My Mid-Year Update 2010 (Pic heavy) Closer to WL


Well-Known Member
I'm still on my hair hiatus, but I wanted to update you guys on my BKT experience. As some of you know, I had someone apply the Marcia Texeira advanced treatment back in April. See here for that thread. Overall, it was a great experience. The treatment has completely worn off now. Pros: I had no issues with tangling or single strand knots, and my hair was also much easier to detangle and straighten. Cons: I don't think enough treatment was applied, so I did suffer some heat damage in some areas :sad:. Also, I colored my hair with a permanent color prior to the treatment, and the combination of the dye and bkt altered my hair color. As a result, I should have upped my moisture game, but I didn't. I have suffered some breakage in my crown, and on the left side of my hair because of this. :sad:

As of right now, my hair is going through my annual shedding phase. It's a really depressing time for me. I tried to braid my hair for a bit (actually it was for 1.5 mos.) When I took it down, I lost about 4 mos. worth of hair. I'm scared to straighten now. I just ordered some Saw Palmetto, and I'm going to try tea rinses to see if that helps. I'm telling y'all I have handfuls of hair falling out. :nono:

Anyway, here are some pics of my hair with the BKT. I think I will try this again in the future, but next time I'll do it myself. I couldnt' believe how straight I got my hair with just blowdrying. That was a miracle. lol

Oh yea, one more thing, I think I'm about .5" from WL, so I should definitely get to full WL by December. It's kinda bittersweet to me though because of the hair loss. I'm going to focus more on getting my hair in good shape, and forget about the length. I won't check the length or update again until December.

Flat iron on left, and blow dry on right -- see how straight it got with the blow dryer? Craziness! lol


Love the carusos!


April Length

June Length (yes I did smooth the roll on the right) lol -- you can see how the bkt has worn off here. My hair is right back to being fluffy.

Depressing Shedding -- only 1.5 mos


I'm not on the forum as much because of school, so I wanted to thank everyone for commenting in advance. Oh yea, I'm through with weaves for now. I'll be focusing on stopping the shedding. I think I'm going to venture into wigs so I'll have more access to my hair.
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Gorgeous growth and beautiful BKT results. I'm sure if you concentrate on hair health, you'll be right where you want to be, and way sooner than December. HHG!
I'm still on my hair hiatus, but I wanted to update you guys on my BKT experience. As some of you know, I had someone apply the Marcia Texeira advanced treatment back in April. See here for that thread. Overall, it was a great experience. The treatment has completely worn off now. Pros: I had no issues with tangling or single strand knots, and my hair was also much easier to detangle and straighten. Cons: I don't think enough treatment was applied, so I did suffer some heat damage in some areas :sad:. Also, I colored my hair with a permanent color prior to the treatment, and the combination of the dye and bkt altered my hair color. As a result, I should have upped my moisture game, but I didn't. I have suffered some breakage in my crown, and on the left side of my hair because of this. :sad:

As of right now, my hair is going through my annual shedding phase. It's a really depressing time for me. I tried to braid my hair for a bit (actually it was for 1.5 mos.) When I took it down, I lost about 4 mos. worth of hair. I'm scared to straighten now. I just ordered some Saw Palmetto, and I'm going to try tea rinses to see if that helps. I'm telling y'all I have handfuls of hair falling out. :nono:

Anyway, here are some pics of my hair with the BKT. I think I will try this again in the future, but next time I'll do it myself. I couldnt' believe how straight I got my hair with just blowdrying. That was a miracle. lol

Oh yea, one more thing, I think I'm about .5" from WL, so I should definitely get to full WL by December. It's kinda bittersweet to me though because of the hair loss. I'm going to focus more on getting my hair in good shape, and forget about the length. I won't check the length or update again until December.

Flat iron on left, and blow dry on right -- see how straight it got with the blow dryer? Craziness! lol


Love the carusos!


April Length

June Length (yes I did smooth the roll on the right) lol

Depressing Shedding -- only 1.5 mos

Thank you for sharing. You have such beautiful hair inspite of any setbacks. :yep::yep:
Your hair grows so fast:love:

Thanks Qualitee! :-)

Your hair is lush. *off to stalk fot...i mean admire your hair :grin: *

lol Thanks! I haven't uploaded any new pics in there yet though. I'll do so sometime this week. I haven't really been in my album for a bit.

Gorgeous growth and beautiful BKT results. I'm sure if you concentrate on hair health, you'll be right where you want to be, and way sooner than December. HHG!

Thank you! :-) Yeah, I'm hoping once I focus on health everything else will fall into place.



Thank you! :-) Yep, it's more hair loss than I'm use should have seen me panicking the other night. I was really depressed. Kinda still am..:nono:

As for the textures, yep, the bkt altered it for a bit. Otherwise, I can usually manipulate my real texture to look kinda different depending on products/techniques.
Very pretty Ediese. Your hair is just gorgeous.

Your hair sheds like mine when it goes through it's shedding phase. I've been using Alter Ego Nourishing Garlic Conditioner as a pre-poo every week and it's slowed down to what I consider normal shedding. I also take Evening Primrose Oil, so that might be helping as well. You might give it a try.
As usual Ediese, your hair looks simply lushous, even with the shedding. I think you made a wise choice on the wigs for now. I shed a lot with weaves, so I don't do them anymore either.
Very pretty Ediese. Your hair is just gorgeous.

Your hair sheds like mine when it goes through it's shedding phase. I've been using Alter Ego Nourishing Garlic Conditioner as a pre-poo every week and it's slowed down to what I consider normal shedding. I also take Evening Primrose Oil, so that might be helping as well. You might give it a try.

Thanks for the suggestion! I really am willing to try anything at this point. My hair looks thick, but it's really not. I just have a lot of fine strands. This kind of shedding wreaks havoc on my hair and piece of mind.
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Beautiful hair, but I am worried about all that shedding. Have you been to the doc? I say this because I just finished post partum shedding and that's how much hair I lost every week for a month in a half.
Beautiful hair, but I am worried about all that shedding. Have you been to the doc? I say this because I just finished post partum shedding and that's how much hair I lost every week for a month in a half.

I'm really worried too. Would you suggest a dermatologist or general physician? What did they say when you went?
Lovely Hair!! It is growing like crazy...Congrats!!

I think we all have seasonal shedding but worrying and stress can definitely make it worse. I would recommend an overall healthy lifestyle (eating healthy, water, sleep, lil to no stress). I would probably start with you GP especially if you want to try bloodwork first then the dermatologist
Your growth is amazing. I was in shock of the shedded hair balls though.:blush: I've heard great things about black tea rinses to stop shedding. Research it on this forum and you will find interesting info. I'm going to try it for myself. I have regular lipton tea bags and supposedly you steap 10 bags overnight and after you wash you just run it over your hair and leave it in for 20 minutes then rinse. There are videos on you tube from people on this site. The video that I saw the person had waste length hair and swears by the Black tea rinses. Good Luck
Very pretty Ediese. Your hair is just gorgeous.

Your hair sheds like mine when it goes through it's shedding phase. I've been using Alter Ego Nourishing Garlic Conditioner as a pre-poo every week and it's slowed down to what I consider normal shedding. I also take Evening Primrose Oil, so that might be helping as well. You might give it a try.

Your hair is so pretty, I almost don't feel adequate enough to give advice. However, I, too was experiencing some crazy shedding. I ordered the Alter Ego Cond mentioned above and I started taking garlic oil softgels by Nature's Sunshine. My shedding was cut by @ least 90%.

When I was in NJ a few weeks ago, I also found some Nutrine Odorless Garlic Cond - it's kinda thin so I just use it to co-wash. For it to be so thin, it does provide good slip.

I hope you are able to get your shedding under control. Great progress & BTW, IMO, you can go ahead & claim WL!
Beautiful hair! How long do your caruso curls last? Do the curls frizz up?

I usually redo it the next day. I only steam the rollers for about 6 secs, and I keep the rollers in for about 30 mins. It's fast and easy. Oh yea, it didn't frizz.
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Lovely Hair!! It is growing like crazy...Congrats!!

I think we all have seasonal shedding but worrying and stress can definitely make it worse. I would recommend an overall healthy lifestyle (eating healthy, water, sleep, lil to no stress). I would probably start with you GP especially if you want to try bloodwork first then the dermatologist

Thank you! I've been really stressing myself out with school, and I haven't been sleeping enough. I'll schedule myself to see my doctor tomorrow.