My professor's hair... a love story.


New Member
So, ladies, I just HAD to share this! :grin:

A few weeks ago, in another thread, I mentioned that one of my professors had long, healthy relaxed hair, a little below BSL, I'd guess.

Imagine my surprise when I walk into class one day... and she's NOT RELAXED AT ALL! I was shocked, and so excited I could feel my heart pumping! Can you tell I'm enthusiastic about hair ?:lachen:

So I've spent the past two weeks just blatantly staring at her head from the front row of the class. At least she thinks I'm being attentive. :lol: But seriously... let me try to describe the lusciousness that so unexpectedly graced mine eyes...

This BIG, THICK, MASS of kinkety-curly hair. It's so friggin' thick, things could get lost in it. It's about SL, but doesn't touch it - it is some serious shrinkage and built-in protective styling! Her coils are silky, but wiry but I can tell they must be soft and moisturized. And her edges... :lovedrool: Perfection! And her waves are so deep, I just want to run my hands over them. :look:

I'd been wanting to tell her about her hair for a week now, so when I got some free time after class, I called her over and told her, "I love your hair! I would've never guessed you were natural! Your hair was so straight, I thought it was a relaxer."

She laughed and said thank you. I asked her what she did or if she went to a salon. She said she blowdried (and the way she said it made it sound like this wasn't a regular occurence! hm...) and then flat ironed. At this point, I expected her to say CHI or something, but she paused for a minute and said Gold n Hot! I was stunned.

I then asked her how she got her edges to lay so perfectly, and she answered, quite bluntly, "a scarf," and then went over to her bag to pull it out for me. :yep:

I wish I could take pictures for you all. The first day of class - her entire head was pin straight. Her roots were straight, her hairline, no curls or anything. And her natural hair would have some of you ladies drooling. :yep:

I love my campus. :love:

post # 6
post # 72
post # 135

post # 225, 227-230
post # 323-326
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I'm drooling and I haven't even seen it, LOL! Isn't it amazing how being on a hhj makes you appreciate and swoon over a beautiful head of hair :lachen:
Absolutely! Before I cut my hair, I don't even think I registered natural hair. Now, it's the highlight of my day when I do see it. :lol:
I'm in lovw with one of my professor's hair. Sadly her class isn't part of my major. She's an elderly white lady with a shockful of pure white mid-back straight hair. You usually see women that old with short hair so it's a welcome relief.

I tend to sit behind students with natural or long hair to occupy my time with during class.
That just sounds amazing.

I used to sit behind this one girl, but her immature personality negated the beauty of her hair for me a little. I'm glad hair is quiet. :yawn:

I came to class early today and was minding my own when my teacher initiated a conversation with me. She started, "So you chopped ALL your hair off?" And it went from there. She asked me if I wanted to stop relaxing, etc., before sharing her own mini hair story.

I discovered she's been natural since the 8th grade. She said either she or her stylist had moved (I don't remember) and since she didn't go to anyone else to have her hair done, she just left it alone. When she saw her stylist again, she told her she was pretty much natural now and to leave it. :lol:

She then told me she spent two years in braids and went she took them out, her hair pretty much looked "like this," and pointed to her BIG, LUSCIOUS mane with a laugh. She went on to say she only had her hair straightened for a trim, but her sister is a natural who straightens. She says her sister goes to the Dominican places to get blowouts, but "I had one once and had to chop three inches off." But she's happy to have found a flat iron that works for her and keeps her hair straight.

I was going to ask her what products she used, and managed to get out that she washes her hair once a week, but then all the other students filed in. :ohwell:

But anyway! It's still :love: in my eyes!
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Alright, y'all. I'm in there like swimwear. I have her Thursday and Friday before the semester ends.

I will do this.

*James Bond music*
Y'all do realize that if I was going to take a picture of her hair because it was SKRAIGHT BUSTED, y'all would be telling me how many different shades of wrong I am. :lol:
I say do it! Ask for a picture with her if you feel weird about "sneaking" one, but I don't care how you do it, JUST GET US A PIC ASAP!! I just gotta see it (natural please)
Robotx, I know you got a camera phone....come on....:lachen:
I do, but I can't turn the dang sound off for pictures! Trust, I would've done that from the jump!

I say do it! Ask for a picture with her if you feel weird about "sneaking" one, but I don't care how you do it, JUST GET US A PIC ASAP!! I just gotta see it (natural please)
She wants to have a little brunch together with the students, so it's the perfect photo-op. Hehehe... any means necessary, huh? "I knew it would come to this..."

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I can't wait to see, too. I forgot to mentioned, my sister has tailbone length dreds. I don't see her often, but covers the top of her hair. She's been growing them for 10 years. Her locs are thin and feels soft.
LOL I will be keeping tabs on this thread. I know exactly how you feel. I had a professor a few semesters back that seemed to be relaxed but she was actually natural. I was super shocked, but at the time I was just beginning my transition so I really didn't have the courage to talk to her about hair.
Another one of my professors has beautiful hair too, but when I went to compliment her on it, I think my enthusiasm might've caught her off guard. :lol: Or maybe she's not used to hair compliments. I'll do it again before the end of the week. :yep:

I'm finding it surprisingly easy to go up to people and ask about their hair (if they look approachable). I was waiting a metro station maybe two weeks ago when I complimented a girl on her hair and it went from there.
Another one of my professors has beautiful hair too, but when I went to compliment her on it, I think my enthusiasm might've caught her off guard. :lol: Or maybe she's not used to hair compliments. I'll do it again before the end of the week. :yep:

I'm finding it surprisingly easy to go up to people and ask about their hair (if they look approachable). I was waiting a metro station maybe two weeks ago when I complimented a girl on her hair and it went from there.

Aww, I can just picture this happening.
You: :trampolin
Her: :blush:
You: :look:

I co-sign with all the others about getting a pic for us. :click:
I know what you mean about "approachable". As of lately I've had no hesitations on giving other naturals compliments or asking them about their staple products. A few weeks ago I met this guy at the bus stop with curls similar to mine and I had to ask how he did it. He shared and I've been using his technique ever since. lol no shame in my game.

However some people are not approachable. For example just yesterday I was coming from work and I saw a young lady with really pretty long natural hair and I was going to give her a compliment but just as I was about to open my mouth she gave me the dirtiest look in the world. Which was weird I could do nothing, but look confused. But then again I work in Detroit their aren't many friendly females out here. There are some, but not many.
Maybe you should blurr out her face. You know how professors are, they hold the power of your grade in their hand LOL
I wanna see! I wanna see! (She better have the most glorious mane or else I will be sorely disappointed. :lachen:)
Maybe you should blurr out her face. You know how professors are, they hold the power of your grade in their hand LOL
I was planning on doing that. Pretty sure that what I'm doing is some kind of invasion of privacy, so I gotta cover my arse well. :sekret:
And I won't be able to take the picture(s) until the brunch on Friday. Knowing me, I'll forget the camera. :ohwell: But I know you ladies will remind me. I know I'll face certain e-death if I don't deliver. :look: