My sister's hair (with PICTURES :))

She'll like hearing that. She went through a phase of disliking her natural color (first two pictures,) which is why she had the dark brown for a while, like in the last photo. I think her natural color suits her :yep:
(I dote on my sister, as I'm sure you all can tell :grin:)

I agree. Beautiful hair.
She'll like hearing that. She went through a phase of disliking her natural color (first two pictures,) which is why she had the dark brown for a while, like in the last photo. I think her natural color suits her :yep:
(I dote on my sister, as I'm sure you all can tell :grin:)

That is sweet and that what sisters are for.
I always wish I had a sister..I think teenage years would have been easier lol
Beautiful! At first I said, "Boy, she looks familiar". Until I looked up and saw your pic. Then I was like, "oh, ok". You both look very much alike.
Beautiful! At first I said, "Boy, she looks familiar". Until I looked up and saw your pic. Then I was like, "oh, ok". You both look very much alike.

You guys have no reason that I can see to have low self esteem. Both of ya'll look very pretty with to die for hair. :) :yep:
Wow its a blonde version of you!

She's a beautiful girl. Why did the stylist cut so much? Did she damage it due to coloring? Is she trying to transition?
Your sister's hair is beautiful! I can so the family resemblance. You both are really pretty and you both have pretty hair!
Wow its a blonde version of you!

She's a beautiful girl. Why did the stylist cut so much? Did she damage it due to coloring? Is she trying to transition?
Her stylist is just intensely scissor happy. My sister has some really strong hair and doesn't really need too many trims. At the most she needed a half-inch taken off, but the woman hacked off a huge chunk the first time (about a half foot,) and then cut more during the next few visits.
I don't know why she's like that. I went to her for a rollerset and she tried to cut off my hair too...but since I've had this trauma happen to me before, I wouldn't even allow her to trim it. It seems like she's just itching to get scissors in people's hair!
(My sister's a little scissor happy as well, admittedly. Every time I come home I'll find the scissors in the bathroom and perfectly healthy ends in the sink :wallbash:)
Your sis looks like an ALLOY/dELIA*s model in the first couple of pics. Like someone else said, she looks like the blonde version of you! VERY pretty..

Off topic: spinspinshuga do you happen to fancy Sneaker Pimps' music? :grin: Excuse me if I sound random..