My professor's hair... a love story.

Hey, everyone.

The Professor was in the Washington Post a week or two ago!

where da straight pics at? did i miss 'em? :lol:

(go on and reply to my question so people can read your answer and thank me for asking it...:rofl:)
now im gonna have 2 start asking my friends that go 2 UMD if they've seen or take the metro and try and stalk her:lachen:
This is the best thread since i joined LHC. I swear my :heart2:flip over a couple of time when I saw her hair. Just BeauTiFul.
I have already read this entire thread twice. Just did it again...

I still love it and I love her hair!!! There is something ti be said for pong-term PSing until you reach a goal....

Thanks again!!!

Words cannot describe the feeling i had when i saw those canon pictures, especially the one where she stretched her hair down her back. It is litterally sublime. And those edges....... shhhheeeessseeeeeee, just a scarf ey?! Trust me i am in heaven!
I would LOVE shrinkage like that!

Im still curious to see how her hair looks straight though, coz u said u thought she was relaxed, so that means that must have been one mean blowout and flatiron. I bet it had some serious swing!
Hey, everyone.

The Professor was in the Washington Post a week or two ago!

That is one GORGEOUS woman right there!:love3: the waves and the puff have me hypnotized:spinning:

She's a tutor in this program at my uni that helps kids adjust to college. :yep:

I stopped by her office the other day to chat. I casually asked her what she would be doing (with her hair) for the winter. She looked at me, like, "...say what? :huh:"

lmaoooo!!:lachen: that is soooooooooo something I would do:lol:
I'm so mad!!! I just read pratically this entire thread (I know I'm really late) with the anticipation that everone else had, to find that the photobucket pictures are no longer visible in this thread!!! What the...
I'm so mad!!! I just read pratically this entire thread (I know I'm really late) with the anticipation that everone else had, to find that the photobucket pictures are no longer visible in this thread!!! What the...

:sad: I wanted to see them, too!:sad:

P.S. Did anyone save some of the pictures? Would you please repost them?
^^^ There are pictures from the washington post a few posts up.

ROBOT this was an epic thread - you should write thrillers girl - it was fantastic :lol:
MEEE TOOO read the ENTIRE thread...and omg...I have NOT laughed so hard in AGES.
Glad to see the WP pics..but would have LOVED to have seen the cannon shots.
Man when I got to Post 225 and the pictures were gone I was Po'd like dang it!! I am so curious to see them!! After I saw the pictures gone and read all the raves...I just skipped to the last page in hopes that maybe the pic was back...But NO!! :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:
Ok... I'm going to be a voice of dissent here...

I HOPE you are planning to get your professor's permission to post her picture to any website (even with her face obscured) before you post it?!

As a professor, I never, ever post my pictures online (which is why I don't post pictures here) and I certainly would not want them posted to something as frivolous as a hair board. If I found out one of my students posted my picture anywhere without my permission I would literally try to destroy them including filing a complaint with campus student judicial affairs!

Just sayin'... :rolleyes: :nono: :ohwell:

I'm way late to the thread, wasn't visiting LHCF at the time this all went down. On one hand the admiration and enthusiasm is nice, but on the other hand as someone who teaches this is not something I'd be comfortable with at all. I wouldn't be out to destroy anyone as stated above - that sounds a bit extreme if the person didn't have any harmful intent in mind but I wouldn't like it at all if a student was posting pics of my hair on the internet. This is probably the reason I like to keep my hair very low key at work. If I'm teaching I want people to be following what I'm saying - not my hair.
I'm way late to the thread, wasn't visiting LHCF at the time this all went down. On one hand the admiration and enthusiasm is nice, but on the other hand as someone who teaches this is not something I'd be comfortable with at all. I wouldn't be out to destroy anyone as stated above - that sounds a bit extreme if the person didn't have any harmful intent in mind but I wouldn't like it at all if a student was posting pics of my hair on the internet. This is probably the reason I like to keep my hair very low key at work. If I'm teaching I want people to be following what I'm saying - not my hair.
The professor did give her permission AND sent along some additional photos.
Aw, I got all hype reading through this thread to see the pictures are GONE! :( :(
Judging from the post picture, her hair is delish...but please repost!!
Yep - i just spent the past 30 mins waiting in anticipation only to find pics had been deleted. But glad i saw the one from the article.

I wonder if there was a reason for them being deleted.