My Sister's Hair!

um okay........ damaged????? her hair was beautiful then as well as now....
yeah I couldnt see it

but she felt it and hated it

same as when she colored, you couldnt see it, but she felt it

I really think she is like me, and cant stand the difference between what her new growth feels like, strong and healthy and chemically treated hair, she had already learned the difference by this point , having grown it out natural once, I think she wanted it back:yep:
Are your textures similar? Off to browse your fotki for a regime. Both of you have beautiful hair. Did she straighten her hair like you do? Both of your hairs is gorgeous.
yeah I couldnt see it

but she felt it and hated it

same as when she colored, you couldnt see it, but she felt it

I really think she is like me, and cant stand the difference between what her new growth feels like, strong and healthy and chemically treated hair, she had already learned the difference by this point , having grown it out natural once, I think she wanted it back:yep:

I have the same problem as I transition (next month will be one year). The new growth is all thick and healthy and the relaxed ends feel yucky in comparison.
Are your textures similar? Off to browse your fotki for a regime. Both of you have beautiful hair. Did she straighten her hair like you do? Both of your hairs is gorgeous.
Yes, very close, almost exact, her's might be a little tighter in some areas , thats just according to how she described it to me recently, but I doubt its much different, our hair was always very similar as kids, same length, same styles our mother put us in, it never looked much different

I press, she flat Ironed

She never learned how to press LOL
I have the same problem as I transition (next month will be one year). The new growth is all thick and healthy and the relaxed ends feel yucky in comparison.
Yeah she got really scissor crazy both times, when she colored and when she relaxed, so I think it was the 'feel' to her both times and she couldnt stand it

no matter how it looked, she wanted it to feel different and that was most important to her, I can dig that too

when it feels good, then it is good

if it feels bad-you can tons of work to get it feeling better-might work, might not, most times not

you can never make relaxed hair feel like natural hair, yeah I just think she missed it:yep:
Ya'll have beautiful hair Iris!!

I'm trying to get to MBL and its not so easy, so ya'll must have some secrets ya'll wanna tell me.:tantrum:
Thanks for sharing the progress of your sister and yourself as well. I can't believe that hair, it's gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG, my dream length.

Almond Eyes
Beautiful! Is she relaxed or natural now?
She is natural, I'm sure when she cut the three inches that was the last of the relaxed hair, she said she didnt like how it felt compared to the rest of her hair-so thats probably what it was

Ya'll have beautiful hair Iris!!

I'm trying to get to MBL and its not so easy, so ya'll must have some secrets ya'll wanna tell me.:tantrum:
lol no secrets , Its all out in the open, and all on this board too

you will get there

time , good hair care, brings results:yep:
Her relaxed and natural hair is to die for!!!! Her relaxed hair looks so silky!! drool!
absolutely lovely!!!
Your hair is lovely too!!!
What hair type is your sister...i love the thickness ***off to find your secret reggie LOL!
I'm not sure, all our lives as kids our hair was similar, very similar, almost exact, i havent got to see her natural hair loose yet, even when she wore her hair natural with no phony pony, its up and with products, like mine , the only thing I noticed is that her waves appear to be slightly tighter/more close together and deeper when her hair is pulled back then mine is, but I been doing this for years, so that might be some 'training' going on with my hair

but I am pretty sure we are the same hair type still
OK what was the hair regimen??? I'm stuck at APL I need some help.
All I do is mostly leave my hair alone, I CoWash, Use Coconut Oil, and Conditioner as a leave in until the next round, usually anywhere from 1-2 weeks , I take it down in between to finger separate and remove shed hair with oil and put it back up. Thats it, and pretty much what my sister did, she just left it alone, picked a style to use while dealing with growing out which for her was phony pony's. I dont heat straighten often at all, and this was her first time in quite a few years, she said she was totally shocked at the length. anyway the Regimen isnt that special, its just keeping it simple:yep:

You and your sister have some incredibly beautiful hair! So lush! Keep up the good work & thanks for being an inspiration.