My Sister's Hair!


New Member
The History

we always had the same hair all our lives, but when we went to relaxers, at first we were both loving them, then she had a baby, and her hair took off and right around that time, mine started taking a turn for the worse, her hair was indestructible or so it seemed, it just kept thriving and growing and thriving oy! while my hair kept having set backs. Very disheartening years for me. Sigh..... So anyway I gave up relaxing and went natural, couldnt take being jackedlaxed no more. She somewhere along the line later decided to color, then her hair took a turn, a bad turn, she chopped, grew it back out, relaxed again, and it was thin and she wasnt happy with it , so she chopped again, all this time, years, she has always paid attention to what I was doing with my hair and everything I said, she watches my Fotki and vids , she might even check up on me here :sekret: , anyway, she chopped short and wore phony ponies , I havent seen her own hair out for at least two years now, probably longer, then BLAM she sends this pic to me. I knew it was coming, she was so calm and patient, I knew she knew she was doing well alll that time under them phony ponies, I KNOW My sister! I would have heard otherwise if she wasnt. I was just waiting for the day she would reveal what was under the pony. Well here it is! She listened to every little thing I SAID and DID over these years. And did the same TADA!!!!!!


She said she trimmed 3 inches after this pic, she wanted to ask me tons of questions about why her hair felt how it did -on the ends and why she had to cut-I didnt get to talk to her though- Probably still the old relaxed hair-But I know it will grow right back.....Its to her elbows now she said

now If only I could get my daughter to listen so intently :wallbash: She dont wanna hear nothin right now tho. But its all in her already its going to come out one day :look::grin:

already seen her hair at her waist, so I know she can do it too :yep:
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DAYUM! She just busted it out like that?! LOL
Just beautiful, like sis. Whatever ya'll are doing it's the right stuff. Keep it up!
Its so beautiful and thick,she also has a great teacher congrats!!!!!!!!!!!
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How was she able to wear phony ponies with all that hair?
I'm not sure but when I wore them I did like three braids in my hair and then wrapped the hair around , so there was no bulkiness

She probably did something similar

since she was always watchin me hehe
Wow. So is she still relaxed?
no natural still

she flat ironed

I tested her by saying 'No more phony Pony's for you'

She said she was going back to them and bunning and braiding

She also told me how she was hurtin after straightening it, so yeah she heat straightened

I dont think after growing it out twice and starting over, she is going back

now mind you her relaxed hair was pretty when she grew it out natural after the color and relaxed again, but she wasnt happy with it , it was thinner than it ever had been before, if she chopped and she was well past bsl

I doubt she would start over again, or even risk it
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U guys are going to trip, but I do remember seeing her hair in person when she was saying it was thin, it was thinnish compared to what she was used to, but not thin as in THIN, she still wasnt happy with it , and said it felt damaged to her, when she chopped

so I just looked at my fotki of pics of I posted just before she chopped and here is what I said.....

"She took these pics with her cam phone, Just before she chopped it off to above her shoulders the other day*shocked face*, She said it felt damaged?! I believe her, but dang I just dont see it (not in person either). I think the bottom part of her hair was relaxed and thats what she was feeling, the difference between the two textures and it ulltimately drove her to chop and start over. She said she is not relaxing anymore (yay!). So I guess she basically just transitioned and did the big chop without ever setting out to, it was all done on a whim lol

I will be sure to bug her to death for pics of her cut next"

*what I wrote under the pic*

hair before I cut it all off

Still cant believe she chopped. I know it probably was damaged and all. But dang when I say MY hair was damaged it didnt look nothin like this, I mean you could see through it.

she is brave is all i can say LOL"

*and here is the pic before she chopped, I dont have a date, but the first comment left was dated 09/20/05 , so it was way more than two years actually

and here is the pic of her relaxed hair before she chopped!

and I hadnt seen her hair out since then! She wore a phony pony every day!
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