My sister's hair (with PICTURES :))


New Member
I've finally persuaded my sis to allow me to post some pictures of her hair!
So these are some old photos. Unfortunately they're at least three years old (I think one is even older than that,) but they're the only ones she has on her computer. Her hair, at the moment, is cut very short and a few months post relaxer; I'll try to get some more photos of it in its present state when I get home.

She's transitioning right now and having some motivation problems, so I'm trying to keep her encouraged.

After a swim at a beach in Saint Martin. No products, air dried:


How she usually wore her hair before flat ironing it. Air dried...not sure which products she uses:

Braidout. Years ago she put a temporary dark brown dye in her hair, not sure which brand; other than that, I don't know which products she used. I think this is the oldest picture, maybe five years old:

Anyway, that's my sister!
I see beauty and thick gorgeous hair runs in the family. Tell her to keep up the good work on her transitioning.
you all look alike.....shes gorgeous by the way. she reminds me of that Swedish model
i like her hair btw
Love her hair. It's so big and thick.

She vaguely reminds me of that Swedish model.
She's so adorable... Her hair looks like a HANDFUL I love it... How long is it straightened???

Well, these pictures are a couple of years old. She tended to keep her hair around waistlength, but when it was this length she never straightened it, so I'm not sure how long it was straight; somewhere a little past waist length, I'd say. Her stylist chopped off most of it recently, so straightened I think it's only about BSL right now. She's really devastated by the recent cut, so these comments are making her feel much happier (I'm relaying them to her via gmail chat :)) She feels she has something to look forward to.
Gorgeous, you look alike.
I love the color.
She'll like hearing that. She went through a phase of disliking her natural color (first two pictures,) which is why she had the dark brown for a while, like in the last photo. I think her natural color suits her :yep:
(I dote on my sister, as I'm sure you all can tell :grin:)
WOW, she and her hair are stunning. Why did her stylist chop off so much? I hope she grows it to her knees this time. :yep:
She'll like hearing that. She went through a phase of disliking her natural color (first two pictures,) which is why she had the dark brown for a while, like in the last photo. I think her natural color suits her :yep:
(I dote on my sister, as I'm sure you all can tell :grin:)

I love her natural hair color. You two remind me of my sister and I. My sis has strawberry brown hair and I have black hair. Her hair gets even lighter with blonde streaks when she get's a lot of sun. Since I helped her with a new regimen castor oil has darkened her hair some. But she likes the way her hair feels so she doesn't mind. Yeah, I understand the doting. I'm very protective of her. :grin:
Let me first say, you and your sister are gorgeous! I love your sister's hair, too. Pretty color.
Wow, her hair really looks like Sabina Karlsson's just like you said :grin:
You guys look so much have the same features! :yep: Very pretty! :)
She's pretty. Does she model??
No modeling! I wish she would, but she, (much like me,) has some pretty rotten self-esteem, to be honest :nono:

Wow, her hair really looks like Sabina Karlsson's just like you said :grin:
You guys look so much have the same features! :yep: Very pretty! :)
If it hadn't been for you, I wouldn't have known about this model, and I don't think my sister would have been so inspired! After I showed her Karlsson's pictures, she seemed really enthusiastic about transitioning.

awwwwwwww u and your siter are smokin hot yall should call urselves twins cuz yall really look alike:yep:
:blush: :) Thank you. We used to get that all the time. My sister is older and she would get so frustrated when people would ask if we were twins, when we were little!