My hubby butchered my hair!!!! pics!

O wow, he cut off way too much:nono:! I can understand the tears. You still have beautiful healthy looking hair though...
Thanks ladies!!! You have prevented me from committing a horrible crime lol! Thanks to you ladies my hubby is now safe!!! This just gives me an excuse to by even more products and dare him to say something lol!!!
damn...all i keep thinking about is..that's gonna take about a year to grow back..given you have no more set backs and your hair grows at the average rate. and if he DIDNT hack it off in a yr you coulda been MBL.

damn :nono: just...damn :nono:
Uhhh I don't know about everyone else but I would've been PISSSED.

My man would've got the couch. Yes your hair looks more even, but 5 inches is tooo much to cut at once. 2 or 3 inches at the most would've been fine for a more even look. Yes I would've taken an inch off...but 5 is too much!
My husband did this to me 2 years ago when I was still relaxed...but it looked so pretty and even that by the time I had spent a day with it, I loved it.

I think your hair is lovely, he got rid of all the damage and thinness...and it will grow back well. I hope you feel better!
smh thats way too much your ends were not jacked up if your hair grows in a V people need to understand there is a difference between your hair naturally growing like that and you having healthy ends verse your hair breaking off and RESULTING in a v shape

i had 6 inches cut off last year by a ''hairdresser'' so i feel your pain but he is your husband SOOO a swift beating to make him understand never to do it again will suffice this time :yep::look::lachen:
smh thats way too much your ends were not jacked up if your hair grows in a V people need to understand there is a difference between your hair naturally growing like that and you having healthy ends verse your hair breaking off and RESULTING in a v shape

i had 6 inches cut off last year by a ''hairdresser'' so i feel your pain but he is your husband SOOO a swift beating to make him understand never to do it again will suffice this time :yep::look::lachen:

Thank you! Thin ends do not = damage. I don't know why that's so hard for people to grasp.
Thanks ladies!!! You have prevented me from committing a horrible crime lol! Thanks to you ladies my hubby is now safe!!! This just gives me an excuse to by even more products and dare him to say something lol!!!

Haha, wait to put a positive spin on it! Look at it this way, it's still long and beautiful and like everyone else says, it will be back! Live and learn...and thank goodness he didn't cut off more.
He cut way too much off. I would be heart-broken to lose that much length. I guess lesson-learned, no 2am haircuts and very clear directions, and monitoring. I am not a fan of hair that bluntly cut. It sounds like it was an honest mistake. Setbacks always hurt though, intentional or not, by a hairstylist or hubby.
I understand why you were angry!! He gave you a cut instead of a trim, which is what you asked for. However, your Ends look amazing!! Overall your hair looks really healthy, just maintain!!
it looks fine! he cut quite a bit, but just think- it'll grow back heathier and looking good as ever.
Well, you did say you wanted it even. I think that's what confused him. You said 1/2 inch but in the same breath said "even". Nonetheless, it looks great.