and i'll and post with my progress..
Welcome, Br*nze! I notice that the postions of my nape that the braider couldn't "catch" seem to be growing in pretty good so far. I use Surge and WOC twice a day. Surge seems to be the truth, I hate they stopped making it.
Okay yall I would like to join the challenge. My nape sucks.
Here's a picture.

I don't have a regimen whatsover!
Welcome Raven Maven! We're all here to help each other. I really can't offer a lot of advice (I still learning what's works for my nape). Feel free to check in and let us know what works for you. Keep us posted on your progress. Good luck and happy hair growing, Ladies!

We can do this!:grin:
Yeah--I noticed the light traffic on this one.

I took some pics and I think I see a couple of other people who might be interested in a private this possible for just 4 people. I guess we'll see. I could use all the motivation I could get.

The latest update for now is that I can't keep the scarf on my head and I get some breakage on my pillow in the AM. I'm not sure how to wrap it so that it stays on without restricting blood flow to the scalp.

I'll see if I can start a private conversation tomorrow with more than one person. If not, then maybe I'll start a new post and invite all of you. It won't be a challenge since I'm already challenged with my nape as it'll be more of an "oh my goodness, look at what my nappy nape has gone and done now" thread. LOL.
My nape was practically GONE last year after a stylist didnt was the relaxer out properly. I grew it back by not relaxing it for a year and moisturizing it every day.
Loca I remember reading about that. Would you mind posting the link to help inspire those of us that are having nape issues? Are you ladies using growth aids? I'm thinking about trying Boundless Tresses, BeeMine, Gro-Aut for this.

ETA: I forgot, I still have some Mega Tek left but I'm not sure if using that along with Surge would be too much protein.:ohwell:
I was debating whether or not to join the challenge because I really don't know what to use on my nape as a growth aide.

Yesterday, I was in the BSS and I purchased Dr. Mircale Temple / Nape Balm. I'm going to give this a try for a couple of months to see if it does anything. Also, I decided not to relax my nape for awhile because I really think this is the reason I have slow growth in that area.

I'm not going to offically join the challenge but I will report back if I feel as though Dr. Miracle is working. Perhaps it could help someone else.

Good Luck Ladies!
I was debating whether or not to join the challenge because I really don't know what to use on my nape as a growth aide.

Yesterday, I was in the BSS and I purchased Dr. Mircale Temple / Nape Balm. I'm going to give this a try for a couple of months to see if it does anything. Also, I decided not to relax my nape for awhile because I really think this is the reason I have slow growth in that area.

I'm not going to offically join the challenge but I will report back if I feel as though Dr. Miracle is working. Perhaps it could help someone else.

Good Luck Ladies!

Hi Pink Pebbles! I tried Dr Miracle Temple Balm last year but I didn't use it long enough to see results.:ohwell: Let us know how this works for you. Remember, you're always welcome to join at anytime.:look:
Okay, I'm just going to post here. This is not for the faint at heart. I have my album up. Check my nape--keep in mind this is after 1 month of growth and some light trimming to even out after some tangles and breaks. My hair back there actually grows in knots. It's key for me to keep it moist so the hair won't want to curl itself into a knot and then break.

Thanks for sharing, Shaboom. Don't feel bad. My nape looked just like that a few months ago. It's still uneven but it's filling in-slowly. What kind of moisturizer are you using?
Thanks, Platinum--my nape has looked like this. Since Jeri curls went out of style.

I am using jojoba oil with aloe conditioner--saturate at night with a wrap (which I think is just polyester), and co-wash in the morning with the same stuff. It smells like BenJay medicine and my husband wants me to try something else. It does make that area feel cool and tingly, so I feel like it's working to stimulate circulation--which I think it a big part of the problem. Low-circulation. I wish they made some of that stuff with bubble gum flavor.

The good news is that I've been doing this for a week and already I can tell that my hair is starting to feel softer and less crunchy. I put the stuff on and within 10 minutes, it's fully soaked in. It's like my hair has been stranded out in the desert all these years and is finally getting something to drink! LOL.

I also need some new halfway wigs that won't cause any traction issues...I've been getting lots of compliments on the one I'm wearing now, but you I have a rule I don't wear the same hairpiece two weeks in a row. Variety is the spice of life. Time to switch it up.

I think I'll order some of that Surge stuff tonight if I can find it, and some silk scarves, too. Thanks for the tip.

My nape has been like this for forever. I can't remember a time when it wasn't jacked up. It's been so long since I had a relaxer. Time for my nape to get over it already. LOL.

I've also started indulging my fixation with a morning pillow count. I counted 9 straight, thin hairs (probably breakage from flat-ironing back there) and 1 curly one. This an improvement over yesterday when there were so many curly hairs on my pillow after my polyester scarf fell off I didn't bother counting. I used a different scarf last night (I think it was latex). Must've worked.

(It was so curly, it was a tiny circle. The hair up top makes a loose Z shape, and the hair on my edges and sides make the tiniest ringlets, O shapes in the world. When they grow, they grow in knots--I think. There is no in-between or transition. Just from Zs to Os. Isn't that nuts?)

Anyway, I'm on my way to pick up burritos. Glad there are some other people on here doing the challenge. How do these usually work? Is there an incentive beyond possible hair back there?

shaBOOM (I think I'll start spelling my name this way--that's really how you say it)
I'll like to join, my nape is a constant problem, no matter how healthy the rest of my hair is my nape is always weak and breaking. I currently have a spot at the back of my hair on the left hand side which is about 0.5inches long , and the middle of my nape is thin and see through due to breakage. Fortunately the rest of my hair is long enugh to cover the damage at the nape. I'm currently wearing a sew in weave so my regi is simple, spray with braid spray and dc weekly. I'm going to attempt to not relax my nape for at least a year as I have a feeling its weaker than the rest of my hair and the relaxing is too much.

I'm doing the same thing, my last relaxer I told my beautician not to put any on my nape , and I'm gonna avoid relaxing it for a while.:yep:
Here is a summary of the Nape Challenge so far:

Situation: Neck length, relaxed--in braids now, 4ab. Had good growth before, uneven neck length, nape uneven (1/2"+)
Regimen: Uses Surge 14, Hawaiian Silky 14 in 1, Worlds of Culrs curl moisturizer 2X daily on nape. Considering MN/Megatek/Sulfur mix. uses Ayurvedic co-wash when not in braids, Ayurvedic tea rinses in braids.

Stituation: Multi-textured. Chin length, natural, 4c. Ongoing nape problems, uneven hair length from crown down, nape looks shaved in places, uneven (1/2"+)
Regimen: Nothing with an "iron" in it from now on. Just started the Aphogee protein treatment and everything else Aphoee. Also, use jojoba oil/aloe, and Motions treatment conditioner for moisture. Co-wash with jojoba/aloe in morning and nights.

Stituation: Neck/shoulder length, relaxed, 4ab. Ongoing nape problems, uneven hair on nape, nape middle thin (1/2"+)
Regimen: Not relaxing the nape for a while. UBH moisturiser, castor oil, Vatika Oil, Amla/shakakai powder.
Photos: none yet

Stituation: Multi-textured, Ongoing nape problems, transitioning.
Regimen: Coat nape in conditioner, growth aids.
Photos: none yet

Raven Maven
Stituation: Neck length, transitioning to natural
Regimen: none yet

Needs: Regimen, tips, pics

Tips: Picked up from other threads on the forum

Find out, first and foremost, if you have a protein problem or a moisture problem.
If you touch your hair and the ends feel or look dry, grab the moisturing conditioner and sit under a bonnet dryer.
If you comb your hair and the brush grabs a few strands and they keep stretching and stretching an feeling "rubbery", grab a protein treatment.
If you see a bunch of broken little hair pieces on shoulders, sink or table, try moisture first. If that doesn't correct the problem within a few days, try protein.
Always apply a lot of moisture after protein treatment.
My pillow count was down by one. I bought a satin wrap and woke up twice during the night to rewrap it. What a pain!

I've been super-conditioning all week, but my nape is still dry as a bone, but my upper nape feels very conditioned. If I took a picture you'd think it looked a lot better than the pics I took earlier in the week. I'm trying my first protein rinse today. Wish me luck.

I've got about 100 bottles of stuff here. *sigh* My inlaws are visiting and they must think I done gone and lost my mind. LOL.
I'm just posting to see if my new siggy works. I put picture of people who had hair like mine, who have hair I aspire to have someday. :-)