My Relaxed hair!!


New Member
I found a good pic that really shows the back of my head when I relaxed, and it's the longest my hair ever got while relaxed!!! This was long to me back then!!!! It didnt stay here though, It broke off again, of course!!!!!/mybaby9.html
Oh! :blush: I gasped when I saw the title of your thread! I thought you had gone relaxed your hair!!! :grin:

Anyway, your relaxed hair looked nice! But I like your natural hair better! Look how LONG and HEALTHY your natural hair looks! You are a big inspiration to transitioners and naturals!!!

Thanks for sharing! :antlers:
LOLOL I didnt even think about what the post title might seem like!!! I did about the Afro pics though.....thought someone might think i cut my hair off. LOL but I didnt think anyone would think I got a relaxer hahahha

sorry i scared you girl!!!!

Thank you Poohbear!!

Poohbear said:
Oh! :blush: I gasped when I saw the title of your thread! I thought you had gone relaxed your hair!!! :grin:

Anyway, your relaxed hair looked nice! But I like your natural hair better! Look how LONG and HEALTHY your natural hair looks! You are a big inspiration to transitioners and naturals!!!

Thanks for sharing! :antlers:
Very beautiful. I can tell the difference between your relaxed hair and longer, thicker natural hair. Wow! Makes me want to go natural. Thanks for sharing. :)
I feel you on the grow/break/grow cycle with relaxers. All of us are not meant to have relaxers that's for sure! Your natural hair is so much thicker, longer and prettier. Thanks for the inspiration.:kiss: