My sister's hair (with PICTURES :))

Your sis looks like an ALLOY/dELIA*s model in the first couple of pics. Like someone else said, she looks like the blonde version of you! VERY pretty..

Off topic: spinspinshuga do you happen to fancy Sneaker Pimps' music? :grin: Excuse me if I sound random..

Haha, I'm ashamed to admit, I'm obsessed...only a little...:grin:
Your sister has beautiful hair (just like you), and she's very beautiful Spin. She reminds me of Sabina Karlsson and this model:


Have you tried to persuade her to join LHCF:grin:?
Your sister has beautiful hair (just like you), and she's very beautiful Spin. She reminds me of Sabina Karlsson and this model:


Have you tried to persuade her to join LHCF:grin:?

I've tried! Online she can be really shy; I think she feels a little intimidated. I'm hoping I can chip away at her resistance, however! :yep: I'm still trying.

ur sis is really pretty and so are you. you sure you didnt get these pics from a random website? lol

:lachen::blush: Thanks!
Nope, that's us! (I hope these pictures aren't elsewhere...if they are, they shouldn't be! That would be creepy :()
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She's beautiful! You both are! I can see the resemblance. She seems to have a lot of volume so I can understand where she's coming, but she has beautiful hair. Tell her to stay strong! It'll pay off!
IA with everyone else, both of you are really pretty and have gorge hair.. I absolutely love the colour of her hair.. those pictures need to be printed off somewhere so she can see them often.. she should be her inspiration!!
Good luck to you both with transitioning!!!
IA with everyone else, both of you are really pretty and have gorge hair.. I absolutely love the colour of her hair.. those pictures need to be printed off somewhere so she can see them often.. she should be her inspiration!!
Good luck to you both with transitioning!!!
ITA! She should be her inspiration! She's very beautiful. She looks like one of my cousins except my cousins eyes are more on the gray side. Beautiful girl and beautiful hair!
Don't know how tall she is but this woman is HAAAAAAAAAWT! I mean WTH?!!!! Has she even thought about modeling? acting?
Why did she have the stylist cut her hair?
I've finally persuaded my sis to allow me to post some pictures of her hair!
So these are some old photos. Unfortunately they're at least three years old (I think one is even older than that,) but they're the only ones she has on her computer. Her hair, at the moment, is cut very short and a few months post relaxer; I'll try to get some more photos of it in its present state when I get home.

Growing out the relaxer from a short cut is a good method. That's what I did. She should just trim a little at a time and when it's long enough for her liking do the big chop. What's behind her frustration? Detangling? I recommend Knot Today from the Kinky Curly line.
Yea she could definitely win ANTM. Pretty ladies and luscious hair on both of you.

BTW, I'm from St. Maarten(Dutch side of the island). Were she vacationing here?
Yea she could definitely win ANTM. Pretty ladies and luscious hair on both of you.

BTW, I'm from St. Maarten(Dutch side of the island). Were she vacationing here?

Do you still live there? We go there every summer with my parents, and my parents go every February as well. LOVE it. We've stayed at various places, most recently La Terrace, but we're very rarely actually in our rooms; we pretty much just chill at beaches and jewelry shop. The beaches are so phenomenal...
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Don't know how tall she is but this woman is HAAAAAAAAAWT! I mean WTH?!!!! Has she even thought about modeling? acting?
Why did she have the stylist cut her hair?

She's not super tall...I'd say 5'5" or maybe 5'6" :yep: She said she could only model in a "nasty magazine" because she's heavy-chested, so she'd rather not :lachen:
Her stylist is scissor-happy and has no business coming near anyone's head with anything sharp :nono: